
    [wednesday, january 08, 2025]    
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[01/08/25 - 11:01 PM]
Beloved Sanrio Characters Come to Life in Stop-Motion Series "My Melody & Kuromi" This July 2025
Directed by Tomoki Misato, a visionary creator celebrated for his work on Pui Pui Molcar, the series showcases his innovative approach to storytelling.

[01/08/25 - 03:32 PM]
Debut of TGL Presented by SoFi Attracts Average Audience of 919,000 on ESPN
The debut of TGL presented by SoFi, the new prime time golf league, drew an average audience of 919,000 on ESPN Tuesday night, with viewership averaging more than 1.0 million 9:15-10:15 p.m. ET, when The Bay was nearing its 9-2 victory.

[01/08/25 - 01:01 PM]
Prime Video Joins Hendrick Motorsports as a Primary Sponsor of NASCAR Champ Chase Elliott
Prime Video's three primary events with Elliott will lead directly into the streamer's five-race Cup Series broadcast slate, which kicks off with the Coca-Cola 600 on May 25.

[01/08/25 - 10:15 AM]
"The View" Expands with New Streaming Series "The Weekend View" on ABC News Live, Premiering Jan. 11
The 30-minute weekend expansion will be hosted by the talk show's Friday panel, with moderator Joy Behar and co-hosts Sunny Hostin, Sara Haines, Alyssa Farah Griffin and Ana Navarro.

[01/08/25 - 10:00 AM]
Video: Prime Video Releases Official Trailer for the Highly Anticipated Third and Final Season of "Harlem"
From creator and writer Tracy Oliver, "Harlem" season three will follow the core four women on the precipice of change like never before.

[01/08/25 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "W.A.G.s to Riches" - Official Trailer - Netflix
They're the wives and girlfriends of famous athletes and rap stars, but these stylishly smart W.A.G.s call the shots in this soapy reality series.

[01/08/25 - 08:39 AM]
Great American Media Announces Theatrical Film, "Average Joe," Starring Eric Close and Amy Acker, Streams Exclusively on Pure Flix Beginning January 23
Named one of 12 Best Christian films of 2024 by Crosswalk.com, this legal drama and inspiring true story follows a high school football coach who fought for his right to express his religious beliefs publicly, leading to a landmark Supreme Court ruling.

[01/08/25 - 08:00 AM]
Video: Prime Video Debuts Official Trailer for "Reacher" Season Three
The eight-episode season will roll out weekly, with the first three episodes premiering on Thursday, February 20, and subsequent episodes dropping every Thursday through March 27, 2025, exclusively on Prime Video in more than 240 countries and territories worldwide.

[01/08/25 - 07:48 AM]
Nominations Announced for the 31st Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards
The 31st Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards, produced by Silent House Productions in partnership with SAG-AFTRA, will stream live globally on Netflix Sunday, February 23 at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT from the Shrine Auditorium & Expo Hall.

[01/08/25 - 07:31 AM]
Video: "Prison Cell 211" - Official Trailer - Netflix
When a dedicated lawyer is trapped inside a border town prison during a riot, he must navigate a dangerous web of intrigue and violence to survive.

[01/08/25 - 06:15 AM]
Video: Apple TV+ Debuts Trailer for Season Four of Hit Workplace Comedy "Mythic Quest"
The new 10-episode season will premiere globally on Wednesday, January 29 on Apple TV+ with the first two episodes, followed by one new episode weekly through Wednesday, March 26.

[01/08/25 - 06:00 AM]
Video: New Trailer - Hulu Original Series "The Best Heart Attack of My Life"
Based on the eponymous book by Argentine author HernĂ¡n Casciari and inspired by real events, "The Best Heart Attack of My Life" follows a frustrated writer who survives a heart attack thanks to the help of his hosts at the temporary rental house where he is staying.

[01/08/25 - 06:00 AM]
CNN Films Brings the Television Premiere of "Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story" to CNN on Sunday, February 2 at 9pm ET/PT
CNN Films will broadcast the television premiere of the acclaimed feature documentary, a moving and cinematic account of a man who not only embodied a hero on screen but became a symbol of hope.

