
[10/17/24 - 09:31 AM]
Disney Branded Television Announces Cast for Highly Anticipated New Season of "Phineas and Ferb"
The new season of "Phineas and Ferb" will follow the inventive stepbrothers as they tackle another 104 days of summer.

[09/16/24 - 12:00 PM]
Disney Entertainment Television Brings Fan-Favorite Series to 2024 New York Comic Con
"Phineas and Ferb," "What We Do in the Shadows," "The Simpsons," "The Simpsons" and "Goosebumps" are among the featured series.

[06/11/24 - 05:30 AM]
Disney Branded Television Announces New Animation Titles at the Annecy International Animated Film Festival
Highlights include a season five renewal for "Big City Greens"; a season two premiere date for "Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures"; and first looks at its various upcoming series.

[03/16/23 - 12:15 PM]
Jeff "Swampy" Marsh to Executive-Produce and Voice-Direct Two Animated Series - The New Production of "Phineas and Ferb" and Upcoming Series "Hey A.J." - at Disney Branded Television
It was announced in January that the hit classic would be returning with 40 all-new episodes.

[01/13/23 - 09:46 AM]
Dan Povenmire Makes Disney His Creative Home with New Disney Branded Television Overall Deal That Includes Production of 40 All-New Episodes of Super-Hit "Phineas and Ferb" and Second Season of "Hamster & Gretel"
"Phineas and Ferb" is a five-time Emmy Award-winner and the most successful animated series for Kids 6-11 and Tweens 9-14 in Disney Television Animation history.

[08/05/20 - 09:38 AM]
Video: "Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Candace Against The Universe" - Official Trailer - Disney+
Get ready for a mission that's out of this world!

[07/02/20 - 11:06 AM]
"Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Candace Against The Universe" to Premiere Exclusively on Disney+ on Friday, August 28
The soundtrack, from Walt Disney Records, will be available the same day.

[07/01/20 - 09:45 AM]
Disney+ Joins Comic-con@Home July 23-26 to Present Upcoming Originals "Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Candace Against the Universe," Marvel's 616," and "The Right Stuff"
Comic-Con@Home will be held on the same dates as the previously canceled Comic-Con, July 22-26, and online attendees are encouraged to use the official #ComicConAtHome hashtag to be included in the virtual activities.

[08/23/19 - 03:56 PM]
"Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Candace Against the Universe," An Original Film, Will Be Available Exclusively on Disney+
The news kicked off a slew of announcements at today's D23 Expo event.

[07/30/19 - 10:00 AM]
Disney+, ESPN+, and Hulu Bring Streaming Magic to Disney's D23 Expo 2019 in Anaheim August 23-25
Guests will be the first to experience Disney+ before it launches in the U.S. on November 12.

[04/11/19 - 05:01 PM]
Disney Spotlights Comprehensive Direct-to-Consumer Strategy at 2019 Investor Day
The Walt Disney Company's highly anticipated Investor Day provided an extensive overview of Disney's comprehensive direct-to-consumer strategy, and included presentations on Hulu, Hotstar, ESPN+ and the upcoming Disney+ service, which will launch in the U.S. market on November 12, 2019, at $6.99 a month.

[12/12/18 - 11:16 AM]
Season Two of "Milo Murphy's Law," Starring Al Yankovic, Debuts with a "Phineas and Ferb" Hour-Long Crossover Special Saturday, Jan. 5, on Disney Channel and Disney XD
Both series hail from acclaimed animation producers Dan Povenmire and Jeff "Swampy" Marsh, who will reprise their "Phineas and Ferb" roles as Dr. Doofenshmirtz and Major Monogram.

[04/30/18 - 10:36 AM]
Disney's Global Hit "Phineas and Ferb" Will Be Available in Its Entirety on DisneyNOW, Beginning Wednesday, May 2
Plus: Disney XD will also air the entire "Phineas and Ferb" library - 126 episodes, seven one-hour specials and the record-breaking Disney Channel Original Movie "Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension - throughout the month of May.

