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[12/19/16 - 06:00 AM] Season Two of Amazon Original Kids Series "Just Add Magic" Debuts on January 13 on Prime Video Based on Cindy Callaghan's book of the same name, "Just Add Magic" is a single-camera live-action series executive produced by Andrew Orenstein and Joe Nussbaum with Nussbaum also directing several episodes.
[10/05/16 - 12:18 PM] Amazon Original Special "Just Add Magic Halloween" to Launch on Prime Video Friday, October 14 The Halloween Special is part of the brand-new season debuting early next year.
[06/08/16 - 01:22 PM] Amazon Greenlights Second Season of Amazon Original Kids Series "Just Add Magic" "Just Add Magic" set a record as the most successful Amazon Original Kids premiere weekend in terms of US Prime Video streams and hours.
[12/08/15 - 06:04 AM] Amazon Debuts Original Live-Action Kids Series "Just Add Magic" on January 15 The series follows Kelly and her two best friends Darbie and Hannah as they stumble upon a mysterious cookbook in Kelly's attic and discover the recipes in this book are far from ordinary - they're magical.
[02/18/15 - 06:05 AM] Amazon Greenlights Full Seasons of "Mad Dogs," "The Man in the High Castle," "The New Yorker Presents," and Children's Shows "Just Add Magic" and "The Stinky & Dirty Show" These new shows will premiere exclusively to Prime members in the US, UK and Germany later this year and in 2016.
[01/15/15 - 06:04 AM] Amazon's First Pilot Season of 2015, Featuring Slate of 13 Original Comedy, Drama, Docuseries and Kids Offerings, is Now Available on Amazon Instant Video in the US, UK and Germany Ridley Scott, Frank Spotnitz, Carlton Cuse, Randall Wallace, Shawn Ryan, Brad Silberling, Mark Waters and Alex Gibney are among the featured auspices.
[01/06/15 - 06:04 AM] Amazon's First Pilot Season of 2015, Featuring Slate of 13 Original Comedy, Drama, Docuseries and Kids Offerings, will Debut January 15 on Amazon Instant Video in the US, UK and Germany Highlights include "Cocked," "Down Dog," "Mad Dogs," "The Man in the High Castle," "The New Yorker Presents," "Point of Honor" and "Salem Rogers."
[08/25/14 - 06:05 AM] Amazon Greenlights Pilot Episodes of Five New Kids Shows Plus: new episodes are due of "Tumble Leaf" on September 5, "Creative Galaxy" on October 3 and "Annedroids" on October 30.
[07/24/14 - 11:33 PM] Development Update: Thursday, July 24 Updates include: Michael Landes joins ABC's "Members Only"; Frank Spotnitz's "The Man in the High Castle" surfaces at Amazon; and Andy Samberg, Kit Harington to lead HBO's "Seven Days in Hell."
STATUS: canceled/ended (2019-2020 season) |
TIME SLOT: completed airing its current season |
SEASON(S): 3 (51 episodes, 0 of which have yet to air) |
ADDITIONAL NOTES: a show on hiatus for longer than 12 months - without any news about its future - is assumed to be canceled |
DESCRIPTION: (from Amazon's web site, October 2019) The Magic Cookbook has appeared in a new town with new protectors! Kelly, Darbie, and Hannah must now travel to Bay City to train the new trio on how to handle the recipes and the dangerous downsides. What they find is that the new protectors aren't even friends let alone ready to trust and use magic. |
· Abby Donnelly · Aubrey Miller · Judah Bellamy · Olivia Sanabia
· Joanna Lewis as CRTR/EP/BOOK · Joe Nussbaum as DIR (Pilot) · Kristine Songco as CRTR/EP/BOOK
· comedy (all) · comedy (single-camera)
· Amazon Studios