
    [saturday, december 16, 2023]    
6:30 AM DISCOVERY anglerschannel bass wrap up, the: a-7-23 (#407)
[3rd season finale]
7:00 AM HISTORY alone uk: night sounds (#101)
[series premiere]
8:15 AM DFC hanni and the wild woods: to sky valley (#152)
[1st season finale]
10:00 AM FOOD pioneer woman, the: easy recipes for busy times (#3513)
[35th season finale]
11:00 AM ESPN college football special: myrtle beach bowl: georgia southern vs. ohio (conway, s.c.)
[special presentation]
12:00 PM HISTORY alone uk: the freeze (#106)
[1st season finale]
1:00 PM MAGNOLIA happy to be home with the benkos: happy to tiptoe into color (#201)
[one-hour special presentation]
  NFLN nfl special: minnesota vikings at cincinnati bengals
[special presentation]
2:00 PM MAGNOLIA design goals: colorful midcentury upgrade (#101)
[special presentation]
2:15 PM ESPN college football special: r+l carriers new orleans bowl: jacksonville state vs. louisiana (new orleans)
[special presentation]
2:30 PM MAGNOLIA room to inspire: lived in & loved (#101)
[special presentation]
4:30 PM NFLN nfl special: pittsburgh steelers at indianapolis colts
[special presentation]
5:45 PM ESPN college football special: isleta new mexico bowl: new mexico state vs. fresno state (albuquerque, n.m.)
[special presentation]
7:00 PM UPtv christmas with a view
[original telefilm]
  OVATION jack taylor: the guards (0101DA)
[series premiere]
7:30 PM AXS TV axs tv special: luminare christmas!
[special presentation]
  ABC college football special: starco brands la bowl: ucla vs. boise state (inglewood, calif.)
[special presentation]
8:00 PM GAF designing christmas with you
[original telefilm]
  LIFETIME holiday proposal plan, the
[original telefilm]
  HALLMARK sealed with a list
[original telefilm]
8:15 PM NFLN nfl special: denver broncos at detroit lions
[special presentation]
9:00 PM OWN christmas detective, the
[original telefilm]
  TV ONE tv one special: represent our voice: the color of money closing the racial wealth gap
[one-hour special presentation]
9:15 PM ESPN college football special: radiance technologies independence bowl: california vs. texas tech (shreveport, la.)
[special presentation]
10:00 PM LIFETIME christmas intern, a
[original telefilm]
  HBO hbo special: leo reich: literally who cares?!
[special presentation]
  ID id special: the writing on the wall
[one-hour special presentation]
11:00 PM WEATHER weather gone viral: weather, weather everywhere (#922)
[9th season finale]

  [december 2023]