[06/17/15 - 01:35 PM]
Disney's Hit Animated Series "Phineas and Ferb" Last Day of Summer Episode Delivers Record Ratings for Disney XD
Disney XD further spins the numbers for Friday, June 12.

[05/07/15 - 10:00 AM]
Dan Povenmire and Jeff "Swampy" Marsh Continue Their Association with Disney Television Animation, Begin Production on New Animated Series "Mikey Murphy's Law" for Disney XD
The team wrapped production on the Emmy Award-winning and BAFTA-nominated "Phineas and Ferb" after 126 episodes, five one-hour specials and a record-breaking Disney Channel Original Movie.

[02/20/15 - 11:39 AM]
At Long Last, Three-Time Oscar(R) Winner Meryl Streep Nominated for Coveted Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Award
Multi-talented singer/songwriter and actor Nick Jonas will host the celebration live on Saturday, March 28 at 8:00/7:00c.

[10/17/14 - 11:29 AM]
A Third-Consecutive Year of Disney XD's "Pranksgiving," a Cornucopia of Fun-Filled Programming, Is Set for November
Highlights include an all-new edition of the hit hidden-camera series "Just Kidding," hosted by multi-talented actor Calum Worthy.

[09/24/14 - 01:00 PM]
"Monstober," a Month-Long Halloween Event, Returns to Disney Channel This October
Highlights include an animated version of the "Jessie" cast in a crossover episode of "Marvel's Ultimate Spider-Man: Web-Warriors."

[08/26/14 - 11:24 AM]
Disney Channel Sweeps Total Day in Total Viewers and Major Youth Demos
Disney Channel spins the numbers for the week of August 18-24.

[08/22/14 - 11:30 AM]
A Special "Lost"-Themed Episode of "Phineas and Ferb" to Premiere Monday, September 29 on Disney XD
The episode, titled "Lost in Danville," also guest stars Jane Kaczmarek and Rob Morrow.

[07/16/14 - 09:00 AM]
Disney Channel Will Travel to a Galaxy Far, Far Away During Its First-Ever "Out of This World Weekend"
The cosmic-programming event will also include a premiere of the one-hour television special "Phineas and Ferb: Star Wars."

[06/26/14 - 11:30 AM]
Disney XD Launches "Disney XD Grand Prix" Racing-Game App for Smartphone and Tablet Devices
The app is live now in the Apple App Store and is coming soon to Google Play and the Amazon Appstore.

[06/12/14 - 01:30 PM]
"Phineas and Ferb: Star Wars" to Premiere Saturday, July 26 on Disney Channel
An extended first look at "Star Wars Rebels" will debut immediately following the special.

[05/28/14 - 08:00 AM]
The Broadcast Television Journalists Association Announces Nominations for 4th Annual Critics' Choice Television Awards
This year's event will be broadcast live on The CW from the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Thursday, June 19 and hosted by actor/comedian Cedric the Entertainer.

[05/16/14 - 12:01 PM]
Jay Leno Guest Stars in "Phineas and Ferb Save Summer," Premiering Monday, June 9 on Disney XD
The episode ushers in several new episodes of the Emmy Award-winning series airing throughout the summer.

[02/21/14 - 11:04 AM]
Patrick Dempsey and the Hosts of BBC's "Top Gear" to Guest Star in Grand Prix-Themed Episode of Disney XD's "Phineas and Ferb" on Platypus Day, Saturday, March 1
Following the episode will be a "Phineas and Ferb" marathon showcasing Agent P and his O.W.C.A. counterparts (8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., ET/PT).

[01/06/14 - 10:56 AM]
Disney Channel Triumphs for 2nd Consecutive Total Day Sweep in 2013 Across Major Youth Demos; 24-Hour Disney Junior Is TV's #1 Preschool Network in 1st Year
Disney Channel spins the numbers for 2013.

[09/11/13 - 01:31 PM]
Raini Rodriguez and Calum Worthy Host "Monstober," Disney Channel's Annual Month-Long Halloween Celebration
Look for special themed installments of "A.N.T. Farm," "Dog With a Blog," "Good Luck Charlie," "Jessie," "Liv and Maddie," "Phineas and Ferb," "Shake It Up" and "Wander Over Yonder."

