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[10/08/24 - 11:31 PM] Video: "Fabulous Lives vs Bollywood Wives" Season 3 - Official Trailer - Netflix India With these fabulous women, kalesh is always around the corner.
[10/03/24 - 03:26 AM] Video: Bollywood Wives Recreate Iconic Mean Girls Call - "Fabulous Lives vs Bollywood Wives" - Netflix India "Fabulous Lives vs Bollywood Wives" arrives on October 18 only on Netflix.
[02/29/24 - 02:32 AM] Next on Netflix: Blockbuster Entertainment Ka Next Level Our goal is best-in-class, original stories from across India, straddling multiple languages and genres, crafted by our country's finest creators, and made available to audiences all around the world.
[03/14/23 - 05:42 AM] Video: Your Favourite Shows Are Back! - Season 3 Announcement - "Kota Factory," "Mismatched" & More! New seasons of "Mismatched," "Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives," "Delhi Crime," "Kota Factory" and "She" are all on tap at Netflix.
[08/19/22 - 12:26 AM] Video: "Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix India The fabulous four are back at it with twice the sass, and twice the glam!
[11/26/21 - 09:31 PM] Video: "Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives" Season 2 - Announcement - Netflix India We're ready to bring the glitz & glamour of Bollywood back to your screens.
[03/03/21 - 02:31 AM] Coming Soon: A Universe of Irresistible Indian Stories Netflix details its upcoming offerings in film, series, comedy, documentary and reality.
[11/12/20 - 11:35 PM] Hilarious, Outrageous and Out-and-Out Fabulous: Netflix Brings You a Sassy New Reality Series "Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives" will premiere on the service on Friday, November 27.