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[08/31/22 - 09:01 AM] Video: New Clip from the Disney+ Original Series "Epic Adventures with Bertie Gregory" Shows the Largest Gathering of Gigantic Fin Whales Ever Filmed for the First Time The filming of the second largest whales on the planet, some growing up to 90 feet long, took place in the Drake Passage off the tip of the Antarctica Peninsula.
[08/22/22 - 05:02 AM] Disney+ Day to Deliver Additional Exciting Premieres, Including Marvel Studios' "Thor: Love and Thunder," and Special Perks for Subscribers New titles include Marvel Studios' "Thor: Love and Thunder" and "Assembled: The Making of Thor: Love and Thunder," "Obi-Wan Kenobi: A Jedi's Return," "Remembering," "Dancing with the Stars: The Pros' Most Memorable Dances," "Tierra Incógnita," the "Frozen" and "Frozen 2" Sing-Alongs, and "Welcome to the Club," a new short from The Simpsons.
[08/03/22 - 09:58 AM] Video: Disney+ Reveals Anticipated Premiere Dates and Trailers at Television Critics Association Summer 2022 Press Tour Fall premiere dates were unveiled for a number of series including "Growing Up" and "The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers" Season 2, from Disney Branded Television, "Epic Adventures with Bertie Gregory" and "Super/Natural" from National Geographic, and Season 31 of "Dancing with the Stars."
[08/01/22 - 10:10 AM] Disney General Entertainment Presents "Journey Into Storytelling" with Fan-Favorite Shows at D23 Expo 2022 The three-day extravaganza kicks off September 9 in Anaheim, California, and includes immersive activations in the Disney General Entertainment "Journey Into Storytelling" pavilion, along with a dynamic schedule of exciting announcements, sneak peeks, engaging panels and special appearances by the stars from some of today's most cherished shows today.
[05/20/22 - 05:51 PM] Disney+ Odds & Ends from National Streaming Day "Alias," "Eight Simple Rules" and "The Finder" now available; "Glee" coming to Disney+ and Hulu on June 1; "America the Beautiful" to drop on July 4; Josh Duhamel and Lauren Graham to direct "The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers"; and more!
[02/07/22 - 09:00 AM] National Geographic Announces Ambitious, Premium Content Slate Exclusively for Disney+ Courteney Monroe, president, National Geographic Content, announced 13 new original projects being produced exclusively for Disney+.
STATUS: canceled/ended (2021-2022 season) |
TIME SLOT: completed airing its current season |
SEASON(S): 1 (5 episodes, 0 of which have yet to air) |
ADDITIONAL NOTES: limited series |
DESCRIPTION: (from Disney+'s web site, September 2022) Part wildlife and part adventure show, follow the escapades of young National Geographic Explorer Bertie Gregory as he travels the world capturing extraordinary footage of wild animals. Using a combination of technical wizardry, secret fieldcraft and extreme perseverance, he and his team try to overcome the challenges and dangers and get as close as possible to wildlife on its own terms. |
· Bertie Gregory
· Anwar Mamon as EP · James Brickell as DIR/PROD · Vanessa Berlowitz as EP
· reality (all) · reality (documentary)
· Wildstar Films