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[01/27/22 - 11:03 AM] Comedy Central Set to Premiere New Animated Series "Fairview" on Wednesday, February 9th at 8:30PM ET/PT "Fairview" is a half-hour adult animated series about how national politics causes wild small town drama in the Natty Light-chugging, grocery store parking lot-fighting, public urinating town of Fairview through the lens of its sloppy party girl turned pragmatic mayor, Kelly Sampson.
[10/07/21 - 09:02 AM] Comedy Central Announces Voice Casts for Upcoming Animated Projects "Washingtonia" and "Fairview" "Fairview," set to premiere in early 2022, taps Aparna Nancherla, Atsuko Okatsuka, Blair Socci, Carl Foreman Jr., Graham Techler, Jack Bensinger, James Austin Johnson, Jeremy Levick, Joey Romaine, Lisa Gilroy, Marina Cockenberg and Otter Lee to star.
[09/21/21 - 09:03 AM] Two New Animated Projects Coming to Comedy Central Expanding Relationship with Stephen Colbert "I am so excited to participate in this press release, but I should mention that my deal for 'Fairview' and 'Washingtonia' is not yet closed," said Colbert.