
    [saturday, november 02, 2024]    
1:00 AM SUNDANCE harry wild: a botox a day keeps the mortician in pay (#203)
1:30 AM GSN flip side: bringin' the smoke (#147)
3:01 AM DISNEY+ national geographic special: endurance
9:30 AM CARTOON jellystone: lil' honk honks (#316)
9:45 AM CARTOON jellystone: epic rager (#317)
11:00 AM FOOD kitchen, the: fall into brunch! (#1105)
8:00 PM WEATHER heavy rescue: 401: where there's smoke (#205)
  HGTV house hunters: downsizing for a dream house (#24102)
  FOX murder in a small town: a touch of panic (MST-105)
  MAGNOLIA roller jam: team challenge: go for launch! (#104)
8:30 PM HGTV house hunters: six years to settle in arizona (#24607)
9:00 PM TRAVEL ghost adventures: hotel congress (#2021)
  WEATHER heavy rescue: 401: not your regular fender-bender (#206)
  HGTV house hunters: island life in south carolina (#23801)
  FOX rescue: hi-surf: kick out (RHS-104)
  NGC to catch a smuggler: secret stash - spiced and loaded (#804)
  CBS tracker: out of the past (#TRA201)
9:30 PM OWN first-time buyer's club: eboney and chaz (#205)
  HGTV house hunters: modern or vintage in michigan (#23610)
10:00 PM WEATHER deep water salvage: emergency! (#101)
11:00 PM FOX floor, the: the triple threat (FLR-204)

  [november 2024]