
[02/21/25 - 11:56 PM]
Development Update: Week of February 17-21
Updates include: ABC gives series order to "9-1-1: Nashville"; "Jury Duty" to return for season two on Prime Video; and CBS's "Zarna" pilot casts Rizwan Manji and Chandni Shah.

[03/01/22 - 08:01 AM]
Marvel Live-Action Series and Updated Parental Controls in the U.S. Coming to Disney+ on March 16
Look for "Daredevil," "Jessica Jones," "Luke Cage," "Iron Fist," "The Defenders," and "The Punisher," plus "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." on the streaming service.

[02/18/19 - 08:46 AM]
A Letter to Marvel Television Fans from Jeph Loeb
The company confirms Netflix has "decided they no longer want to continue telling the tales of these great characters."

[12/20/18 - 11:22 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, December 20
Updates include: DC Universe's "Stargirl" casts trio; Daniella Pineda tapped for Netflix's "What/If"; and "Beverly Hills, 90210" eyes reboot series with original cast.

[10/19/18 - 11:35 PM]
Development Update: Friday, October 19
Updates include: Netflix pulls the plug on "Marvel's Luke Cage"; Catalina Sandino Moreno to join Sophia Bush-led "Surveillance" at CBS; and FOX's "The Passage" adds recurring roles.

[06/12/18 - 07:02 AM]
Video: "Marvel's Luke Cage" Final Trailer Released - Harlem's Queen Rises and Confronts New Menace
In the final trailer, Mariah Dillard is faced with an imminent and formidable threat to her hold over Harlem - the unstoppable Bushmaster.

[05/07/18 - 07:03 AM]
Video: "Marvel's Luke Cage" - Season 2 - Official Trailer
On June 22 the explosive, emotionally charged second season of "Marvel's Luke Cage" premieres worldwide on Netflix.

[03/15/18 - 11:54 AM]
Annabella Sciorra Cast in Sophomore Season of Netflix Original Series "Marvel's Luke Cage"
Sciorra will play Rosalie Carbone, a dangerous downtown criminal underworld power player with an eye, and an agenda, toward Harlem.

[03/06/18 - 08:02 AM]
You Wanna Test Him? Step Up! "Marvel's Luke Cage" Returns June 22 on Netflix
After clearing his name, Luke Cage has become a celebrity on the streets of Harlem with a reputation as bulletproof as his skin.

[09/12/17 - 11:34 PM]
Development Update: Tuesday, September 12
Updates include: Nate Corddry cast in Hulu's "Locke & Key"; Lena Hall bound for TNT's "Snowpiercer"; and Jason George to make the leap to ABC's "Grey's Anatomy" spin-off.

[08/22/17 - 05:21 AM]
Decoding the Defenders: Netflix Unveils the Gateway Shows That Lead to a Heroic Binge
More than 80% of all shows are discovered through Netflix recommendations.

[07/21/17 - 06:58 PM]
Video: Netflix Brings "Marvel's The Defenders" to San Diego Comic Con and Releases New Trailer
Plus: "Marvel's Iron Fist" to return for a second season.

[07/11/17 - 12:35 PM]
Lucy Liu Set to Direct Episode in Season Two of the Netflix Original Series, "Marvel's Luke Cage"
"Lucy and I have been tight since our 'SouthLAnd' days and she's a welcome addition to our 'Luke Cage' family," said Cheo Hodari Coker.

[07/05/17 - 12:23 PM]
Mustafa Shakir and Gabrielle Dennis Join Season Two of the Critically-Acclaimed Netflix Original Series, "Marvel's Luke Cage"
Returning cast members include Mike Colter, Alfre Woodard, Simone Missick, Theo Rossi and Rosario Dawson.

[05/03/17 - 06:01 AM]
Video: Netflix Launches Trailer for "Marvel's The Defenders"
This is the story of four solitary figures, burdened with their own personal challenges, who realize they just might be stronger when teamed together.

[04/28/17 - 10:43 AM]
Netflix Unveils "FYSee" - A Month-Long Celebration Highlighting the Best of Netflix Series
For the first time, Netflix's FYSee will feature a full month of programming designed to connect industry with the shows, creators and talent they love in wholly new and unusual ways.

[12/04/16 - 10:55 AM]
Always Forward - "Marvel's Luke Cage" Season 2 Coming Soon
The company made said announcement this morning via its Twitter page.

[10/31/16 - 07:04 AM]
Get Ready - Deborah Ann Woll & Simone Missick Return for "The Defenders"
Karen Page and Misty Knight are both on tap for the series.

[10/08/16 - 04:31 PM]
Video: Netflix Releases "Marvel's Iron Fist" Teaser Trailer at NYCC and Unites The Defenders
Plus: Sigourney Weaver joins "Marvel's The Defenders" and Deborah Ann Woll to appear in "Marvel's The Punisher."

[09/26/16 - 06:38 AM]
Video: Netflix Debuts Second Trailer for Original Series "Marvel's Luke Cage"
The latest installment in Marvel's Netflix franchise launches this Friday, September 30.

