
[02/24/25 - 06:01 AM]
Prime Video Fan Favorite Heist Drama "Leverage: Redemption" Season 3 Returns April 17
The third installment of the fan-favorite drama will consist of 10 episodes with the first three episodes premiering April 17, and new episodes releasing every Thursday.

[12/05/23 - 01:00 PM]
Heist-Drama Series "Leverage: Redemption" Will Make Its Season Three Debut on Prime Video
Produced by Electric Entertainment, "Leverage: Redemption" follows a Robin Hood-esque team of criminals as they stage elaborate cons against corrupt and powerful individuals on behalf of clients who have been wronged.

[09/29/22 - 08:14 AM]
Amazon Freevee's Hot Heist Drama Series "Leverage: Redemption" Returns on November 16 Exclusively in the U.S. and UK
The second season consists of 13 episodes with the first three episodes available immediately and a new episode releasing each Wednesday until the season finale on January 25.

[07/11/22 - 10:32 AM]
"Leverage: Redemption" to Make Broadcast Premiere on ION July 11
"Leverage: Redemption" streams on Amazon Freevee, formerly IMDb TV.

[04/13/22 - 07:00 AM]
IMDb TV Announces Rebrand to Amazon Freevee
Amazon's free streaming service will announce additional greenlights at its NewFronts presentation on May 2.

[12/09/21 - 10:59 AM]
IMDb TV Orders Second Season of "Leverage: Redemption"
All 16 episodes of the first season of "Leverage: Redemption" are available to stream exclusively on IMDb TV.

[09/08/21 - 11:00 AM]
Video: "Leverage: Redemption" - More Episodes Coming October 8 - Official Trailer - IMDb TV
The crew is back together for more cons and capers when "Leverage: Redemption" returns October 8 on IMDb TV.

[08/26/21 - 11:00 AM]
Catch Eight New Episodes of the IMDb TV Original Series "Leverage: Redemption" on October 8
In the brand-new episodes, the Leverage team finds itself up against a rival organization that embodies the system the team works so hard to take down.

[07/23/21 - 12:14 PM]
Video: Amazon Studios and IMDb TV Treat Fans to Exclusive First-Looks and Series Details During Comic-Con@Home Panel
Highlights include new videos from "Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time," "Leverage: Redemption" and "S.O.Z. Soldiers or Zombies."

[07/08/21 - 09:09 AM]
Amazon Prime Video and IMDb TV Announce Multi-Title Comic-Con@Home Panel, Streaming Friday, July 23rd Including Cast and Producers from Highly-Anticipated Series "The Wheel of Time" and "I Know What You Did Last Summer"
Other featured titles include "S.O.Z. Soldiers or Zombies" and "Leverage: Redemption."

[05/26/21 - 12:16 PM]
Video: "Leverage: Redemption" - Official Trailer - IMDb TV - Coming July 9
In this new iteration and new world, the "Leverage" crew have watched as the rich and powerful continue to take what they want without consequence.

[05/03/21 - 10:59 AM]
The Heist Continues as "Leverage: Redemption" Sets July 9 Premiere on IMDb TV
The crime drama will debut with eight new episodes this summer followed by an additional eight episodes in the fall.

[03/18/21 - 11:51 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, March 18
Updates include: Canadian import "Burden of Truth" to sign off after four seasons; Dulé Hill cast in ABC's "The Wonder Years" reboot pilot; and Matthew McConaughey in talks to return for "A Time to Kill" sequel TV series at HBO.

[12/03/20 - 11:00 AM]
IMDb TV and Amazon Studios Expand Original Slate with True Crime Docu-series
"Moment of Truth" will premiere early in 2021 on IMDb TV, Amazon's premium free streaming service.

[10/29/20 - 12:00 PM]
IMDb TV and Amazon Studios Greenlights Judge Judy Sheindlin to Preside Over a New Court Program for a Free Streaming Audience
The Untitled Judge Judy Sheindlin Project will feature no-nonsense, expeditious Judge Sheindlin's signature adjudication style with a new array of cases, litigants and judgments.

[08/19/20 - 11:33 PM]
Development Update: Wednesday, August 19
Updates include: Comedy Central nixes seventh season of "Drunk History"; Sarah Hyland to star in ABC's "Yours, Mine & Paul's"; and Sophie Okonedo, Kae Alexander among latest cast in Amazon's "Wheel of Time."

[04/22/20 - 11:46 PM]
Development Update: Wednesday, April 22
Updates include: Leslye Headland to spearhead new "Star Wars" series at Disney+; IMDb to revive "Leverage" for its streaming service; and Hulu's "The Mysterious Benedict Society" rounds out cast.

Returns Thursday, April 17
7/9/21 - ???
returning this spring (yet to premiere)
thursdays from 3:01 AM-4:00 AM EST
3 (10 episodes)
(from Amazon's web site, November 2022) Corporate baddies are stepping on the little guy – and the Leverage Team is back to teach them a lesson! This time around, Leverage’s skills are put to the test by an MLM scam, a shipping magnate, a predatory music producer… not to mention an old friend of Sophie’s coming out of the woodwork and making her question her choices. No matter the danger, when someone needs help, we provide… Leverage.
· Aldis Hodge as Alec Hardison
· Aleyse Shannon as Breanna Casey
· Beth Riesgraf as Parker
· Christian Kane as Eliot Spencer
· Gina Bellman as Sophie Devereaux
· Noah Wyle as Harry Wilson
· Chris Downey as CP/CRTR (Original Series)
· Dean Devlin as EP
· John Rogers as CP/CRTR (Original Series)
· Kate Rorick as EP
· Marc Roskin as EP
· Rachel Olschan-Wilson as EP
· based on a tv series
· drama
· Amazon Studios
· Electric Entertainment