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[07/15/22 - 08:02 AM] Summer Streaming Sizzles with the Debut of "Tales of the Walking Dead," Season Finale of AMC+ Original Series "Moonhaven," Return of Critically Acclaimed "Kevin Can F**K Himself" and the Series Finale of the Celebrated "Better Call Saul" "Kevin Can F**K Himself" returns Monday, August 22 with a two-episode premiere on AMC+.
[06/30/22 - 09:19 AM] ALLBLK's Highly Anticipated New Dramedy Series, "Send Help" Premieres Thursday, August 11 The coming-of-age dark comedy series comes from actor Jean Elie and writer Mike Gauyo.
[03/24/22 - 11:55 AM] Amin Joseph, Karen Obilom and Kimiko Singer Join Cast of "Send Help" Series at AMC Networks Streamer, ALLBLK They will join the previously announced principal cast - Karina Bonnefil, Catfish Jean, Courtney Taylor and Ana Bowen - in the seven-episode first season.
[03/23/22 - 10:42 AM] Karina Bonnefil, Catfish Jean, Courtney Taylor, and Ana Bowen to Star Alongside Jean Elie in ALLBLK's "Send Help" Currently in production, the seven-episode first season is directed by Stewart Yost.
[11/30/21 - 08:55 AM] AMC Networks' ALLBLK Streaming Service Greenlights "Send Help" The coming-of-age dark comedy series is about a first-generation Haitian American young man struggling to overcome the challenges of "making it" in Hollywood, whilst coming to terms with a recent family tragedy.