[09/20/16 - 07:58 AM]
Video: Netflix Debuts "Who Is Luke Cage?" Featurette for Original Series "Marvel's Luke Cage"
This featurette delves into the gritty series' title character played by the Mike Colter.

[08/31/16 - 06:32 AM]
Video: Netflix Releases First Part of Social Video Series for "Marvel's Luke Cage"
These digital videos look to blend fiction with history by taking audiences behind the curtain on the themes that give the show it's street-level authenticity and cultural relevance.

[08/09/16 - 06:31 AM]
Video: Netflix Releases the Trailer for "Marvel's Luke Cage"
After a sabotaged experiment leaves him with super strength and unbreakable skin, Luke Cage (Mike Colter) becomes a fugitive trying to rebuild his life in modern day Harlem, New York City.

[08/08/16 - 06:17 AM]
Netflix Releases Key Art for "Marvel's Luke Cage"
Today, Netflix released the key art for the original series, leading up to the trailer debut tomorrow.

[07/21/16 - 06:49 PM]
Netflix Brings "Marvel's Luke Cage" to San Diego Comic Con
Other highlights include the season three announcement of "Marvel's Daredevil" and the logo reveal of "Marvel's The Defenders."

[06/30/16 - 10:58 AM]
Marvel Television Returns to San Diego Comic-Con
The fun kicks off Thursday, July 21, with the first-ever San Diego Comic-Con Marvel and Netflix panel session.

[04/15/16 - 08:34 AM]
Netflix Original Series "Marvel's The Defenders" Finds Its Showrunners
The showrunners of "Marvel's Daredevil" Season 2 will unite the Man Without Fear with Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist for the mini-series event bringing our heroes together to face their biggest threat yet.

[03/11/16 - 09:50 AM]
"Marvel's Luke Cage" - September 30, We Are Heading to Harlem
The premiere date announcement was made during last night's New York City premiere of "Marvel's Daredevil" season two.

[11/24/15 - 11:01 AM]
Sonia Braga Joins the Netflix Original Series "Marvel's Luke Cage"
Fans previously met her daughter, Claire (Rosario Dawson), in "Marvel's Daredevil."

[09/16/15 - 12:05 PM]
Netflix Original Series "Marvel's Luke Cage" Adds to the Cast
Simone Missick, Theo Rossi, Frank Whaley and Rosario Dawson have all signed onto the upcoming series.

[09/15/15 - 01:15 PM]
Alfre Woodard Joins "Marvel's Luke Cage" for Netflix
She'll play Mariah Dillard, a local Harlem politician who is looking to bring a new era of change to the streets she grew up on.

[09/03/15 - 02:01 PM]
Mahershala Ali Joins the Cast of the Netflix Original Series "Marvel's Luke Cage"
He's set as Cornell "Cottonmouth" Stokes in the upcoming series.

[05/08/15 - 10:00 AM]
Rosario Dawson Returns to Hell's Kitchen in the Netflix Original Series "Marvel's Daredevil" Season 2 & More
Romantically entangled with Matt Murdock in the series' first season, Claire helped the hero after more than a few of his brutal battles in the streets of Hell's Kitchen.

[03/31/15 - 11:08 AM]
Cheo Hodari Coker Will Serve as Executive Producer and Showrunner of "Marvel's Luke Cage" for Netflix
Mike Colter will play the charismatic lead character, Luke Cage, in the series.

[11/07/13 - 06:27 AM]
Disney's Marvel and Netflix Join Forces to Develop Historic Four Series Epic plus a Miniseries Event Based on Renowned Marvel Characters
Led by a series focused on "Daredevil," followed by "Jessica Jones," "Iron Fist" and "Luke Cage," the epic will unfold over multiple years of original programming.

9/30/16 - 6/22/18
canceled/ended (2017-2018 season)
completed airing its current season
2 (26 episodes, 0 of which have yet to air)
confirmed as canceled on 10/19/18
(from Netflix's web site, June 2018) A hoodie-wearing, unbreakable ex-con fights to clear his name and save his neighborhood. He wasn't looking for a fight, but the people need a hero.
· Alfre Woodard
· Erik LaRay Harvey
· Frank Whaley
· Frankie Faison
· Gabrielle Dennis
· Mahershala Ali
· Mike Colter
· Mustafa Shakir
· Ron Cephas Jones
· Rosario Dawson
· Simone Missick
· Sonia Braga
· Theo Rossi
· Alan Fine as EP
· Alison Engel as EP
· Allie Goss as EP
· Charles Murray as EP
· Cheo Hodari Coker as CRTR/EP
· Cindy Holland as EP
· Dan Buckley as EP
· Jeph Loeb as EP
· Jim Chory as EP
· Joe Quesada as EP
· Kris Henigman as EP
· Paul McGuigan as EP/DIR (Pilot)
· Stan Lee as EP
· based on a comic book
· based on a feature film
· based on a tv series
· drama
· ABC Studios
· Marvel Television