
    [monday, october 17, 2011]    
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  [october 2011]  

(series past and present)
(series in development)
(tv movies and mini-series)

[01/30/25 - 01:14 PM]
Max Original Reality Series "Paul American" Debuts March 27
With more than 150 million followers and multiple successful business ventures, Jake and Logan Paul will step into a new arena with the original reality series.

[01/30/25 - 11:33 AM]
Lifetime Sets Weekend Premiere Dates with Star-Studded Talent Including Tori Spelling, Monique Coleman, Melyssa Ford and Others
"Trapped in the Spotlight," due February 15, follows two R&B singers kidnapped and held hostage to finish their incomplete album.

[01/30/25 - 11:03 AM]
Extreme Decluttering Expert Matt Paxton Turns Hoards of Trash to Treasure in "Filthy Fortunes" Premiering Sunday, March 9 at 10PM ET/PT on Discovery Channel
In the new Discovery Channel series, modern day treasure hunter and the "King of Hoards," Matt Paxton, travels around the country in search of rare, big-ticket items hidden in some of the most cluttered, filthy homes imaginable.

[01/30/25 - 11:00 AM]
Acorn TV Releases All-New Assets for "Best Interests," Starring Sharon Horgan and Michael Sheen
Starring Sharon Horgan and Michael Sheen, the US and Canada premiere of the four-episode limited series debuts as a full season binge on Monday, February 17 on Acorn TV.

[01/30/25 - 10:40 AM]
The ATL Serves Up Big Peach Energy as Bravo's "The Real Housewives of Atlanta" Returns Sunday, Mar. 9 at 8 P.M. ET/PT
As previously announced Porsha Williams makes her spectacular return alongside Drew Sidora and new housewives Shamea Morton Mwangi, Brit Eady, Kelli Ferrell and Angela Oakley.

[01/30/25 - 10:01 AM]
"The Lion King at the Hollywood Bowl" Concert Special Debuts February 7, 2025 on Disney Plus
This live-to-film concert experience includes epic performances with a 70-person orchestra, a troupe of skillful dancers, state-of-the-art projection mapping images, and the Broadway show's award-winning costumes and puppetry giving viewers across the globe a front row seat to the unprecedented musical extravaganza celebrating the world of "The Lion King."

[01/30/25 - 10:00 AM]
Season Four of the HBO Original Series "The Righteous Gemstones" Debuts March 9
The series tells the story of a world-famous televangelist family with a long tradition of deviance, greed, and charitable work.

[01/30/25 - 09:30 AM]
Video: AMC/AMC+ Debut the Pulse-Pounding Official Trailer for Returning Hit Noir Thriller, "Dark Winds," Starring Zahn McClarnon
"Dark Winds" returns with all-new episodes exclusively on AMC and AMC+ on Sunday, March 9 at 9pm ET/PT, with new episodes airing weekly on Sundays.

[01/30/25 - 09:06 AM]
FOX Sports Presents the 149th Annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show Presented by Purina Pro Plan February 8, 10 & 11
The iconic event will be showcased across FOX Sports' family of networks, digital platforms, and WestminsterKennelClub.org.

[01/30/25 - 09:01 AM]
TNT Sports & Max to Launch Exclusive NASCAR Driver Cam & Audio Experience Starting Sunday, Feb. 2
Launching with the Cook Out Clash at Bowman Gray this Sunday, NASCAR Driver Cam on Max will offer users the most comprehensive access inside each driver's car including a layered audio mix of scanner team radios and ambient car noise, all synced up with a 1080p Driver Cam feed on supported devices.

[01/30/25 - 08:38 AM]
Peacock Announces Series Pickup of Crime Drama "Superfakes"
The crime drama series follows a small-time Chinatown luxury counterfeit dealer who enters a dangerous black market underworld in order to fund a life of suburban respectability for her family.

[01/30/25 - 08:07 AM]
TLC to Premiere 1-Hour Special "Big Family, Big City" on Tuesday, February 25 at 10/9c
Get ready for an unforgettable ride with the de la Mottes, a conservative family of 13 who are about to experience the ultimate culture shock!

[01/30/25 - 08:00 AM]
HGTV Stars Ben and Erin Napier Renovate the Whole Town of Sebring, Florida, in a New Season of Hit Series "Home Town Takeover" Premiering Sunday, March 9, at 8 PM ET/PT
The pair - who attracted more than 14 million viewers to the series' last season - will now take on over a dozen renovation projects across homes, local businesses and public spaces, bolstered by 13 all-star HGTV and Food Network talent, to reinvigorate the struggling lakeside community.

[01/30/25 - 06:07 AM]
The First Season of "The Eternaut" Will Release Globally on Netflix on April 30th
One summer's night in Buenos Aires, a mysterious deadly snowfall wipes out most of the population and leaves thousands stranded.

[01/30/25 - 06:03 AM]
Are You in for the Final Game?: "Squid Game" Season 3 to Premiere on June 27
Picking up where the second season left off, Season 3 explores the choices Gi-hun (Lee Jung-jae) will make amidst overwhelming despair.