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[12/24/24 - 12:01 PM] Netflix Top 10 Week of Dec. 16: "Carry-On" Flies to First Again in Netflix's Top 10 This Week Season 6 of "Virgin River" starring Alexandra Breckenridge and Martin Henderson debuted on top of the English TV List with 8.1 million views.
[12/02/24 - 03:31 AM] Video: "Mismatched" Season 3 - Official Trailer - Netflix The season of love, non-dates, and endless drama returns.
[02/29/24 - 02:32 AM] Next on Netflix: Blockbuster Entertainment Ka Next Level Our goal is best-in-class, original stories from across India, straddling multiple languages and genres, crafted by our country's finest creators, and made available to audiences all around the world.
[03/14/23 - 05:42 AM] Video: Your Favourite Shows Are Back! - Season 3 Announcement - "Kota Factory," "Mismatched" & More! New seasons of "Mismatched," "Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives," "Delhi Crime," "Kota Factory" and "She" are all on tap at Netflix.
[09/20/22 - 11:46 PM] Video: "Mismatched" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix India Love, loss and lies - Dimple, Rishi and the Aravali gang are back! This time around, they have new hurdles, new problems, new friends and relationships.
[09/14/22 - 10:42 PM] Video: "Mismatched" Season 2 - Date Announcement - Prajakta Koli, Rohit Saraf, Rannvijay Singha Love, friendship, rivalries and drama, this season has it all!
[03/03/21 - 02:31 AM] Coming Soon: A Universe of Irresistible Indian Stories Netflix details its upcoming offerings in film, series, comedy, documentary and reality.
[11/05/20 - 09:31 PM] A Little Lost and All Things Love with Netflix's "Mismatched" Produced by RSVP Movies, directed by Akarsh Khurana and Nipun Dharmadhikari, and written by Gazal Dhaliwal, the series is set to hit the service on November 20.
[07/16/20 - 12:15 AM] Video: Netflix Unveils a Sizzle of 17 Upcoming Originals "A Suitable Boy," "Bhaag Beanie Bhaag," "Bombay Begums," "Masaba Masaba" and "Mismatched" are among the series on tap at Netflix India.