
    [wednesday, november 20, 2024]    
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[11/20/24 - 02:00 PM]
Your Favorite Celebrities Cover 2024's Biggest Stories on "TMZ's Merry Elfin' Christmas," The All-New Holiday Special Airing Monday, Dec. 2 at 9/8c on FOX
Nick Cannon, Jay Leno, Flavor Flav, Lisa Vanderpump and Daymond John are taking over TMZ's newsroom for the holidays!

[11/20/24 - 12:30 PM]
Slam Dunk! Disney, ESPN and the NBA Team Up to Present "Dunk the Halls" - the First Real-Time, Animated NBA Game: San Antonio Spurs vs. New York Knicks on Christmas Day
"Dunk the Halls" will be presented on ESPN2, Disney+ and ESPN+.

[11/20/24 - 12:06 PM]
Australian Hulu Original Scripted Drama Series "The Artful Dodger" Is Back for Season 2
The eight-episode Season 2 has an all-star returning cast including Thomas Brodie-Sangster as Jack Dawkins aka The Artful Dodger, David Thewlis as Fagin, and Maia Mitchell as Lady Belle Fox.

[11/20/24 - 12:00 PM]
Third Annual "LEGO Masters: Celebrity Holiday Bricktacular" Premieres Tuesday, Dec. 10 and Tuesday, Dec. 17 at 8:00 - 10:00PM ET/PT on FOX
Special celebrity guests include Sophia Bush, Holly Robinson Peete, Eric McCormack and Lil Rel Howery pairing up with fan-favorite former contestants to compete in jaw-dropping holiday-themed challenges for charities of their choice.

[11/20/24 - 12:00 PM]
"Glitter and Greed: The Lisa Frank Story" to Premiere December 5 on Prime Video
The four-part documentary penetrates the neon-hued world of Lisa Frank Inc., a brand that defined girlhood for a generation of Americans only to seemingly disappear overnight.

[11/20/24 - 11:06 AM]
FOX Sports Feasts on College Hoops Throughout Holiday Season and Beyond
The network's expanded offerings include a jam-packed Thanksgiving week schedule, an additional primetime window - "FOX College Basketball Friday" - new women's hoops showcases on the FOX broadcast network and more.

[11/20/24 - 11:03 AM]
Julianne Hough and Alfonso Ribeiro Set to Host "The Wonderful World of Disney: Holiday Spectacular" Airing Sunday, Dec. 1, on ABC and Stream Next Day on Hulu and Disney+
Narrated by Kristen Bell, who will share the tale of how the Disney Parks kicks off the most magical holiday ever, "The Wonderful World of Disney: Holiday Spectacular" airs Sunday, December 1.

[11/20/24 - 11:00 AM]
Paramount+ with Showtime Announces "The Honey Trap: A True Story of Love, Lies and the FBI" Premiering Friday, December 6th
The documentary feature, directed by Emmy-nominated filmmaker Chris Moukarbel, is a dramatic tale of espionage, propaganda, and romance, following the infamous Berlin rapper Denis Cuspert aka Deso Dogg and his journey from artist to MMA fighter to ISIS recruiter.

[11/20/24 - 10:34 AM]
Bravo Rings in the New Year with "Southern Hospitality" Season Three Premiering Thursday, Jan. 2 at 9 P.M. ET/PT
The Queen of King Street, Leva Bonaparte, and her staff - Joe Bradley, Bradley Carter, TJ Dinch, Maddi Reese and Emmy Sharrett - are back for an unforgettable summer of work, play and debauchery.

[11/20/24 - 10:01 AM]
Peacock's New Docuseries "Girls Gone Wild: The Untold Story" Goes Inside the Cultural Phenomenon to Reveal the Dark Underbelly of Joe Francis' World
The docuseries, premiering December 3 exclusively on Peacock, includes Francis' first in-depth, in-person interview with a journalist in almost a decade.

[11/20/24 - 10:01 AM]
Video: "Anthony Jeselnik: Bones and All" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Anthony Jeselnik celebrates 20 years of delivering boundary-pushing comedy to the masses in this razor-sharp stand-up special.

