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[05/16/24 - 10:01 AM] AMC Networks' June Highlights Include "Orphan Black: Echoes," "Domino Day," "My Life is Murder" and "Snowpiercer" Binge AMC+ continues film premieres every week including sharks on a plane thriller "No Way Up," starring Colm Meaney, Shudder's Korean supernatural horror film "Exhuma" and period psychological thriller "The Devil's Bath."
[04/15/24 - 10:32 AM] AMC Networks' May Highlights Features New Season of "Interview with the Vampire," New Crime Thriller "Scrublands" and Return of "Harry Wild" These films, series and more join an extensive catalogue of compelling dramas, beloved franchises, highly anticipated films and timely collections on AMC+, Acorn TV, ALLBLK, Shudder, Sundance Now, and anime-focused HIDIVE, all month long.
[04/12/24 - 10:19 AM] Video: ALLBLK Releases Trailer for Season Two of Powerful Makeover Docuseries "My Mane Problem" Premiering Thursday, April 25 A bad hairstyle can look, feel and be life-ruining, but celebrity stylist Dr. Boogie is back giving renewed hope and self-confidence to real people confronting very personal hair journeys.
[03/14/24 - 10:03 AM] AMC Networks' April Highlights Feature New Episodes of AMC's Propulsive Giancarlo Esposito-Led Series "Parish"; Sundance Now's Serial Killer Thirller "The Long Shadow"; and the Return of Acorn TV's Popular "The Brokenwood Mysteries" These films, series and more join an extensive catalogue of compelling dramas, beloved franchises, highly anticipated films and timely collections on AMC+, Acorn TV, ALLBLK, Shudder, Sundance Now, and anime-focused HIDIVE, all month long.
[02/06/24 - 01:35 PM] AMC Networks Announces Spring Premiere Dates for New Original Series and Films Across Its Suite of Channels and Targeted Streaming Services Highlights include newcomers "Supa Girlz" on ALLBLK, "Predator v Prey" on BBC America, "Scrublands" on Sundance Now, and "True Crime Story: Smugshot" on SundanceTV.
[02/23/21 - 01:02 PM] Video: AMC Networks' Newly-Rebranded Streaming Platform ALLBLK Releases Trailer for Powerful Makeover Docuseries "My Mane Problem" Premiering Thursday, March 4 The series features celebrity hairstylist Dr. Boogie - an industry veteran whose clients include Taraji P. Henson, Eve, and Vivica Fox - rescuing clients struggling with deeply affecting hair trauma.
[02/18/21 - 09:01 AM] New Series, Films, Specials and More from AMC Networks' Suite of Targeted Streaming Services This Spring This spring, AMC Networks' targeted streaming services will bring viewers an extensive catalogue of compelling dramas, fan-favorite franchises, highly-anticipated films and timely collections on AMC+, Acorn TV, ALLBLK, Shudder and Sundance Now.
[12/08/20 - 10:15 AM] AMC Networks and Robert L. Johnson to Rebrand UMC Streaming Service as "ALLBLK" Early Next Year The first quarter launch will find the service debuting a premium, new look and feel as ALLBLK ramps up production on a robust slate of original series heading into the new year.
[09/30/20 - 11:27 PM] Development Update: Wednesday, September 30 Updates include: Netflix takes stab at "Conan" TV series; UMC commissions three new reality series; and Iman Vellani to lead "Ms. Marvel" at Disney+.
STATUS: on hiatus or fate to be determined |
TIME SLOT: completed airing its current season |
CURRENT SEASON: 2 (8 episodes) |
ADDITIONAL NOTES: completed airing its second season on 6/13/24; has yet to be renewed for a third season |
DESCRIPTION: (from ALLBLK's web site, April 2024) A bad hair style can look, feel and be life-ruining. Celebrity Stylist, Dr. Boogie, will transform individuals in an amazing way but also dig deeper to fix what's going on in their head. |
· Dr. Boogie
· Andrew Sheer as EP · Angela Molloy as EP (ALLBLK) · Brett Dismuke as EP (ALLBLK) · Casey Spira as CO-EP · Dr. Boogie as EP · John Irwin as EP · LeAnn Scrimmager as EP (ALLBLK) · Nikki Love as EP (ALLBLK) · Sean Charles as EP (ALLBLK)
· reality (all) · reality (documentary)
· Irwin Entertainment