[07/31/24 - 06:01 AM] Video: "Breathless" - Official Trailer - Netflix A passionate medical team is devoted to saving lives in a bustling public hospital where tensions - and romance - keep their pulses racing.
[06/25/24 - 06:01 AM] Video: "Breathless" - Date Announcement - Netflix The Joaquín Sorolla Hospital is up against numerous challenges: a medical team close to breakdown, threats of a general strike, patients in need of care, and conditions that are anything but easy, with their own lives at a major crossroads.
[05/15/24 - 12:32 PM] Netflix Upfront 2024: The Year of Growth and Momentum Two new dramas will also be coming to Netflix: "The Waterfront" from Kevin Williamson, an adult family drama set in a small coastal town with twists and turns inspired by true events, and a contemporary cowboy saga starring Tim McGraw.
[05/09/24 - 04:01 AM] Netflix Reveals First Look of "Breathless" Joaquín Sorolla is much more than a public hospital in Valencia where lives are saved on a daily basis.
DESCRIPTION: (from Netflix's web site, August 2024) A passionate medical team is devoted to saving lives in a bustling public hospital where tensions — and romance — keep their pulses racing.