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[08/28/24 - 05:01 PM] "Great American Christmas 2024," with High-Quality, Original Holiday Films for the Whole Family, Returns to Great American Family and Streaming on Pure Flix Beginning, October 17 The programming features cherished holiday traditions and new, surprise-and-delight moments, culminating with the 138th Tournament of Roses Parade, broadcast live from Pasadena, California, on January 1, 2025.
[10/12/23 - 07:31 AM] Great American Family Unveils Premiere Dates for 20 All-New, Original Christmas Movies Celebrating Beloved Holiday Traditions The event features original movie premieres every weekend beginning October 14 through December 23.
[09/18/23 - 05:34 AM] Come Home to Great American Family for Christmas - Third Annual "Great American Christmas" Begins October 20 with 20 High-Quality, Original Holiday Films for the Whole Family The full slate of World Premiere dates will be announced soon so that holiday movie fans can mark premiere dates in the Great American Christmas Movie Checklist App.
[06/06/23 - 12:01 PM] The Legacy of Michael and Janeen Damian's Christmas Waltz Comes to "Great American Christmas" from the World's Most Romantic City, "Paris Christmas Waltz," Starring Jen Lilley and Matthew Morrison Shot on location in the world's most romantic city, "Paris Christmas Waltz," sweeps viewers into the magic of the city's most iconic destinations and is already creating buzz as the year's most anticipated holiday original movie.
STATUS: telefilm/mini-series in the can |
DESCRIPTION: (from GAF's press release, October 2023) A Paris Christmas Waltz, starring Jen Lilley and Matthew Morrison, premieres Sunday, November 19 (8 p.m. ET). A novice dancer (Lilley) pairs with a professional (Morrison) to enter a renowned dance competition... in Paris! The next story in The Christmas Waltz universe, the highest-rated Christmas rom com of 2020, from Michael Damian and Janeen Damian. |
· Jen Lilley as Emma · Matthew Morrison as Leo
· Amy Krell as EP · Brad Krevoy as EP · Janeen Damian as PROD · Janeen Damian as WRTR · Jimmy Townsend as EP · Lorenzo Nardini as EP · Michael Damian as DIR/WRTR
· mow
· MPCA Films