[11/20/24 - 10:01 AM]
The CW Network Sets 2025 Midseason Premiere Dates for New and Returning Series
Season 7 of the hit series "All American," starring Michael Evans Behling, Greta Onieogou and Bre-Z, kicks off with a special sneak peek on Wednesday, January 29 (8:00-9:00pm ET/PT) before premiering in its regular timeslot on Monday, February 3 (8:00-9:00pm ET/PT).

[11/20/24 - 10:00 AM]
"The Simpsons" - Pamela Hayden, the Voice of Milhouse and Other Iconic Characters Retires the Show After 35 Years
Hear Pamela give her final voice to Milhouse and Jimbo Jones in an all-new episode this Sunday, November 24 on FOX.

[11/20/24 - 09:34 AM]
AXS TV Presents Every Star-Studded Episode from Season One of the Emmy-Nominated Hit "Nashville" in a Special Two-Day Marathon on December 7 & 8, Starting at 10A ET
As part of the event, AXS TV presents new exclusive interviews with cast members Clare Bowen, Charles Esten, Jonathan Jackson, and Sam Palladio.

[11/20/24 - 09:05 AM]
Food Network's Emmy-Nominated Series, "Kids Baking Championship," Returns with an All-New Animal-Inspired Season
Hosts and judges, Duff Goldman and Kardea Brown, welcome a new field of talented kid bakers to the kitchen for challenges inspired by creatures big and small, including a few fluffy, furry and feathery friends who drop in to the kitchen for live appearances over the course of the season.

[11/20/24 - 09:01 AM]
First Look: Netflix's "Zero Day" Premieres on February 20, 2025
The limited series stars Robert De Niro as respected former U.S. President George Mullen, who, as head of the Zero Day Commission, is charged with finding the perpetrators of a devastating cyber attack that has caused chaos around the country and thousands of fatalities.

[11/20/24 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Dream Productions" - Official Trailer
Disney and Pixar's all-new four-episode limited series is available December 11 only on Disney+.

[11/20/24 - 08:31 AM]
Netflix Greenlights Season 2 and Separate US Version of Popular Sidemen Series "Inside"
Production has already begun in the UK with 12 content creators.

[11/20/24 - 08:30 AM]
Video: Prime Video Releases Official Trailer and Key Art for "Pop Culture Jeopardy!" Hosted by Colin Jost
The highly-anticipated new series will premiere Wednesday, December 4 on Prime Video with three episodes, followed by three new episodes weekly.

[11/20/24 - 08:03 AM]
"Star Wars: Visions" Returns with Volume 3 in 2025
The critically-acclaimed series of animated shorts returns to Japan for a third installment in collaboration with nine anime studios.

[11/20/24 - 08:02 AM]
Video: Apple TV+ Unveils the Adorable Trailer for "Wonder Pets: In the City"
The adorable new series invites kids and families to come together to meet charming new characters and go on exciting adventures that spark curiosity and celebrate our unique differences.

[11/20/24 - 08:01 AM]
Tarek and Heather Rae El Moussa Gamble on SoCal's Nastiest Homes in Season Two of HGTV's "The Flipping El Moussas" Premiering Thursday, Dec. 26, at 9 p.m. ET/PT
Real estate power couple Tarek and Heather Rae El Moussa will continue to grow their working relationship while juggling the addition of a rambunctious toddler to their busy family life in the newest season of their follow-doc series.

[11/20/24 - 07:03 AM]
Video: ESPN Films Releases Official Trailer and Key Art for Upcoming 30 for 30 "The New York Sack Exchange," Chronicling the Rise of the New York Jets' Legendary Defensive Line, Debuting December 13 at 8pm ET on ESPN and ESPN+
Narrated by acclaimed award-winning musician, actor, and lifelong Jets fan Method Man, the film, directed by Ken Rodgers and James Weiner, takes a nostalgic look back at the sensational defensive line of the 1980s New York Jets.

[11/20/24 - 07:01 AM]
Apple TV+ Sets March 14 Premiere for Crime Drama "Dope Thief"
Based on Dennis Tafoya's book of the same name, the series follows long-time Philly friends and delinquents who pose as DEA agents to rob an unknown house in the countryside, only to have their small-time grift become a life-and-death enterprise, as they unwittingly reveal and unravel the biggest hidden narcotics corridor on the Eastern Seaboard.

[11/20/24 - 06:34 AM]
Video: New Key Art and :30 Teaser Now Available for FX's "Alien: Earth"
The highly anticipated sci-fi horror series from executive producer Noah Hawley in coming to Hulu in summer 2025.

