Premieres Sunday, August 7 at 7pm ET/6pm Central
New York, NY - In a "Dateline" exclusive, Tom Brokaw reports The Road Back, a story that follows three families through the war in Iraq. Chronicling their lives from 2002, before the war, until present day, this special edition of "Dateline" premieres Sunday, August 7 at 7pm ET/6pm Central.
More than eight years after the United States invaded Iraq and removed Saddam Hussein, the country is now governed by a democracy of sorts - but Iraq is still a violent place. Nonetheless the United States is still scheduled to remove all of its military forces by the end of this year.
In this "Dateline" special, Brokaw follows an American soldier training to fight in the war; an Iraqi family living under the tyranny of Saddam Hussein and an Iraqi American family who wants to return to Iraq to rebuild their homeland. Their dramatic stories put a human face on colossal historic events.
The Road Back reveals what happened to the families and asks them whether the war was worth it.
Sound bites from the report follow. If used, must include mandatory credit with airdate:
Staff Sergeant Charles Weaver
"Nobody wants to go to war, nobody. But if you have to do it, you do whatever you have to do."
Dawn Weaver (wife of Staff Sergeant Charles Weaver)
"I think about him dying. I think about him dying all the time. He just doesn't know it, and I just don't talk to him about it."
Dr. El Rabei (father of Iraqi family living under tyranny of Saddam Hussein)
"I would rather be dead than see American troops in the streets of Iraq and Baghdad."
Ms. E. Naama (daughter of Iraqi American family)
"I feel like a part of me wants to stay here (Iraq) and lend a hand to the people of my country and my city, but I still have my job and my life (in California)."
David Corvo is the senior executive producer and Liz Cole is the executive producer of "Dateline NBC" (Fridays at 9pm and Sundays at 7pm ET). Follow "Dateline" on Facebook and Twitter @datelinenbc.