[09/09/13 - 11:01 AM]
Disney XD's New Live-Action Comedy Series "Mighty Med" Starring Popular Disney Channel Stars Bradley Steven Perry and Jake Short Premieres Monday, October 7
Bradley Steven Perry and Jake Short star in the series, which will launch with a one-hour premiere.

[08/20/13 - 11:45 AM]
Disney Channel Sweeps Total Day Across Major Youth Demos for 12th Straight Week
Disney Channel spins the numbers for the week of August 12-18.

[08/19/13 - 02:31 PM]
"Phineas and Ferb: Mission Marvel" Rockets to Best Ratings in Over 6 Months in Total Viewers and in 1 Year in Target Demos
Disney Channel spins the numbers for Friday, August 16.

[08/12/13 - 03:49 PM]
Disney Channel's "Night of Premieres" Soar to Best Telecasts in Months; All New "Jake and the Never Land Pirates" Hits 10-Month High in Total Viewers
Disney Channel spins the numbers for Friday, August 9.

[07/22/13 - 12:12 PM]
Disney Channel's Intergalactic Animated Comedy Series "Wander Over Yonder" from Emmy Award-Winning Producer Craig McCracken Premieres Friday, September 13
Plus: look for a special preview following the premiere of "Phineas and Ferb: Mission Marvel" on Friday, August 16.

[07/19/13 - 02:01 PM]
Doof Meets Darth in an Epic Ode to Star Wars from the Hit Animated Series "Phineas and Ferb"
The one hour event episode will premiere next year on Disney Channel and Disney XD.

[07/16/13 - 11:19 AM]
Disney Channel Sweeps Major Youth Demos for 7th Consecutive Week; 24-Hour Disney Junior Channel Soars to Record Highs
Disney Channel spins the numbers for the week of July 8-14.

[07/12/13 - 10:37 AM]
"Phineas and Ferb's" Breakout Internet Star Dr. Doofenshmirtz Is Back Online with 26 New Webisodes for Summer
The latest webisode, "Doof's Haul 2013: SWAG, Celebs and Misery," is now available.

[07/10/13 - 12:09 PM]
Disney Channel Sweeps Total Day for 6th Straight Week Across Major Youth Demos; 24-Hour Disney Junior Channel Is #1 Preschool Network for 14th Straight Week
Disney Channel spins the numbers for the week of July 1-7.

[07/08/13 - 07:10 PM]
Q2 in Review: How 436 Original Primetime Cable Series Fared in the Ratings
A recap of the ratings to date through the second quarter of 2013.

[06/28/13 - 12:54 PM]
"Phineas and Ferb: Mission Marvel," a First Ever Crossover Television Special for Marvel and Disney Characters, Premieres Friday, August 16 on Disney Channel
In the special, Spider-Man, Iron Man, Thor and Hulk stand powerless after being struck by Dr. Doofenshmirtz's power-draining "inator."

[06/13/13 - 12:20 PM]
Disney XD Zooms Into a "Non-Stop Summer" Beginning Monday, June 17
Highlights include the premieres of "Marvel's Avengers Assemble" and "Marvel's Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H." on July 7 and August 11, respectively.

[06/07/13 - 11:38 AM]
Disney/ABC Television Group Launches Disney Channel Photo Finish App for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch
touch. Fans can now get creative and personalize their own pictures with their favorite characters from "Phineas and Ferb," "Gravity Falls" and "Shake It Up."

[05/23/13 - 02:34 PM]
Kelly Osbourne Hosts Fan-Generated Special "Phineas and Ferb Musical Cliptastic Countdown," Premiering Friday, June 28 on Disney Channel
Leading up to the special, fans can get in on the action by voting for their favorite "Phineas and Ferb" music videos on DisneyChannel.com.

[05/18/13 - 08:51 AM]
ABC Wins Friday as "Shark Tank" Closes Out with its Best-Ever Finale and Strongest Season Ever
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, May 17.

