
[02/21/25 - 11:56 PM]
Development Update: Week of February 17-21
Updates include: ABC gives series order to "9-1-1: Nashville"; "Jury Duty" to return for season two on Prime Video; and CBS's "Zarna" pilot casts Rizwan Manji and Chandni Shah.

[07/12/22 - 03:35 PM]
The Walt Disney Company Earns 147 Primetime Emmy Award Nominations
Hulu and 20th Television's "Only Murders in the Building," the most-nominated freshman comedy this year, has garnered 17 nominations including Outstanding Comedy Series for executive producers Steve Martin, Martin Short and Selena Gomez.

[05/19/22 - 11:17 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, May 19
Updates include: Disney+ eyes new "Daredevil" TV series; Maahra Hill to star in NBC's "The Irrational"; and Michaela McManus set as lead in ABC's "National Parks."

[05/17/22 - 08:01 AM]
Production Is Underway in Atlanta for Marvel Studios' Series "Echo" Coming to Disney+ in 2023
Streaming exclusively on Disney+ in 2023, the origin story of Echo revisits Maya Lopez, whose ruthless behavior in New York City catches up with her in her hometown.

[12/20/21 - 10:01 AM]
Video: Disney+ Ushers in Final Episode of Marvel Studios' "Hawkeye" with New Featurette: "Yelena's Back"
The exciting final episode of Marvel Studios' "Hawkeye" launches exclusively on Disney+ this Wednesday, December 22.

[11/16/21 - 08:01 AM]
'Tis the Season to Stream Holiday Favorites on Disney+
As of today, subscribers can find all of their favorite holiday-themed episodes, films, shorts and specials in the new holiday collection available on the service.

[11/12/21 - 09:06 AM]
Disney+ Debuts First Looks, Exclusive Footage, and New Trailers in Celebration of Disney+ Day
Additionally, Disney+ subscribers were treated to a slate of all new content from each of its marquee brands, Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, National Geographic, and in international markets, Star.

[11/12/21 - 02:52 AM]
Disney+ in Europe Unveils More New Content for Subscribers
As part of The Walt Disney Company's commitment to sourcing, developing and producing a slate of 60 original series by 2024, Disney+ unveils today a new local Spanish original taking the total number of titles greenlit to 21.

[10/14/21 - 09:01 AM]
Disney+ to Launch First Two Episodes of Marvel Studios' "Hawkeye" November 24
Subsequent episodes will launch each week on Wednesday.

[09/13/21 - 06:01 AM]
Video: Marvel Studios' "Hawkeye" - Official Trailer - Disney+
Watch the new trailer for Marvel Studios' "Hawkeye," and start streaming the Original Series November 24 on Disney+.

[07/29/21 - 08:01 AM]
Marvel Studios' "Hawkeye" Starts Streaming Wednesday, November 24 on Disney+
The company releases a first-look at Jeremy Renner and Hailee Steinfeld on social media.

[03/22/21 - 11:23 PM]
Development Update: Monday, March 22
Updates include: Jane Lynch signs onto ABC's "Bucktown"; Y'lan Noel to star in FX's "The Spook Who Sat by the Door"; and Amazon's "Jack Reacher" fills out principal cast.

[02/16/21 - 06:02 AM]
Marvel Studios Announces "Assembled," A Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Making of the Marvel Cinematic Universe
The series will take viewers through productions such as "WandaVision," "The Falcon and The Winter Soldier," and "Loki" via exclusive on-set footage.

[12/10/20 - 05:26 PM]
The Walt Disney Company Surpasses 137 Million Paid Subscriptions Across Its Direct-to-Consumer Services, Shattering Previous Guidance
After greatly exceeding expectations, The Walt Disney Company shared guidance that it now expects its streaming services to hit 300-350 million total subscriptions by fiscal 2024, driven primarily by a significant increase in content output.

[12/03/20 - 11:31 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, December 3
Updates include: Disney+ fills out cast of "Hawkeye" TV series; Cedric Joe to play Emmett Till in ABC's "Women of the Movement"; and Imogen Poots reports to Amazon's "Outer Range."

[07/17/20 - 11:18 PM]
Development Update: Friday, July 17
Updates include: "Grantchester" to return to PBS for sixth season; HBO mulls "In Treatment" revival; and Laura Benanti cast in FOX's "The Big Leap."

[09/09/19 - 11:07 PM]
Development Update: Monday, September 9
Updates include: Hailee Steinfeld offered the role of Kate Bishop on "Hawkeye" at Disney+; Brad Paisley to star in comedy project for Amazon; Mark B. Perry to reboot "Dark Shadows" for The CW.

[09/06/19 - 11:47 PM]
Development Update: Friday, September 6
Updates include: FX's "A Teacher" fills out ensemble cast; Jonathan Igla to spearhead "Hawkeye" TV series for Disney+; and Darren Criss joins Netflix's "Hollywood."

[07/20/19 - 08:00 PM]
Marvel Studios Reveals Exciting New Plans for Phase Four at San Diego Comic Con
Marvel Studios' President Kevin Feige officially announced the lineup of feature films for the next two years and shared exciting new information on the brand-new Marvel Studios' series created exclusively for Disney+.

[04/10/19 - 11:42 PM]
Development Update: Wednesday, April 10
Updates include: YouTube Premium axes four scripted series; Jeremy Renner's Hawkeye targeted for TV series at Disney+; and Kate McKinnon to play Elizabeth Holmes in Hulu's "The Dropout."

11/24/21 - 12/22/21
canceled/ended (2021-2022 season)
completed airing its current season
1 (6 episodes, 0 of which have yet to air)
a show on hiatus for longer than 12 months - without any news about its future - is assumed to be canceled
(from Disney+'s web site, November 2021) Marvel Studios’ “Hawkeye” is an original new series set in post-blip New York City where former Avenger Clint Barton aka Hawkeye has a seemingly simple mission: get back to his family for Christmas. But when a threat from his past shows up, Hawkeye reluctantly teams up with Kate Bishop, a 22-year-old skilled archer and his biggest fan, to unravel a criminal conspiracy.
· Alaqua Cox as Maya Lopez
· Brian d'Arcy James
· Florence Pugh as Yelena Belova
· Fra Fee as Kazi
· Hailee Steinfeld as Kate Bishop
· Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye
· Tony Dalton as Jack Duquesne
· Vera Farmiga as Eleanor Bishop
· Zahn McClarnon as William Lopez
· Bert & Bertie as DIR
· Jonathan Igla as CRTR/EP
· Rhys Thomas as DIR
· based on a comic book
· based on a feature film
· drama
· Marvel Studios