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[09/16/24 - 07:50 AM] Great American Media Announces Premiere Dates for "Great American Christmas 2024," High-Quality, Original Holiday Films for the Whole Family on Great American Family and Streaming on Pure Flix Gather with loved ones to embrace the faith, hope, love, and joy of the season as Great American Christmas brings the true spirit of the holiday into homes across the country beginning October 17 on Pure Flix and October 19 on Great American Family.
[08/28/24 - 05:01 PM] "Great American Christmas 2024," with High-Quality, Original Holiday Films for the Whole Family, Returns to Great American Family and Streaming on Pure Flix Beginning, October 17 The programming features cherished holiday traditions and new, surprise-and-delight moments, culminating with the 138th Tournament of Roses Parade, broadcast live from Pasadena, California, on January 1, 2025.
[04/04/24 - 03:01 PM] Great American Family Announces Mario Lopez and Courtney Lopez Star in "My Grown-Up Christmas Wish," Joined by Real-Life Son, Dominic Lopez, Currently in Production for Great American Christmas 2024 Joining his famous parents in the film is Dominic Lopez who will play Mario's character "Brian" as a young boy.
[02/06/24 - 08:32 AM] Great American Media Signs Emmy Award Winning Host and Actor, Mario Lopez to Multi-Picture, Multi-Year Deal to Showcase Diverse Talent His very first film in this partnership will include a holiday film starring alongside wife and Broadway star Courtney Lopez.
STATUS: telefilm/mini-series in the can |
DESCRIPTION: (from GAF's press release, August 2024) ONCE UPON A CHRISTMAS WISH, starring Mario Lopez and Courtney Lopez. A local mayor discovers his childhood Christmas wishes are coming true. With his childhood friend, the pair can inspire residents to showcase the town's warmth and values while pushing back a major developer's desire to take the community in a different direction. |
· Courtney Lopez as Nina Meyers · Dominic Lopez as Young Brian Ortega · Mario Lopez as Brian Ortega
· Brian Herzlinger as DIR/WRTR · Jeff Stearns as EP · Jemma Jones as EP · Mark Roberts as EP · Megan Herzlinger as WRTR
· mow
· no information is available