[05/17/13 - 09:00 AM]
"Phineas and Ferb's" Breakout Internet Star Dr. Doofenshmirtz Is Back for a Special "Shark Tank" Installment of "Doof's Daily Dirt"
Plus: DisneyChannel.com extends "Doof's Daily Dirt" web series for another 26 episodes beginning this summer.

[05/16/13 - 12:50 PM]
"Shark Tank" Season Finale Is Double the Fun with Two All New Back-To-Back Episodes, Friday, May 17 on ABC
Highlights include a clip of the pitch from "Phineas and Ferb's" nefarious Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz.

[04/22/13 - 10:05 AM]
"Phineas and Ferb's" Nefarious Dr. Doofenshmirtz Pitches "Shark Tank" to Get a Deal for His Latest Evil "Inator" Invention
Check out a clip of the pitch from Dr. Doofenshmirtz during the Season Finale of "Shark Tank," on Friday, May 17.

[04/04/13 - 11:02 AM]
Disney XD Greenlights "Mighty Med," a Live-Action Comedy Series Inspired by the Extraordinary World of Super Heroes and Comic Books
Bradley Steven Perry, Jake Short, Paris Berelc and Devan Leos star in the multi-camera series, due this fall.

[04/02/13 - 06:07 PM]
Q1 in Review: How 280 Original Primetime Cable Series Fared in the Ratings
A recap of the ratings to date for the first quarter of 2013.

[03/12/13 - 04:01 PM]
Disney Channels Worldwide Presents Plan to Build on Its Strength at Annual Meeting with Advertisers
Check out the highlights from Disney Media's 2013-14 Kids Upfront presentation.

[02/19/13 - 02:56 PM]
Disney Channel is Friday's #1 TV Network in Total Day Across Kids 2-11, Kids 6-11 and Tweens, and Cable TV's #1 Network in Total Viewers
Disney Channel spins the numbers for Friday, February 15.

[02/13/13 - 08:16 AM]
Nickelodeon Unveils 2013 Kids' Choice Awards Nominees
Television nominees include "Good Luck Charlie," "iCarly," "Victorious" and "Wizards of Waverly Place."

[02/05/13 - 11:16 AM]
Disney Channel Extends Streak as TV's #1 Network in Total Day to 86 Consecutive Weeks in Kids 6-11 and Tweens
Disney Channel spins the numbers for the week of January 28-February 3.

[02/04/13 - 04:43 PM]
Disney Channel Airs Friday's Top TV Telecasts Led by "Jessie" in Youth Demos and "Sofia the First" in Preschoolers
Disney Channel spins the numbers for Friday, February 1.

[02/01/13 - 09:11 AM]
Disney Channel, Disney XD and Radio Disney Embark on a Month-Long Celebration Beginning, Friday, February 1 for National Platypus Day on Saturday, March 2
The O.W.C.A. (Organization Without a Cool Acronym) song rollout includes two star-studded music videos with group choreography to form the letters.

[01/15/13 - 10:02 AM]
The Walt Disney Company and AT&T U-verse Announce Broad Distribution Agreement
"We're proud to deliver more Disney content and services to U-verse customers across the screens they watch most," said Jeff Weber.

[12/19/12 - 09:21 AM]
Disney Channel Earns Historic #1 Total Day Win in Kids 2-11 in 2012; Magical Year Two for Disney Junior Block
Disney Channel spins the numbers for the year to date.

[12/10/12 - 02:46 PM]
Disney Channel's 1-Hour Event "Austin & Jessie & Ally: All Star New Year" Hits All the Right Notes With Nearly 5 Million Total Viewers
Disney Channel spins the numbers for Friday, December 7.

[12/04/12 - 01:20 PM]
Disney Channel's "Sofia the First" Crowned #1 Cable TV Telecast Ever in Kids 2-5
Disney Channel further spins the numbers for Sunday, November 18.

[11/13/12 - 12:00 PM]
Disney Channel's Fa-la-la-lidays Set to Return
Look for special holiday-themed episodes on Sunday, December 2 and Friday, December 7.

