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[07/18/23 - 01:10 PM] MTV Celebrates Summer Romance with the Series Premiere of "The Love Experiment" on Tuesday, August 15th at 10PM ET/PT In this new dating experiment, MTV will bring the choices and excitement of dating apps to life!
[05/18/22 - 03:18 PM] Paramount Global Showcases Full Scale and Power of IP-Driven, Multiplatform Content Company During Historic In-Person Upfront Presentation at Carnegie Hall In addition to revealing the 2022-2023 CBS fall primetime schedule, new programming was highlighted from BET, Comedy Central, MTV, Nickelodeon, Paramount+ and more.
[05/18/22 - 11:51 AM] MTV Entertainment Studios Unveils Expansive Lineup of 90+ New and Returning Series Across Paramount Media Networks and Paramount+, Including MTV, Comedy Central, VH1, CMT, Smithsonian Channel and Paramount Network With half of the top ten series on cable and a slew of #1 hits from scripted to adult animation to reality - MTVE's upcoming series, films and specials tap into themes that are resonating with today's global audiences including family dynamics, love & relationships and social experimentation.