[11/20/24 - 06:01 AM]
"A Good Girl's Guide to Murder" Renewed for Season 2 on Netflix
Produced by Moonage Pictures for BBC iPlayer and BBC Three in co-production with Netflix and ZDFneo, the new six-part series will film in the UK in 2025.

[11/20/24 - 05:01 AM]
Comcast Announces Intention to Create Leading Independent Media Business Through Spin-off of Select Cable Television Networks
SpinCo's stable of marquee brands will provide a diverse and differentiated content offering that will reach approximately 70 million U.S. households.

[11/19/24 - 08:01 PM]
Happy Huludays! New Streaming Premieres, Iconic Anniversaries, and Timeless Holiday Classics to Revisit
Newly announced titles include "Buddy's Holiday Recipe Rumble" on Friday, December 6.

[11/19/24 - 04:01 PM]
Netflix's First Korean Space Romance "When the Stars Gossip" Premieres January 4, 2025!
The groundbreaking series stars rom-com icons Lee Min-ho and Kong Hyo-jin, alongside Oh Jung-se, Han Ji-eun, and more, in a tale that blends interstellar adventure with heartfelt romance.

[11/19/24 - 01:38 PM]
Food Network's "Harry Potter: Wizards of Baking" Conjures Ratings and Reach with Series Premiere
The new series launched on Thursday, November 14, and posted a 0.57 P25-54 / 0.74 W25-54 L3 rating, more than doubling prior six-week benchmarks (+148% and +124% respectively) and is on pace to be Food Network's highest rated freshman series of the year.

[11/19/24 - 01:26 PM]
TNT Sports' "The Match: Superstars" to Premiere in Multi-Episode Special Event Thursday, Nov. 21 and Friday, Nov. 22, at 7:30 p.m. ET, on TNT & Max
"The Match: Superstars" will be headlined by iconic celebrities across sports and entertainment, including Bill Murray, Mark Wahlberg, Charles Barkley, Wayne Gretzky, Michael Phelps, Nate Bargatze, Ken Griffey, Jr., and Blake Griffin, competing at Breakers West Country Club in West Palm Beach, FL.

[11/19/24 - 01:00 PM]
NBC Unveils Powerhouse Midseason Lineup
The highly anticipated "Suits LA" premieres February 23 as part of the network's new Sunday lineup.

[11/19/24 - 12:58 PM]
"Abbott Elementary" Hits Season Highs in Total Viewers and Adults 18-49 with 6.33 Million Total Viewers and 2.21 Adults 18-49
After seven days of viewing on ABC, Hulu, Hulu on Disney+ and digital platforms, "Abbott Elementary" hit season highs in both Total Viewers (6.33 million) and Adults 18-49 (2.21 rating) with its November 6 episode.

[11/19/24 - 12:01 PM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Nov. 11: "Jake Paul vs. Mike Tyson" Has Knockout Debut; "Hot Frosty" Heats Up at #1
Season 2 of the animated series "Arcane" held its place at #2 on the English TV List with 7.4M views and brought Season 1 back onto the list at #8 with 2.6M views.

[11/19/24 - 11:30 AM]
Max and HBO Announce Extended U.S. Licensing Deal with The Criterion Collection
Showcasing the Criterion Collection's acclaimed films alongside a rich collection of titles from Warner Bros. Pictures, Turner Classic Movies, A24, Studio Ghibli, and more, further solidifies Max as the top destination for movie night.

[11/19/24 - 11:20 AM]
Video: "The Agency" - Official Trailer #2 - Paramount+ with Showtime
Starring Michael Fassbender, Jeffrey Wright, Jodie Turner-Smith and Richard Gere.

[11/19/24 - 11:16 AM]
Sean Hannity to Host FOX Nation's Signature Patriot Awards Ceremony on December 5
In partnership with advertisers Tunnel 2 Towers, Patriot Mobile, Golden Corral and Belfor, the awards show will honor and recognize America's finest patriots, including military veterans, first responders and other inspirational everyday heroes.

[11/19/24 - 10:43 AM]
Go Inside the Cheerleading Rivalry Turned Murder-for-Hire Attempt That Shocked the Nation with ID's "The Texas Cheerleader Murder Plot"
The two-hour documentary delves into the notorious murder-for-hire plot concocted by Texas mom Wanda Holloway to eliminate her daughter's cheerleading rival.