[01/08/25 - 05:01 AM]
Video: "Mo" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix
Desperate to return to his family, Mo juggles asylum troubles and side hustles as his relationship with Maria is threatened by an unruly rival.

[01/07/25 - 04:15 PM]
"Nightline" Ranks No. 1 in All Key Demos for the Week of Dec. 30 vs. CBS' "After Midnight" and NBC's "Late Night with Seth Meyers"
"Nightline" saw increases year to year in Total Viewers, Adults 25-54) and Adults 18-49.

[01/07/25 - 03:01 PM]
Video: "Good Cop/Bad Cop" - Season 1 Trailer - Leighton Meester, Luke Cook, Clancy Brown
The one-hour procedural dramedy centers around Lou (Leighton Meester) and Henry (Luke Cook), an odd couple sister and brother detective team in a small Pacific Northwest police force.

[01/07/25 - 01:32 PM]
"Sunday Night Football" on NBC and Peacock Delivers Best Viewership Since 2015 & Pacing to Be Primetime's #1 Show for Unprecedented 14th Consecutive Year
"Sunday Night Football" averaged a Total Audience Delivery (TAD) of 21.6 million viewers for the 2024 season - the show's best viewership since 2015 and up 1% from last season (21.4 million), according to official national live plus same day data released by Nielsen, and digital data from Adobe Analytics.

[01/07/25 - 01:20 PM]
Hosted by Christopher "Mad Dog" Russo, Experts Settle Football's Great Debate in "Brady vs. Belichick: The Verdict"
The series features arguments from witnesses to the greatness of each, including former Patriots Rob Gronkowski, Matt Cassel, Devin McCourty, Rodney Harrison, and two-time Super Bowl champion Carl Banks, plus renowned sports journalists Peter King, Bob Costas, Dan Shaughnessy, Mike Greenberg, and Michelle Beadle.

[01/07/25 - 12:10 PM]
Bravo's Emmy Award-Nominated "Below Deck Down Under" Cruises to the Seychelles as Season Three Premieres on Monday, Feb. 3 at 8 P.M. ET/PT
Capt. Jason Chambers, Chef Tzarina Mace-Ralph and Deckhand Harry Van Vliet will return for the new season.

[01/07/25 - 12:00 PM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Dec. 30: "Squid Game" Season 2 Dominates Another Week, as "Carry-On" Flies Into Most Popular
On the English TV list, it was a Happy Harlan Coben New Year for "Missing You," which made its debut at No. 1 with 21.7 million views, and charting on the Top 10 in 89 countries.

[01/07/25 - 11:54 AM]
Guy Fieri Sets Sail for a Celebratory Adventure Through the Caribbean with Family and Friends in "Guy's Ultimate Family Cruise"
The one-hour special showcases mouthwatering meals across The Bahamas, the Dominican Republic and the Carnival Mardi Gras itself, highlighting a world of flavor - like Peking Duck, an Indian smorgasbord, Teppanyaki and a Bahamian feast.

[01/07/25 - 11:32 AM]
Showtime Series "Dexter: Resurrection" Casts David Zayas, Jack Alcott and James Remar
Zayas plays Detective Angel Batista and Remar plays Harry Morgan, Dexter's father.

[01/07/25 - 11:31 AM]
Video: BET+ Original Series - "The Family Business: New Orleans" - Trailer
The spin-off series premieres Thursday, January 23 on BET+.

[01/07/25 - 11:02 AM]
Paramount+ Announces Docuseries "FBI True" Returns for Season 6 on Jan. 14
All 12 episodes of the new season will be available to stream at launch.

[01/07/25 - 11:01 AM]
ESPN's Signature MegaCast Presentation of College Football Playoff Semifinal Showdowns Set for Thursday and Friday, Jan. 9-10
For the third consecutive season, the MegaCast fan favorite Field Pass returns to the College Football Playoff.

