· there are no related dvds for this project |

STATUS: canceled/ended (2014-2015 season) |
TIME SLOT: completed airing its current season |
SEASON(S): 1 (6 episodes, 0 of which have yet to air) |
ADDITIONAL NOTES: a show on hiatus for longer than 12 months - without any news about its future - is assumed to be canceled |
DESCRIPTION: (from Electus' press release, October 2014) Multimedia entertainment studio Electus, an operating business of IAC (NASDAQ: IACI) today announces that is has sold The Raft to National Geographic Channel in the U.S. and will be produced in association with Brian Catalina Entertainment. Electus International will act as the international distributor for The Raft and will be available at MIPCOM this October. The Raft follows two separate, two man rafts as they fight the harshest of ocean conditions in an attempt to stay alive. All they have is their own ingenuity, miles of endless water, paralyzing fear, loneliness and isolation that comes from facing your own mortality. Can they last at sea until they hit land? Or will extreme conditions cause them to surrender? With this extreme physical and mental challenge, it's not only their own survival they have to endure, but each other. If one wants to quit, the adventure is over for the both of them. |
· Brian Catalina as EP · Chris Grant as EP · Corie Henson as EP · Eric Lange as EP (NGC) · Fred Pichel as EP · Kristina Wood as EP
· reality (all) · reality (documentary)
· Brian Catalina Entertainment · Electus