
[09/11/23 - 08:32 AM]
A&E's Upcoming Series Premieres - True Crime Edition
Highlights include "Murder in the 21st," a compelling new true-crime series exploring some of this century's most notorious homicide investigations through a deep dive of each victim's digital footprint.

[12/14/22 - 12:09 PM]
A&E's Groundbreaking Documentary Series "Accused: Guilty or Innocent?" Returns for Season Four on Thursday, January 12
The acclaimed true crime series offers an extraordinary and compelling account of what happens when someone is formally charged with a crime and sent to trial - all solely from the perspective of the accused, their legal team and family members.

[05/03/22 - 09:12 AM]
A&E's Groundbreaking Documentary Series "Accused: Guilty or Innocent?" Returns For Season Three on Thursday, May 26th
The series follows the dramatic inside stories - as they unfold - of people facing trial for serious crimes they are alleged to have committed.

[07/12/21 - 08:04 AM]
A&E Sets August Return for Two Groundbreaking Documentary Series That Offer Unique Perspectives of the Justice System
"Accused: Guilty or Innocent" and "Kids Behind Bars: Life or Parole" are both due back next month.

[02/11/20 - 11:05 AM]
A&E to Premiere the Groundbreaking Documentary Series "Accused: Guilty or Innocent?" on April 21
The series offers an intimate account of what happens when someone is formally charged with a crime and sent to trial - all solely from the perspective of the accused, their legal team and family members.

[03/14/18 - 12:31 PM]
A&E Network Expands Groundbreaking Nonfiction Programming Slate by Greenlighting Four New Original Projects
"A&E has been leading the reality revolution, doubling down on our slate of brave nonfiction storytelling, moving away from scripted drama and refocusing our programming and development on what we do best," said Elaine Frontain Bryant.

Returns Thursday, March 20
4/21/20 - ???
returning this spring (yet to premiere)
thursdays from 9:00 PM-10:00 PM EST
7 (??? episodes)
(from A&E's web site, April 2024) “Accused: Guilty or Innocent?” follows the dramatic inside stories—as they unfold—of people facing trial for serious crimes they are alleged to have committed. Each claims to be not guilty or that their actions were justifiable, and put their fate into the hands of a jury. The acclaimed true crime series offers an extraordinary account of what happens when someone is formally charged with a crime and sent to trial—all solely from the perspective of the accused, their legal team and family members. Each episode follows the accused person’s journey through the planning of their legal defense, the trial and, ultimately, awaiting the verdict. As evidence mounts and the trial approaches, these riveting and emotional stories provide an unprecedented look at what happens when your freedom is on the line.
· Brad Holcman as EP (A&E)
· Elaine Frontain Bryant as EP (A&E)
· Jonny Young as EP
· Malcolm Brinkworth as EP
· Shelly Tatro as EP (A&E)
· Susanne Curran as EP
· Xander Brinkwork as EP
· reality (all)
· reality (documentary)
· Brinkworth Productions