[01/07/25 - 10:02 AM]
Your Wish Is Grant-ed: 25 Incredible Women Hope to Find Love with Grant Ellis on the Season Premiere of "The Bachelor" Monday, Jan. 27, at 8/7c on ABC
Love is on the horizon as 25 remarkable women prepare to open their hearts to Grant Ellis as his journey begins when the 29th season of "The Bachelor."

[01/07/25 - 10:00 AM]
Video: Trailer Debut: "Roy Wood Jr.: Lonely Flowers"
In this stand-up special, Roy Wood Jr. explores how lack of connection has sent society spiraling into a culture full of guns, rude employees, self-checkout lanes, and why some of us would rather be alone rather than be connected.

[01/07/25 - 10:00 AM]
HBO Original Three-Part Documentary Series "An Update On Our Family" Debuts January 15
New episodes will debut subsequent Wednesdays through January 29.

[01/07/25 - 10:00 AM]
"The Late Show with Stephen Colbert" Tackles Its First-Ever Post AFC Championship Game Episode When CBS Premiere Week Kicks Off, Sunday, Jan. 26
"The Late Show" will follow the series premiere of CBS' new medical mystery series, "Watson," starring Morris Chestnut.

[01/07/25 - 09:20 AM]
Prime Video Announces Taylor Rooks, Blake Griffin, Dirk Nowitzki to Join Inaugural Season of NBA Coverage
Further details about the upcoming season of the NBA on Prime Video, including additional on-air talent and production elements, will be announced in the coming months.

[01/07/25 - 09:03 AM]
"Real Time with Bill Maher" Returns for Its 23rd Season January 17
Allowing Maher to offer his unique perspective on contemporary issues, the show continues with its opening monologue, one-on-one interviews with notable guests, roundtable discussions with panelists, and its signature "New Rules."

[01/07/25 - 09:00 AM]
Hulu Announces New Docuseries "Devil in the Family: The Fall of Ruby Franke"
The docuseries is set to premiere February 27 on Hulu, with all three parts.

[01/07/25 - 08:07 AM]
Farmer Lee Jones Creates Dishes Inspired by the Farm in "The Chef's Garden" Premiering January 27 on FYI
In each half hour episode, "The Chef's Garden" brings viewers to the farm and into its industrial kitchen, the Culinary Vegetable Institute, where Farmer Lee and his chef friends use the inspiration from the farm to experiment and cook together.

[01/07/25 - 07:09 AM]
TNT Sports Announces Unrivaled Studio Commentators Featuring Candace Parker, Renee Montgomery & Lauren Jbara
TNT Sports and Unrivaled today announced its roster of basketball analysts, reporters, and personalities that will anchor studio and game coverage for the inaugural season of the 3-on-3 women's basketball league, tipping off Friday, January 17, across TNT, truTV and Max.

[01/07/25 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Kinda Pregnant" - Official Trailer - Netflix
When Lainy's plan to settle down and start a family falls apart, she puts on a fake baby bump, tells a lie - and accidentally falls for her dream guy.

[01/07/25 - 07:00 AM]
discovery+ Announces Price Increase
Beginning today, the price of discovery+ in the U.S. will increase by $1, making the ad-supported monthly plan $5.99/month and the ad-free monthly plan $9.99/month.

[01/07/25 - 06:20 AM]
Nominees Announced for the "56th NAACP Image Awards" Airing Live from the Pasadena Civic Auditorium Saturday, February 22nd at 8 PM ET/8 PT on BET and CBS
"The Piano Lesson" leads in motion picture categories with 14 nods followed by "The Book of Clarence" with six nominations.

[01/07/25 - 06:09 AM]
Hallmark Channel Finishes 2024 as the #1 Most-Watched Entertainment Cable Network of the Year
"Countdown to Christmas" original movie premieres delivered the Top 3 most-watched cable movies of the year among key demos: "Holiday Touchdown: A Chiefs Love Story" at #1, "Three Wiser Men and a Boy" at #2, and "Santa Tell Me" at #3.