[10/02/12 - 12:00 PM]
Disney Channel Rises to Momentous Total Day Win - Cable TV's #1 Network in Total Viewers for 1st Quarter in Network's History
Disney Channel spins the numbers for the quarter to date.

[10/01/12 - 02:46 PM]
Disney Channel is Friday's #1 Cable TV Network in Prime in Total Viewers for 2nd Straight Week
Disney Channel spins the numbers for Friday, September 28.

[09/15/12 - 07:53 PM]
The 64th Primetime Creative Arts Emmys Winners
HBO took home 17 awards, followed by CBS with 13 and PBS with 11.

[09/14/12 - 06:53 AM]
Disney/ABC Television Group Sponsors Inventive Activities for Kids and Families During World Maker Faire 2012 at New York Hall of Science, September 29-30
Highlights include Carla Hall from ABC's "The Chew" giving a culinary demonstration on making a delicious dish healthier for the entire family.

[09/10/12 - 02:31 PM]
Disney Channel's "Phineas and Ferb" and "Jessie" Are Friday's Top 2 Telecasts
Disney Channel spins the numbers for Friday, September 7.

[08/28/12 - 11:24 AM]
Disney Channel Earns Historic Summer Win in Total Viewers and Kids 2-11
Disney Channel spins the numbers for the summer to date.

[08/14/12 - 10:55 AM]
Disney Channel Tracking for Summer Gold - Pacing for Decisive, First-Ever Total Day #1 Ranking in Total Viewers and Kids 2-11
Disney Channel spins the numbers for the week of August 6-12.

[07/14/12 - 12:55 PM]
Disney's "Phineas and Ferb" and Marvel's Iconic Super Heroes Team Up for Landmark Animated Adventure, "Phineas and Ferb: Mission Marvel" Premiering Next Summer on Disney Channel
Spider-Man, Iron Man, Thor and Hulk will face off against Red Skull, Whiplash, Venom and M.O.D.O.K. in the special.

[06/29/12 - 02:51 PM]
Disney's "Phineas and Ferb" Builds Out for Summer With Two-Part "Where's Perry?" Special TV and Online Mystery
The cliffhanger storyline begins with "Where's Perry?, Part One" premiering Thursday, July 26 at 9:00/8:00c.

[06/26/12 - 11:10 AM]
Disney Channel Sweeps TV's #1 Total Day Ranking for 2nd Straight Quarter
Disney Channel spins the numbers for the quarter to date.

[06/22/12 - 08:07 AM]
Disney Brings Favorite Stars and Notable Creative Teams to Comic-Con International 2012 in San Diego
"TRON: Uprising," "Phineas and Ferb," "Fish Hooks" and "Gravity Falls" are among the featured panels.

[06/12/12 - 10:35 AM]
Disney Channel Sweeps the Competition, Ranking as #1 TV Network in Total Day in Kids 2-11, Kids 6-11 and Tweens 9-14
Disney Channel spins the numbers for the week of June 4-10.

[05/08/12 - 10:24 AM]
Disney Channel Extends Record Streak as the #1 Network Across All TV in Total Day to 47 Consecutive Weeks in Kids 6-11 and Tweens 9-14
Disney Channel spins the numbers for the week of April 30-May 6.

[05/01/12 - 10:42 AM]
Disney Channel Extends Record-Streak as TV's #1 Network in Total Day to 12 Consecutive Months in Kids 6-11
Disney Channel spins the numbers for the month of April.

[04/10/12 - 11:12 PM]
Q1 in Review/Q2 in Preview: Comedy Central, Discovery, Disney Channel, Disney XD & E!
A look at what's ahead on the cable channels, plus a recap of their ratings to date this year.

[04/10/12 - 10:26 AM]
Disney Channel Sweeps TV's #1 Total Day Ranking Across Target Kids 2-11, Kids 6-11 and Tweens 9-14 Demographics
Disney Channel spins the numbers for the week of April 2-8.

