Send Mom Greetings from Your Favorite ABC Series, Including "Brothers & Sisters," "Desperate Housewives," "Grey's Anatomy," "Lost," "Samantha Who?" and "Ugly Betty"
It's the 100th Anniversary of Mother's Day, so make it special by sending Mom an ABC.com e-card from one of her favorite ABC characters.
She helped you make it through scary thunderstorms, made sure you got dressed on time, never forgot to pack a tasty snack, coordinated the most amazing Halloween costumes, pitched in on those science projects and was always there to kiss your boo-boos and make them better (even after you left college). Counselor, healer, bodyguard, friend� Go to ABC.com and take a minute to remind Mom how much she means to you.
Are you "Lost" without Mom? If so, send her a special greeting from Claire. Dr. Bailey from "Grey's Anatomy" has the right prescription to wish Mom a happy Mother's Day. Or remind Mom that she looks like a million bucks from "Dirty Sexy Money's" Letitia Darling. Each of your favorite and most memorable mothers from ABC's hit series can help you remember Mom with a special message on her special day.