[01/07/25 - 06:02 AM]
Video: Peacock Debuts Trailer & First Look Images for "SNL50: Beyond Saturday Night"
The docuseries is executive produced by Academy and Emmy Award winner Morgan Neville, with each episode taking a different creative approach to the tapestry of "SNL" and embracing the unique vision of their award-winning directors.

[01/07/25 - 06:01 AM]
Video: Behind the Final Hustle - Netflix Unveils Emotional Behind-the-Scenes Footage From the Fifth and Final Season of "Sintonia"
In this previously-unreleased footage the three actors get emotional as they recall the launch of the shoot in 2018, and discuss the legacy and scale of Netflix's biggest original Brazilian franchise, nationally and worldwide.

[01/07/25 - 05:46 AM]
Roku Rings in the New Year with 90 Million Streaming Households
As the top selling TV OS for over five years in the U.S., Roku is in nearly half of all U.S. broadband households.

[01/07/25 - 05:31 AM]
Paramount and Comcast Announce Multi-Year Distribution Agreements
The multi-year deals feature ongoing carriage of Paramount's networks, including CBS, BET, Comedy Central, MTV, Nickelodeon, Paramount Network and more.

[01/07/25 - 03:01 AM]
Video: "Public Disorder" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Following the fateful aftermath of a demonstration, tensions rise within a riot squad that struggles to separate work from personal life.

[01/07/25 - 02:31 AM]
Video: "Cassandra" - Official Trailer - Netflix
A family moves into a vintage smart home and discovers that it's under the control of a virtual assistant - who will stop at nothing to keep them there.

[01/07/25 - 02:01 AM]
"Aitana: Metamorphosis" Arrives on Netflix Next February 28
The documentary series starring the international singer and star, which will provide exclusive and unprecedented access to her daily life, will arrive on Netflix next February 28.

[01/07/25 - 12:01 AM]
Video: "Lovers Anonymous" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Cem, scarred by a childhood that crushed his trust in love, runs the "Love Hospital," until Hazal, who believes in the power of love, disrupts his life.

[01/06/25 - 05:51 PM]
Season Two of the HBO Original Drama Series "The Last of Us" Debuts This April
Five years after the events of the first season, Joel and Ellie are drawn into conflict with each other and a world even more dangerous and unpredictable than the one they left behind.

[01/06/25 - 05:31 PM]
Video: "A Real Pain" - Official Trailer - Hulu
Written and directed by Jesse Eisenberg, "A Real Pain" streams on Hulu January 16.

[01/06/25 - 04:06 PM]
Video: "Newtopia" - Official Trailer - Prime Video
Nothing says fate like fighting for a second chance at love... during a zombie virus outbreak.

[01/06/25 - 04:01 PM]
Video: Teaser for "The Trauma Code: Heroes on Call" Unveils Thrilling Blend of Action and Wit in Medical Drama Releasing January 24
"The Trauma Code: Heroes on Call," Netflix Korea's first original medical series, is set to hit screens on January 24.

  [january 2025]  

(series past and present)
(series in development)
(tv movies and mini-series)

[02/18/25 - 01:02 PM]
Peacock's All-New Documentary Special, "Matthew Perry: A Hollywood Tragedy" Explores the Alleged Secret L.A. Ketamine Scene at the Heart of the Legal Case
The one-hour special tracks the beloved star's tragic death and the fight for justice in his name.

[02/18/25 - 12:10 PM]
CBS Announces a Straight to Series Order for "Boston Blue (wt)," A New Drama Starring Donnie Wahlberg, for the 2025-2026 Season
In the series, a universe expansion of the long-running top drama "Blue Bloods," Wahlberg will reprise his role as NYPD officer Danny Reagan as he takes a position with Boston PD.

