
[10/02/24 - 12:03 PM]
The History Channel's New Series "Ancient Aliens: Origins" Premieres Monday, October 7 at 9pm ET/PT
The series will take viewers back to where it all began by revisiting the most compelling mysteries explored over the past 15 years of "Ancient Aliens."

[09/12/24 - 09:01 AM]
Netflix & Chills Debuts Brand New and Returning Offerings for This Spooky Season
This spooky season, Netflix is the one-stop destination for all your thriller, horror, and Halloween offerings.

[01/20/23 - 08:13 AM]
AlienCon Announces Headliner Experts and Exclusive Programming for Popular Seeker and Enthusiast Convention March 4-5
"Ancient Aliens," "Secrets of Skinwalker Ranch," "The UnXplained" and "The Proof Is Out There" are among the featured programs.

[10/27/22 - 12:27 PM]
A+E Networks Announces Return of AlienCon March 4-5, 2023
The live two-day event will cover an expansive breadth of unexplained phenomena, from the ancient (Egypt, Mayans, Chariots of the Gods, ancient engineering) to present day (disclosure, encounters, UAPs) to explore what lies between science fact and science fiction.

[07/17/19 - 09:30 AM]
Viceland Stages "Alien Invasion" to Premiere Season Two of "Traveling the Stars: Action Bronson & Friends Watch Ancient Aliens"
The second season of the hilariously meta show featuring the rapper, chef and super-fan of History's "Ancient Aliens" begins Monday, August 5 with new episodes airing every night (Monday-Thursday).

[06/21/19 - 01:00 PM]
History Greenlights New Nonfiction Series "The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch" (WT) from Executive Producer of "The Curse of Oak Island"
The series will feature a team of scientists and experts who will conduct a thorough search of this infamous 512-acre property located in Utah's Uinta Basin.

[03/29/18 - 11:00 AM]
History's Hit Series "Ancient Aliens" Returns April 27 Furthering Its Global Search for Extraterrestrial Life
Lead expert Giorgio Tsoukalos joins Ancient Astronaut theorists, David Hatcher Childress, William Henry, Linda Moulton Howe, Erich von Daniken and many others being interviewed.

[07/11/16 - 12:50 PM]
Viceland's Action Bronson Returns for 10-Part Series, Traveling the Stars: "Ancient Aliens with Action Bronson and Friends"
Joined by his producers, friends, and special guests, Bronson will watch, comment on, and give the highest praise to some of the series' most iconic episodes.

[07/27/11 - 02:45 PM]
History(R) Builds on Phenomenal Growth and Historic Success Celebrates Record Audiences
Newly announced series include "Invention USA," "Full Metal Jousting" and "United Stats of America."

[05/03/11 - 08:08 AM]
Upfront 2011: History(R) Builds on Phenomenal Growth and Historic Success
Over a dozen series are set to return next season, including "Ancient Aliens," "Brad Meltzer's Decoded" and, of course, "Pawn Stars."

[01/26/11 - 02:05 PM]
2010 Year in Review/2011 Year in Preview: History
A look at what's ahead on the cable channel, plus a recap of its 2010 ratings highlights.

[09/20/10 - 11:30 AM]
History Adds "Ice Road Truckers," "Pawn Stars" Spin-Offs in October
"IRT: Deadliest Roads" premieres Sunday, October 3 while "Rusty Nuts" bows Monday, October 18.

3/8/09 - ???
currently airing (winter 2025)
fridays from 9:00 PM-10:00 PM EST
21 (??? episodes)
Missed an episode? Been wanting to catch up? This series is also available on:

(from History's web site, February 2025) Ancient Aliens explores the controversial theory that extraterrestrials have visited Earth for millions of years. From the age of the dinosaurs to ancient Egypt, from early cave drawings to continued mass sightings in the US, each episode in this hit HISTORY series gives historic depth to the questions, speculations, provocative controversies, first-hand accounts and grounded theories surrounding this age old debate. Did intelligent beings from outer space visit Earth thousands of years ago?
· Giorgio Tsoukalos
· David Silver as EP
· Kevin Burns as EP
· Kim Sheerin as EP
· Max Thompson as EP
· Susan Leventhal as EP
· reality (all)
· reality (documentary)
· Prometheus Entertainment