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[04/26/21 - 11:59 AM] HBO Films' "Oslo," Starring Ruth Wilson and Andrew Scott, Debuts May 29 Adapted from the Tony Award(R)-winning play of the same name, the film is based on a true story of negotiations between implacable enemies.
[04/22/21 - 11:01 AM] Angelina Jolie in "Those Who Wish Me Dead," "Tenet," "In Treatment," New Dark Comedy Series "Hacks" and "Adventure Time: Distant Lands - Together Again" Arrive on HBO Max This May Also on tap are a new season of "Gomorrah" and the Andrew Scott/Ruth Wilson-led film "Oslo."
[03/01/21 - 11:10 AM] HBO Programming Overview - Spring 2021 The pay channel recaps its current and future offerings to date.
[11/09/20 - 09:59 AM] HBO in Production on "Oslo," Starring Ruth Wilson and Andrew Scott, with Dreamworks Pictures, Marc Platt Productions, and Bold Films Producing The film is based on a true story of negotiations between implacable enemies - the secret back-channel talks, unlikely friendships and quiet heroics of a small but committed group of Israelis, Palestinians and one Norwegian couple that led to the 1993 Oslo Peace Accords.