[02/16/12 - 10:02 AM]
Tom Cruise, Lady Gaga, Tim Tebow, Johnny Depp, Big Time Rush, Daniel Radcliffe and Other Top Stars Receive Nominations for Nickelodeon's 25th Annual Kids' Choice Awards Hosted by Mega-Star Will Smith
TV nominees include "Good Luck Charlie," "iCarly," "Victorious" and "Wizards of Waverly Place."

[02/11/12 - 12:06 PM]
First Lady Michelle Obama and Disney Stars Get Kids Moving at Disney's Magic of Healthy Living & "Let's Move!" Event at Walt Disney World Resort
Debby Ryan, Roshon Fegan, Doc Shaw, Kelsey Chow and Olivia Holt inspired kids to get active with the new dance "The Platypus Walk."

[02/08/12 - 12:16 PM]
Platypus Day Set Across Multi-Platy-Forms, Saturday, March 3 - "Phineas and Ferb" All-Day on Disney Channel and Disney XD
Plus: "The Platypus Walk" song will debut today, Wednesday, February 8.

[01/17/12 - 03:17 PM]
Disney Channel Original Movie "Frenemies" Buddies Up With 4.2 Million Total Viewers
Disney Channel spins the numbers for Friday, January 13.

[01/06/12 - 02:08 PM]
Disney Channel and Disney XD Present "Phineas and Ferb - Time Shift Weekend," Beginning Friday, January 13
The special four-episode adventure runs through Monday, January 16.

[12/28/11 - 11:14 AM]
ABC's "Kung Fu Panda Holiday Special" and "A Chipmunk Christmas" are Mondays' Top Broadcast Programs in Their Slots in Kids
ABC spins the numbers for the week of December 19-25.

[12/14/11 - 11:13 AM]
2011 is Disney XD's Most-Watched Year Ever in Prime and Total Day in Total Viewers, Key Kid and Boy Demographics
Disney XD spins the numbers for the year to date.

[12/14/11 - 11:12 AM]
Disney Channel's Magical 2011 Delivers Biggest Year, Earns Historic #1 Among Kids 6-11 in Total Day, Unseats 16 Year Incumbent Nickelodeon
Disney Channel spins the numbers for the year to date.

[12/12/11 - 12:01 PM]
Disney XD Sitcom "Pair of Kings" to Resume Production for Third Season, Adam Hicks Joins the Cast
He'll play a new character, a long lost brother, added to the story of the unusual island of Kinkow.

[11/22/11 - 11:09 AM]
Disney Channel is Cable's No. 1 Network in Total Day in Total Viewers
Disney Channel spins the numbers for the week of November 14-20.

[11/15/11 - 12:03 PM]
Disney Channel, Disney XD and Disney Junior Spread Holiday Cheer in December With Seasonal Specials, Popular Guest Stars and a New Disney Channel Original Movie
The festive fare includes the premiere of Disney Channel Original Movie "Good Luck Charlie, It's Christmas!"

[11/09/11 - 11:02 AM]
Disney Channel Orders Fourth Season of Emmy Award-Winning Animated Series "Phineas and Ferb"
TV's #1 animated series in Kids 6-11 and Tweens 9-14 will have new episodes rolling out through 2014.

[11/08/11 - 11:45 AM]
Disney Channel Extends Record Streak as TV's No. 1 Network in Total Day To 21st Consecutive Weeks in Both Kids 6-11 and Tweens 9-14
Disney Channel spins the numbers for the week of October 31-November 6 and the year to date.

[11/01/11 - 11:42 AM]
Disney Channel is TV's No. 1 Network in Total Day for the 18th Straight Month in Tweens 9-14
Disney Channel spins the numbers for the month of October.

[10/30/11 - 09:02 PM]
Netflix and Disney-ABC Television Group Announce Extension of Existing Licensing Agreement to Stream TV Shows
Episodes from new seasons of current Disney-ABC series will be made available to Netflix 30-days after the last episode of each season airs.

[10/04/11 - 10:48 AM]
Disney Channel Sweeps All Kids Competition for 16th Consecutive Week
Disney Channel spins the numbers for the week of September 26-October 2.

