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[01/26/09 - 11:30 AM] Golden Globe Winner Scott Bakula ('Quantum Leap') Guest-Stars as Chuck's Estranged Dad in Multi-Episode Arc on NBC's Action-Comedy Series 'Chuck' This Spring Bakula will also return to the small screen in TNT's "Men of a Certain Age," due in January 2010.
[03/13/07 - 10:40 AM] Lifetime Original Movie 'What If God Were the Sun?' Starring Academy Award(R) Nominated and Golden Globe(R) and Emmy(R) Award-Winning Actress Gena Rowlands ('Gloria') and Lacey Chabert ('Party of Five') to Premiere Monday, May 14 on Lifetime Television The drama revolves around a cynical emergency room nurse who forms an
exceptional connection with a terminally ill patient and how that bond
changes her life forever.
[01/30/07 - 06:38 PM] First of Four Nora Roberts Adaptations, Lifetime Original Movie 'Nora Roberts' Angels Fall,' Averages Nearly Five Million Viewers During January 29 Premiere on Lifetime Telefilm draws nearly five million viewers, averaging a 4.1 household rating, during its premiere on Monday.
[01/30/07 - 10:05 AM] Lifetime Networks Celebrates Valentine's Day Throughout February with Movie Festivals on Lifetime Television and Lmn Along with Romance Advice from Relationship Experts on LifetimetV.com and LmntV.com The Valentine's Day love marathon begins with the premiere of "A Valentine Carol," starring Emma Caulfield,
on Sunday, February 11 at 9:00/8:00c.
[01/29/07 - 10:51 AM] Academy Award(R) Nominated and Golden Globe(R) and Emmy(R) Award-Winning Actress Gena Rowlands ('Gloria') Along with Lacey Chabert ('Party of Five') to Star in the Touching Lifetime Original Movie 'What If God Were the Sun?' The project is described as a "stirring drama about a cynical emergency room nurse
who forms an exceptional connection with a terminally ill patient and how
that bond changes her life forever."
[01/11/07 - 01:59 PM] Lifetime Launches 'Spot Nora Roberts' Contest with Premiere of Four Lifetime Original Movies Based on the Best Selling Author's Novels The contest involves spotting Roberts in a series of cameo appearances in all four upcoming originals.
[01/11/07 - 01:50 PM] Lifetime Television Partners with Publishing Phenomenon Nora Roberts and Peter Guber's Mandalay Television on Four Lifetime Original Movies The four adaptations will air every Monday at 9:00/8:00c starting January 29.
[11/06/06 - 09:49 AM] Alicia Witt ('The Upside of Anger,' 'Cybill'), Matthew Settle ('Brothers & Sisters'), Scott Bakula and Talia Shire ('Rocky,' 'The Godfather') Set to Star in 'Blue Smoke,' Based on the Nora Roberts Best-Selling Novel and the Fourth in the Series of Lifetime Original Movies Airing in February 2007 "Smoke" joins "Carolina Moon" starring Claire Forlani, Oliver Hudson and Jacqueline Bisset; "Montana Sky" starring John Corbett, Ashley Williams, Charlotte Ross and
Diane Ladd; and "Angels Fall" starring Heather Locklear and Johnathon Schaech.
[10/04/06 - 09:48 AM] Heather Locklear and Johnathon Schaech to Star in 'Angels Fall,' Third of Four Nora Roberts Best-Selling Novels Adapted Into Lifetime Original Movies Airing in February 2007 Other Roberts adaptations include "Carolina Moon" starring Claire Forlani, Oliver Hudson and Jacqueline Bisset, and on "Montana Sky" starring John Corbett, Ashley Williams, Charlotte Ross and Diane Ladd.
[08/11/06 - 12:00 AM] Development Update: August 7-11 (Weekly Round-Up)
[02/01/06 - 12:00 AM] Lifetime Television Partners with Publishing Phenomenon Nora Roberts and Peter Guber's Mandalay Television on Four Lifetime Original Movies
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STATUS: telefilm/mini-series in the can |
Missed an episode? Been wanting to catch up? This series is also available on:
DESCRIPTION: (from Lifetime's web site) Based on the book by bestselling author Nora Roberts. The blaze that night at her family's pizzeria changed young Reena Hale's (Alicia Witt) life. Neighbors and relatives would help the Hales rebuild. John Minger, the arson investigator, (Scott Bakula) would arrest the arsonist responsible. But as Reena beheld the fire's brutal beauty and destructive power, her destiny began to take shape. She would understand and master its terrible force-and one day become an investigator herself. But what she was once so attracted to now threatens to take away the love of her life (Matthew Settle). |
· Alicia Witt as Reena Hale · Matthew Settle as Bo Goodnight · Scott Bakula as John Minger · Talia Shire
· David Carson as DIR · Nora Roberts as BOOK · Peter Guber as EP · Peter Strauss as EP · Ronni Kern as WRTR · Stephanie Germain as EP
· based on a book · mow
· Mandalay Television · Stephanie Germain Productions