[11/19/24 - 10:31 AM]
Netflix and Most Valuable Promotions' Jake Paul vs Mike Tyson Mega-Event Makes History with Over 108 Million Live Global Viewers
The Jake Paul vs Mike Tyson fight is the most-streamed sporting event ever, peaking at 65 million concurrent streams, with 38 million concurrent streams in the US.

[11/19/24 - 10:10 AM]
AMC Networks' December Highlights Includes "Christmas Eve in Miller's Point," "Joe Bob's Christmas Carnage" and More!
December also features new seasons of Acorn TV's "Dalgliesh" and "Darby & Joan"; plus new series premieres on AMC+ and Sundance Now including Natalie Dormer thriller "White Lies," "The Newsreader" atarring Sam Reid, and true crime documentary "Monkey on a Stick: Murder, Madness & The Hare Krishnas."

[11/19/24 - 10:06 AM]
Video: "Hard Knocks in Season with the AFC North" - Official Trailer - Max
For the first time ever, Hard Knocks is taking you behind-the-scenes of the playoff chase with the AFC North.

[11/19/24 - 10:06 AM]
Netflix Confirms Its Commitment to Turkiye's Creative Industry and Announced 12 New Titles Live from the Next on Netflix Event in Istanbul
In the upcoming year and beyond, Netflix continues its commitment to bring even more thrilling stories from the market to the world across a wide variety of genres, ranging from drama, rom-com, comedy to action and animation.

[11/19/24 - 10:01 AM]
Video: "Paris Has Fallen" - Official Trailer - Hulu
When a terrorist group attacks a high-profile event with the French Minister of Defense as their target, protection officer Vincent Taleb (Tewfik Jallab) finds himself working with street-smart MI6 operative Zara Taylor (Ritu Arya) to save the day.

[11/19/24 - 10:01 AM]
CNN Films' "Luther: Never Too Much" Rings in Special New Year's Day Premiere at 8pm ET/PT on CNN
CNN Films examines the captivating story of the iconic Luther Vandross as he paves his own course to become one of the most decorated and influential artists of all time.

[11/19/24 - 09:01 AM]
National Geographic Charts Future with Bold, New Unscripted Series Slate with Storytelling Dynamism, Technical Innovation and Extraordinary Access at Its Heart
"These new unscripted series epitomize everything National Geographic stands for - bold, captivating storytelling rooted in world-class research and expertise," said Tom McDonald, executive vice president of Global Unscripted and Factual Content.

[11/19/24 - 09:01 AM]
Netflix's "Squid Game: Unleashed" Arrives December 17
"Squid Game: Unleashed" arrives just in time for the return of "Squid Game Season 2" which hits Netflix on December 26.

[11/19/24 - 09:01 AM]
Prime Video Unveils Premiere Date for MrBeast's Epic "Beast Games" Competition Series
The competition series is set to debut weekly on Thursday, December 19 on Prime Video in more than 240 countries and territories worldwide.

[11/19/24 - 08:09 AM]
Video: "Biggest Heist Ever" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Their crimes earned them the nickname Bitcoin Bonnie and Clyde - and the story only gets weirder in this documentary about the most lucrative heist ever.

[11/19/24 - 08:06 AM]
Apple Original Films Announces Documentary on Legendary Rock Icons Fleetwood Mac
The fully authorized documentary is directed by five-time Academy Award nominee and Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award winner Frank Marshall, and for the first time ever, Grammy Award-winning Rock & Roll Hall of Fame inductees Fleetwood Mac share their extraordinary story in their own words.

[11/19/24 - 08:01 AM]
Paramount+ with Showtime Announces Season Three Premiere Date for Emmy-Nominated Series "Yellowjackets"
The season will debut with two episodes on Friday, February 14 on streaming and on demand for Paramount+ subscribers with the Paramount+ with Showtime plan before its on-air debut on Sunday, February 16.

  [november 2024]  

(series past and present)
(series in development)
(tv movies and mini-series)

[02/11/25 - 07:46 AM]
Video: Disney-ESPN's Andscape Debuts Trailer for New Feature, "Memes & Nightmares," A Tribeca Film Festival Selection
"Memes & Nightmares" is a hilarious and insightful satirical film that dives into the vibrant world of NBA Twitter.

