
[12/19/24 - 11:00 AM]
What's New on Max This January
New debuts include "The Pitt," "Mermicorno: Starfall," season 5 of "Harley Quinn" and "Isadora Moon."

[05/23/24 - 10:31 AM]
What's New on Max This June
"House of the Dragon," "Fantasmas" "Hannah Einbinder: Everything Must Go," "Ren Faire," "Stevie Van Zandt: Disciple" and "Am I OK?" are among the featured titles.

[09/19/23 - 12:00 PM]
"Craig of the Creek" Preschool Spinoff Series "Jessica's Big Little World" Premieres October 2 on Cartoon Network
The series centers on the adventures of Craig's resilient little sister Jessica.

[06/23/23 - 11:59 AM]
What's New on Max This July
Newly announced premieres include "Wanted: Millionaire" on July 7; "Glitch: The Rise and Fall of HQ Trivia" on July 20; and "Harley Quinn" Season 4 on July 27.

[05/17/23 - 08:18 AM]
What's on Max: Launch Through June 2023
Max will launch with brand new originals "SmartLess: On the Road," "How to Create a Sex Scandal," "What Am I Eating? With Zooey Deschanel," "Gremlins: Secrets of the Mogwai," "Clone High," and documentary "Bama Rush," plus blockbuster hit "Shazam! Fury of the Gods."

[03/23/23 - 10:40 AM]
What's New on HBO Max This April
Stream limited series "Love & Death," final season of "Barry" and new seasons of "Somebody Somewhere," "A Black Lady Sketch Show," "100 Foot Wave," and series premiere of Fired on Mars."

[12/07/22 - 11:39 PM]
Development Update: Wednesday, December 7
Updates include: FOX axes freshman drama "Monarch"; Jake Gyllenhaal in talks to lead Apple's "Presumed Innocent"; and Cartoon Network and Adult Swim president Michael Ouweleen gives status check on various projects.

[10/24/22 - 06:14 AM]
What's New on HBO Max This November
HBO Max announces everything coming to the platform this November including the return of the Max Original series "The Sex Lives of College Girls" for its second season.

[07/23/22 - 10:44 AM]
Grammy-Winning Music Icon Missy Elliott to Guest Star on "Craig of the Creek"
Plus: Zack Snyder will make his "Teen Titans Go!" debut, while Anderson .Paak will return for season two of "We Baby Bears."

[07/07/22 - 11:31 AM]
"Craig of the Creek" Is Back Featuring New Special Episodes with Inclusive Themes All Week Beginning Monday, July 11 on Cartoon Network
Each episode throughout the week will be available on HBO Max the next day.

[06/23/22 - 12:01 PM]
This July Stream "Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin," "Rap Sh!t,""FBOY Island" and More on HBO Max
Other highlights include "Last Night in Soho," starring Anya Taylor-Joy, Thomasin McKenzie and Matt Smith, in which an aspiring fashion designer is mysteriously transported to the 1960s where she meets a wannabe singer.

[04/22/22 - 09:00 AM]
Cartoon Network Redraws the World This Earth Day with Climate Champions Global Campaign Empowering Kids to Take Action on Climate Change
Music prodigy Nandi Bushell will introduce the initiative this Earth Day, Friday, April 22 with a special message about the importance of climate activism that will post across Cartoon Network's social channels.

[01/20/22 - 12:42 PM]
This February Stream Ayesha and Stephen Curry's Celebrity Couple Game Show "About Last Night," Season Two Premiere of "Raised By Wolves," Steven Soderbergh's "Kimi" Starring Zoe Kravitz and More on HBO Max
February brings a diverse array of storytelling for all fans including new original content, as well as a spectacular line-up of highly anticipated unscripted series, international sci-fi thrillers, animation cult classics and more.

[01/19/22 - 07:59 AM]
WarnerMedia Kids & Family Bolsters "Craig of the Creek" Animated Franchise with Two New Project Greenlights and a Fifth Season Pickup for HBO Max and Cartoon Network
Project greenlights include a preschool spinoff series, "Jessica's Big Little World," and an original animated movie, "Craig of the Creek: The Movie," plus a season five series renewal.

[11/19/21 - 06:01 AM]
"The Matrix Resurrections," "And Just Like That...," "Station Eleven," "Finding Magic Mike," "Gossip Girl" Season 1 Finale and More Arrive on HBO Max This December
Other highlights include "Odo," "Summer Camp Island," "The Fungies" and "Beforeigners."

[07/08/21 - 08:00 AM]
WarnerMedia Kids & Family Announces Virtual Panels for 2021 San Diego Comic-Con@Home July 23 & 24
Sit in on discussions with creators, artists and voice-over talent as they delve into what it takes to put together fan-favorite series, specials and cartoon classics.

[02/17/21 - 10:01 AM]
WarnerMedia Expands Kids & Family Offerings on Cartoon Network and HBO Max Under New Tagline "Redraw Your World"
These new originals add to the over 3,000 hours of premium library content also coming to all of WarnerMedia's platforms.

[12/23/20 - 09:05 AM]
HBO Max Highlights - January 2021
Newly added library titles to include "Pushing Daisies," "What I Like About You," "Babylon 5," "Person of Interest," "The New Adventures of Old Christine," "Everwood," "Eve," "The Wayans Bros" and "Batman: The Animated Series."

[07/15/19 - 10:59 AM]
Cartoon Network Studios Continues to Expand Global Content Pipeline
Additional season pickups of its originals "Craig of the Creek" and "Victor and Valentino" add to Cartoon Network Studios' fast-growing programming roster of authentic storytelling for kids around the world.

[08/15/18 - 10:30 AM]
"Craig of the Creek" Sails to Season Two
Beginning Monday, August 20, new episodes from the current season will premiere weekdays at 4 p.m. (ET/PT) on Cartoon Network.

[07/22/18 - 05:03 PM]
Cartoon Network Wraps Up San Diego Comic-Con 2018!
The cable channel recaps its various announcements from the weekend.

[03/08/18 - 06:00 AM]
Cartoon Network Ushers in a New Wave of Creators for Today's Kids
Newly announced projects include Owen Dennis' mysterious and magical adventure "Infinity Train" and Diego Molano's Latin American supernatural comedy "Victor and Valentino."

[02/15/18 - 11:00 AM]
Head to the Creek for Endless Adventure with "Craig of the Creek" Beginning Monday, Feb. 19 on Cartoon Network
"Craig of the Creek" will debut on-air with a double premiere event on Friday, March 30 at 6:25 p.m. (ET/PT).

[03/30/17 - 09:08 AM]
Cartoon Network Announces New Content Slate for 2017-18 Upfront Season
"Cartoon Network has cracked the code on how a leading media brand can engage with fans through true total consumption," said Donna Speciale.

3/30/18 - 1/25/25
canceled/ended (2024-2025 season)
completed airing its current season
6 (180 episodes, 0 of which have yet to air)
Missed an episode? Been wanting to catch up? This series is also available on:

series finale aired on 1/25/25
(from Max's web site, January 2025) Craig is a 10-year-old boy who spends his afternoons playing in the suburban wilderness known as the Creek.
· Ben Levin as CRTR/EP
· Matt Burnett as CRTR/EP
· comedy (all)
· comedy (animated)
· Cartoon Network Studios