[10/01/11 - 11:30 AM]
Disney Channel's Original Comedy Series "Jessie" Debuts as the Network's No. 1 Friday Premiere in 3 Years
Disney Channel spins the numbers for Friday, September 30.

[09/27/11 - 11:32 AM]
Disney Channel Delivers its No. 1 Quarter Ever in Total Day in Kids 6-11
Disney Channel spins the numbers for the quarter to date.

[09/27/11 - 11:19 AM]
Disney XD Delivers its No. 1 Quarter Ever in 3Q11
Disney XD spins the numbers for the quarter to date.

[09/20/11 - 11:30 AM]
Disney Channel, Disney XD and Disney Junior Celebrate Halloween Throughout October With New Episodes, Popular Guest Stars and Special Performances
Said lineup includes "Wizards of Waverly Place - Apartment 13B," a four-part saga with a new episode each Friday.

[09/19/11 - 03:13 PM]
ABC Comedy "Modern Family" Captures Five Primetime Emmy Awards
Plus: the Disney/ABC Television Group touts its six other Emmy wins last night.

[09/13/11 - 10:07 AM]
Disney Channel Sweeps All Kids Competition for 13th Consecutive Week
Disney Channel spins the numbers for the week of September 5-11.

[09/12/11 - 02:25 PM]
Disney's "Phineas and Ferb" Soars to Series Highs in Kids 6-11 and Boys 6-11
Disney Channel spins the numbers for Friday, September 9.

[09/10/11 - 07:31 PM]
2011 Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards Winners
"Boardwalk Empire" tops the night with seven wins followed by "Deadliest Catch" and "Gettysburg" with four each.

[08/30/11 - 11:41 AM]
Disney Channel Scorches the Competition in Summer 2011
Disney Channel spins the numbers for the summer to date.

[08/30/11 - 11:27 AM]
Disney XD Sizzles to its Biggest Summer on Record
Disney XD spins the numbers for the summer to date.

[08/25/11 - 11:03 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, August 25
Updates include: Eric Kripke to bring "Deadman" to The CW; Bruce Helford on track to run Charlie Sheen's "Anger Management"; and "Phineas & Ferb" co-creators ink new pacts with Disney.

Returns in Summer 2025 (Exact Date TBA)
8/17/07 - ???
returning this summer (yet to premiere)
not on the schedule
5 (40 episodes)
40 additional episodes ordered on 1/13/23
(from Disney+'s web site, January 2023) Phineas and Ferb, an animated comedy series, follows the adventures of Phineas Flynn and his English stepbrother, Ferb Fletcher, on their summer vacation. Each day, the boys and their friends take on some ambitious new project, sometimes to help someone in need, but often just to create something fun. This annoys the boys' sister, Candace, who constantly attempts to get them in trouble by revealing their actions to Mom. Meanwhile, across town, the wannabe-evil scientist Dr. Doofenshmirtz continually attempts to take over the Tri-State area with his various inator devices, and Perry the Platypus, the boys' pet and a secret agent, consistently foils his plans on behalf of the O.W.C.A and his commanding officer, Major Mongram. At the end of each episode, the two plots intersect to erase all traces of the boys' project just before Candace can successfully show it to Mom.
· Alyson Stoner as Isabella Garcia-Shapiro
· Ashley Tisdale as Candace Flynn
· Caroline Rhea as Linda Flynn-Fletcher
· Dan Povenmire as Heinz Doofenshmirtz
· David Errigo, Jr. as Ferb Fletcher
· Dee Bradley Baker as Perry the Platypus
· Jeff "Swampy" Marsh as Francis Monogram
· Vincent Martella as Phineas Flynn
· Mitchel Musso as Jeremy
· Richard O'Brien as Lawrence Fletcher
· Thomas Sangster as Ferb Fletcher
· Dan Povenmire as CRTR/EP
· Jeff "Swampy" Marsh as CRTR/EP
· comedy (all)
· comedy (animated)
· Disney Television Animation