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[04/25/24 - 09:29 AM] The Brenner Brothers Are Back with a Sequel This Holiday Season on Hallmark Channel! Paul Campbell, Tyler Hynes, Andrew Walker and Margaret Colin reprise their roles in the all-new sequel to "Three Wise Men and a Baby" - the #1 most-watched original movie premiere of 2022.
[01/11/23 - 06:01 AM] Hallmark Channel Closes Out 2022 as Most-Watched Entertainment Cable Network of the Year Across Key Demos Two original holiday movies were seasonal standouts - "Haul Out the Holly," headlined by fan favorites, Lacey Chabert and Wes Brown, and "Three Wise Men and a Baby," starring Paul Campbell, Tyler Hynes, and Andrew Walker, both of which earned bragging rights as the #1 most-watched cable movies of the year.
[11/22/22 - 01:46 PM] Hallmark Channel Original Holiday Film, "Three Wise Men and a Baby," Ranks as Most-Watched Movie Across Ad-Supported Cable in 2022 To-Date The movie stars three of Hallmark Channel's most-beloved male actors, Andrew Walker, Tyler Hynes, and Paul Campbell, as hilariously bickering brothers who find themselves caring for a baby anonymously left at the firehouse.
[09/22/22 - 11:06 AM] Television's #1 Home for the Holidays, Hallmark Channel and Hallmark Movies & Mysteries, Unwrap All 40 Original Movie Premieres for "Countdown to Christmas" and "Miracles of Christmas" The perennial popularity of the networks' annual holiday programming events has catapulted Hallmark Channel to the top of the ratings, with the network becoming the most-watched entertainment cable network in Q4 among Women 18+ for eight consecutive years.
STATUS: telefilm/mini-series in the can |
DESCRIPTION: (from Hallmark Media's press release, September 2022) Three brothers get the surprise of their lives when they are forced to work together to care for a baby over the holidays. As they slowly get the hang of things, they find themselves on unexpected journeys of self-discovery and begin to rebuild their relationships as brothers, as well as the damaged romantic and professional relationships in their respective lives... all while rediscovering their love of Christmas. |
· Andrew Walker · Margaret Colin · Paul Campbel · Tyler Hynes
· ??? as DIR · ??? as WRTR
· mow
· no information is available