[02/18/25 - 12:01 PM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Feb. 10: Romance Sweeps the Top 10 Off Its Feet for Valentine's Day
The Italian getaway "La Dolce Villa" topped the English films list (19.8 million views), hitting the Top 10 in 90 countries, while Amy Schumer's "Kinda Pregnant" followed hot on its heels at No. 2 (13.7 million views).

[02/18/25 - 11:00 AM]
"Saturday Night Live" Returns from Its Blockbuster 50th Anniversary Celebrations with Two Back-to-Back Shows Beginning March 1
Shane Gillis will host "Saturday Night Live" for the second time on March 1; while Lady Gaga will do double duty for the second time on March 8.

[02/18/25 - 10:01 AM]
"PULSE" - Netflix's First English-Language Medical Procedural Premieres Globally on Netflix on April 3, 2025
As a hurricane barrels towards Miami's busiest Level 1 Trauma Center, third-year resident Dr. Danny Simms (Willa Fitzgerald) is unexpectedly thrust into a promotion when beloved Chief Resident Dr. Xander Phillips (Colin Woodell) is suspended.

[02/18/25 - 10:00 AM]
First Look and Date Announcement: Hulu Original Film "Control Freak"
The film will debut exclusively on Hulu on March 13 and will be available on Disney+ internationally at a later date.

[02/18/25 - 09:22 AM]
"The White Lotus" Season 3 Premiere Checks in with 2.4 Million Viewers, Up 57% Growth from Previous Season
After 36 hours the Season 3 premiere has doubled the Season 2 premiere episode during the same amount of time, and grew 90% since Sunday night, bringing the domestic audience to 4.6 million cross platform viewers.

[02/18/25 - 09:02 AM]
Joe Buck to Call Milwaukee Brewers at New York Yankees Opening Day Game March 27 Exclusively on ESPN
Buck will provide play-by-play for ESPN's exclusive MLB Opening Day presentation of the Milwaukee Brewers at New York Yankees game, beginning at 3 p.m. ET from Yankee Stadium.

[02/18/25 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "American Manhunt: Osama bin Laden" - Official Trailer - Netflix
This three part docuseries from directors Mor Loushy and Daniel Sivan gives an in-depth look at how the world mobilized to hunt down Osama Bin Laden after his orchestrations of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States.

[02/18/25 - 09:00 AM]
David Blaine Pushes the Limits of Magic and Human Endurance in National Geographic's New Six-Part Series "David Blaine Do Not Attempt"
Produced by Brian Grazer and Ron Howard's award-winning Imagine Documentaries, this six-part series follows world- renowned magician and endurance artist David Blaine exploring the world through the lens of magic.

[02/18/25 - 08:00 AM]
A24's "Queer" Begins Streaming Exclusively on Max March 28
The film stars Daniel Craig, whose performance earned nominations from the Golden Globes, Critics Choice Awards, and SAG Awards, alongside Drew Starkey, Lesley Manville, Jason Schwartzman, Henrique Zaga, and Omar Apollo.

[02/18/25 - 08:00 AM]
Date Announcement: Hulu Original Series "Am I Being Unreasonable?" Season 2
Created by and starring Daisy May Cooper and Selin Hizli, the complete second season will premiere on March 12.

[02/18/25 - 08:00 AM]
Video: "Darwin" - Official Trailer - ALLBLK Original
Tahj, a determined young woman, escapes foster care to join her streetwise cousin, Bam Bam, and disillusioned college grad, Canis, in a life of urban heists targeting the affluent.

[02/18/25 - 07:01 AM]
Video: Apple TV+ Reveals Trailer for "Dope Thief" Starring Brian Tyree Henry
The ensemble cast starring alongside Henry includes Wagner Moura, Marin Ireland, Kate Mulgrew, Nesta Cooper, Amir Arison, Dustin Nguyen and Golden Globe Award winner Ving Rhames.

[02/18/25 - 06:40 AM]
Reggie Miller to Join NBC Sports Beginning with 2025-26 NBA Season
"It's good to be HOME, NBC Sports...and hello, Peacock! Some of my most memorable moments have been on NBC and I'm looking forward to creating more," said Miller.