
[02/26/25 - 09:07 AM]
Netflix: What We Watched the Second Half of 2024
The bi-annual Engagement Report covers approximately 99% of all video watch time on Netflix.

[01/14/25 - 12:00 PM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Jan. 6: "Squid Game" Season 2 Keeps Winning, While "Missing You" Doesn't Miss
"American Primeval" - the historical drama based on real-life events during the 1857 Utah War - arrived at the No. 2 spot with 10.4 million views.

[01/07/25 - 12:00 PM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Dec. 30: "Squid Game" Season 2 Dominates Another Week, as "Carry-On" Flies Into Most Popular
On the English TV list, it was a Happy Harlan Coben New Year for "Missing You," which made its debut at No. 1 with 21.7 million views, and charting on the Top 10 in 89 countries.

[12/31/24 - 12:00 PM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Dec. 23: "Squid Game" Season 2 Scores Record-Breaking Debut
Meanwhile, "Carry-On" flew high for its third consecutive week at No. 1 on the English films list with 34.9 million views.

[12/24/24 - 12:01 PM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Dec. 16: "Carry-On" Flies to First Again in Netflix's Top 10 This Week
Season 6 of "Virgin River" starring Alexandra Breckenridge and Martin Henderson debuted on top of the English TV List with 8.1 million views.

[12/17/24 - 12:00 PM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Dec. 15: "Carry-On" Lifts Off and "Black Doves" Fly High in Netflix's Top 10 This Week
Jamie Foxx's stand-up special "What Had Happened Was..." hit No. 2 (8.2 million views), and "Dead to Me" creator Liz Feldman's new murder mystery "No Good Deed" landed at No. 3 (6 million views).

[12/10/24 - 12:00 PM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Dec. 8: "Black Doves" Soars; "Our Little Secret" Is Most-Watched Title This Week
"Senna," the limited series based on the life and career of the titular Formula 1 icon, raced to No. 1 (5.8 million views) on the Non-English TV list, with "The Madness" rising to No. 1 in English TV, making the top 10 in 90 countries, with 13.3 million views.

[11/21/24 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Black Doves" - Official Trailer #2 - Netflix
When a spy posing as a politician's wife learns her lover has been murdered, an old assassin friend joins her on a quest for truth - and vengeance.

[10/30/24 - 10:01 AM]
Video: "Black Doves" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Keira Knightley, Ben Whishaw, Sarah Lancashire as you've never seen them before.

[10/14/24 - 08:01 AM]
Netflix Announces Premiere Date for Spy Thriller "Black Doves" Alongside a First Look at the Series Starring Keira Knightley, Ben Whishaw and Sarah Lancashire
Set against the backdrop of London at Christmas, the series follows Helen Webb (Keira Knightley), a quick-witted, down-to-earth, dedicated wife and mother - and professional spy.

[08/21/24 - 04:31 AM]
Netflix UK & Ireland - Edinburgh International Television Festival Announcements
Highlights include early renewals of "Love Is Blind: UK" and "Black Doves" plus new series featuring Gordon Ramsay, Victoria Beckham, Anya Taylor-Joy, Barry Hearn and more.

[05/15/24 - 12:32 PM]
Netflix Upfront 2024: The Year of Growth and Momentum
Two new dramas will also be coming to Netflix: "The Waterfront" from Kevin Williamson, an adult family drama set in a small coastal town with twists and turns inspired by true events, and a contemporary cowboy saga starring Tim McGraw.

[03/22/24 - 04:01 AM]
Adeel Akhtar, Finn Bennett, Luther Ford and Tracey Ullman Join Keira Knightley, Ben Whishaw and Sarah Lancashire in "Black Doves"
The spy thriller comes to Netflix later this year.

[02/01/24 - 05:59 AM]
Video: Next on Netflix 2024: The Series & Films Preview
In 2024, get ready for what's next... on Netflix.

[10/25/23 - 07:01 AM]
Ben Whishaw and Sarah Lancashire Will Join Keira Knightley in Brand New Six-Part Spy Thriller "Black Doves"
Netflix confirmed the news on social media this morning.

[04/26/23 - 11:50 PM]
Development Update: Wednesday, April 26
Updates include: Facebook Watch nixes original programming; Amazon renews "Coach Prime" for second season; and Keira Knightley to lead "Black Doves" for Netflix.

Returns in TBA 2026 (Exact Date TBA)
12/5/24 - ???
returning in 2025/2026 (date TBA)
not on the schedule
2 (??? episodes)
Season 2 (in advance of Season 1) ordered on 8/21/24
(from Netflix's web site, December 2024) When a spy posing as a politician's wife learns her lover has been murdered, an old assassin friend joins her on a quest for truth — and vengeance.
· Adam Silver
· Adeel Akhtar
· Andrew Buchan
· Andrew Koji as Jason
· Ben Whishaw as Sam Young
· Ella Lily Hyland
· Finn Bennett
· Gabrielle Creevy
· Kathryn Hunter
· Keira Knightley as Helen Webb
· Ken Nwosu
· Luther Ford
· Omari Douglas
· Sam Troughton
· Sarah Lancashire as Reed
· Tracey Ullman
· Alex Gabassi as DIR
· Chris Fry as EP
· Harry Munday as PROD
· Jane Featherstone as EP
· Joe Barton as CRTR/EP
· Keira Knightley as EP
· Lisa Gunning as DIR
· drama
· Noisy Bear
· Sister