Netflix announced today the cast of its original series, Brotherhood. The dramatic thriller, featuring eight episodes in its first season, stars Naruna Costa (The Way He Looks) as the hardworking lawyer Cristina Ferreira, and Seu Jorge (Abe, City of God, The Life Acquatic of Steve Zissou) as Edson, her estranged older brother.
Award winning actress Hermila Guedes (Love For Sale a.k.a Céu de Suely) also joins the cast playing Edson's wife Darlene alongside Lee Taylor (The Mechanism), as Ivan, a clever inmate whose opportunistic allegiance with the Brotherhood has him cross paths with Cristina.
The series was created by Pedro Morelli, who will also direct along with Gustavo Bonafé and Aly Muritiba. The behind-the-camera talents of the show include Felipe Sant'Angelo, Iris Junges, Leonardo Levis, Mirna Nogueira, Francine Barbosa and Tom Hamburger as writers, as well as Andrea Barata Ribeiro and Bel Berlinck as producers.
Set in the 90s the thriller will follow the story of Cristina, an honest and dedicated lawyer that finds that her brother has been jailed for years and is a leader of an ascendant criminal faction. Coerced by the police, she is forced to become an informant and work agains the brother she idolized as a child. But as Cristina infiltrates the Brotherhood, she begins to question her own values about law and justice and comes into contact with a dark side of herself she did not imagine she had.