[02/11/25 - 07:29 AM]
True Crime Docuseries "The Case of Iwona Wieczorek" Makes Exclusive US Debut Thursday, February 27, 2025 on Viaplay
The true-crime documentary series delves into one of the most famous disappearances and unsolved mysteries in recent Polish history - a 19-year-old woman who went missing without a trace on a summer night near her seaport home.

[02/11/25 - 07:00 AM]
Video: "Picture This" - Official Trailer - Prime Video
In this heartfelt rom-com, struggling photographer Pia (Simone Ashley) receives a prediction: true love and career success await her in the next five dates she goes on.

[02/11/25 - 05:32 AM]
More Stars Take the Stage to Present at the 97th Oscars
Halle Berry, Penélope Cruz, Elle Fanning, Whoopi Goldberg, Scarlett Johansson, John Lithgow, Amy Poehler, June Squibb and Bowen Yang will present at the 97th Oscars, executive producer and showrunner Raj Kapoor and executive producer Katy Mullan announced today.

[02/11/25 - 05:00 AM]
Reelz Announces First Ever "On Patrol: Live Week"
10 fan-favorite episodes were chosen via viewer voting at Reelz.com and feature what #OPNation deemed the show's most memorable moments.

[02/11/25 - 04:01 AM]
"One Hundred Years of Solitude" Part 2 Is in Production and Confirms New Cast
Marleyda Soto and Claudio Cataño reprise their roles as the iconic characters Úrsula Iguarán and Colonel Aureliano Buendía, respectively.

[02/11/25 - 01:01 AM]
Video: "Tuiskoms" - Official Trailer - Netflix
After a series of misfortunes, Fleur takes her daughter and returns to her hometown in search of a renewed sense of purpose.

[02/11/25 - 12:01 AM]
Video: "Graveyard" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix
Chief Inspector Önem and her team race against time, unearthing dark secrets behind a closed femicide case that tests their courage and personal bonds.

[02/10/25 - 04:18 PM]
126 Million Viewers - Projected Average Audience for Super Bowl LIX Across FOX, FOX Deportes, Tubi, Telemundo and NFL Digital Properties
The peak audience is projected to be 135.7 million viewers from 8:00-8:15 PM ET in the second quarter.

[02/10/25 - 01:56 PM]
Philadelphia Eagles Jalen Hurts and Saquon Barkley to Make First Late-Night TV Appearance on "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon"
Eagles teammates Jordan Mailata, Landon Dickerson, Cam Jurgens, Mekhi Becton and Lane Johnson will also make a cameo.

[02/10/25 - 11:00 AM]
Video: AMC/AMC+ Unveil Exhilarating Opening Minutes of Season 3 of the Hit Noir Thriller "Dark Winds," Starring Zahn McClarnon
"Dark Winds" returns with all-new episodes exclusively on AMC and AMC+ on Sunday, March 9 at 9pm ET/PT, with new episodes airing weekly on Sundays.

[02/10/25 - 09:01 AM]
More Stars Added for "SNL50: The Anniversary Special," Live Feb. 16 at 8 P.M. ET/5 P.M. PT
The special will include appearances by Adam Sandler, Amy Poehler, Andy Samberg, Chevy Chase, Chris Rock, Eddie Murphy, Fred Armisen, Garrett Morris, Jane Curtin, Jason Sudeikis, Jimmy Fallon, Kate McKinnon, Kenan Thompson, Kristen Wiig, Laraine Newman, Maya Rudolph, Molly Shannon, Pete Davidson, Seth Meyers, Tina Fey, Tracy Morgan, Will Ferrell, Will Forte and more.

[02/10/25 - 08:00 AM]
"Euphoria" Season 3 Is in Production
HBO confirmed the news on social media this morning.

[02/10/25 - 07:54 AM]
AXS TV Salutes National Guitar Day with a Special All-Day Event on Tuesday, February 11 Starting at 8A ET
The event is anchored by the network television debut of the Gibson TV series "The Collection," featured throughout the day.

[02/10/25 - 07:01 AM]
Video: The 31st Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards - Official Teaser - Netflix
Kristen Bell hosts as the biggest names in film and TV light up the stage for the 31st Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards.