
[01/23/25 - 09:04 AM]
Black Stories Always: Hulu Celebrates Black History Month with New Premieres and Timeless Classics
From timeless classics to groundbreaking originals, we shine a light on the voices and creators who have made an impact on culture and entertainment.

[09/11/24 - 09:01 AM]
Video: The #1 Series on All TV for Black Viewers, "Tyler Perry's Sistas" Reveals Season Eight Premiere Date, New Key Art and Promo
The hit series returns for its eighth season Wednesday, October 16 at 9 PM ET/PT on BET and BET Her.

[07/16/24 - 07:31 AM]
BET Media Group Expands Its Offerings with the Debut of BET Tyler Perry FAST Channels
Viewers can now enjoy back-to-back episodes of their favorite BET original Tyler Perry series on BET Tyler Perry Comedy and BET Tyler Perry Drama FAST channels.

[04/16/24 - 07:00 AM]
BET Media Group Extends Multi-Year Content Partnership with Tyler Perry Through 2028
The pact includes new seasons of "Sistas," "The Oval," "Assisted Living," "House of Payne," "Zatima," "Bruh," "All the Queen's Men" as well as the new scripted series "Route 187."

[02/02/24 - 11:41 PM]
Development Update: Week of January 29-February 2
Updates include: Terrence Howard, Taraji P. Henson among latest cast in Peacock's "Fight Night: The Million Dollar Heist"; Dave Burd to press pause on FXX's "Dave"; and Netflix's "Obliterated," Disney Channel's "Secrets of Sulphur Springs" both get the axe.

[01/05/24 - 11:32 PM]
Development Update: Week of January 1-5
Updates include: Disney+ cancels newcomer "American Born Chinese"; Starz nixes comedy series "Minx"; and MTV extends "Catfish: The TV Show," "Help! I'm In a Secret Relationship!"

[10/25/23 - 12:39 PM]
Close to 3.2 Million Total Viewers, P2+ Tuned in to the Midseason Premiere of "Sistas" and the Debut of New Judge Comedy Series "Ms. Pat Settles It" Last Wednesday Night
"Sistas" reigns as the #1 series on all of TV and remains the #1 scripted cable series with Black viewers for five consecutive seasons.

[10/02/23 - 02:19 PM]
BET Media Group Announces Fall Programming Lineup Including New Content from BET, BET+, BET Digital, VH1 and Our Content for Change Initiative
BET keeps the 50th Anniversary of Hip Hop celebration going with a special three-part "Rap City" documentary titled "Welcome to Rap City" kicking off Tuesday, October 10.

[09/12/23 - 10:09 AM]
BET Announces Premiere Dates for Hit Tyler Perry Franchises "Tyler Perry's Sistas" and "Tyler Perry's The Oval"
The series return on Wednesday, October 18 and Tuesday, October 17, respectively.

[06/07/23 - 10:01 AM]
"Tyler Perry's Sistas" Sixth Season Premiere Soars with 1.2 Million Total Viewers Tuned in Last Wednesday Night and Scores Viewership Gains Up +26%
The network also scored viewership lifts with the cable airing of BET+ original series "Tyler Perry's Zatima" and "First Wives Club" +8% and +13%, respectively.

[09/15/22 - 12:42 PM]
BET Fall Programming Slate Preview
BET will debut a new dating show "After Happily Ever After" hosted by Mr. 106 & Park, Bow Wow, and will celebrate the 100th episode of the #1 hit scripted series "Tyler Perry's Sistas."

[08/26/22 - 09:00 AM]
BET+ and Tyler Perry Studios Announce Second Wave of Cast in New "Sistas" Spin-Off "Tyler Perry's Zatima" and Premiere Date
Executive produced, directed, and written by Tyler Perry, the 10 episodes original series "Zatima" will premiere Thursday, September 29 exclusively on BET+.

[03/22/22 - 07:00 AM]
BET Renews Two of Its Most Popular Franchises "Tyler Perry's The Oval" for a Fourth Season and "Tyler Perry's Sistas" for a Fifth Season
Production for both series is set to start at Tyler Perry Studios this spring.

[03/14/22 - 12:05 PM]
BET Sets Midseason Premiere Date for Its Hit-Drama Series "Tyler Perry's Sistas" Season Four
In anticipation of the midseason finale airing Wednesday, March 16, the network confirms the midseason premiere of season four to return Wednesday, June 29.

[12/22/21 - 09:09 PM]
The #1 Cable Series for Black Viewers "Tyler Perry's Sistas" Returns with New Season Wednesday, January 5 at 9 PM ET/PT on BET and BET Her
Season four of Tyler Perry's "Sistas" continues the unbounded connection between the five girlfriends as they move through everyday life, circumstances and each finding a new voice, one that demands everyone listens.

[12/08/21 - 08:00 AM]
BET's Tyler Perry Programming Universe Expands with the Addition of the New "Tyler Perry's Sistas" Spin-Off "Tyler Perry's Zatima"
The 10-episode one-hour series follows popular characters Zac, played by Devale Ellis and Fatima, played Crystal Renee Hayslett, as they navigate the ups and downs of their relationship.

[10/20/21 - 11:31 PM]
Development Update: Wednesday, October 20
Updates include: "Tyler Perry's Sistas" scores fourth season from BET; Jesse Spencer exits "Chicago Fire" after 200 episodes; and NBC's "The Thing About Pam" fills out cast.

[10/20/21 - 04:47 PM]
5.6 Million Viewers Tuned in to BET for the Premieres of Its Expansive Roster of Hit Drama and Comedy Series Last Week!
Last Tuesday night BET held the top three shows on cable for Black viewers 18-49, "The Oval" #1 including all of TV, "Assisted Living" #2, and "House of Payne" #3.

[09/21/21 - 11:26 AM]
This Fall BET and BET+'s Programming Slates Are Jam-Packed with Over 25 New Originals, Returning Favorites, Movies, and Specials, Solidifying Their Position as the Home Where Black Culture Lives
BET's diverse slate will reflect and celebrate Black culture like no other brand can.

[08/25/21 - 03:11 PM]
BET Continues Its Winning Ratings Streak with Over 2.6 Million Total Viewers Tuning in to the Midseason Finale of "Tyler Perry's Sistas" Season Three and "The Tyler Perry Show: The Sistas After-Show Edition" Last Wednesday Night
BET and Tyler Perry now have the top three scripted series on cable this season with African Americans 18-49.

[08/13/21 - 10:25 AM]
BET Announces "The Tyler Perry Show: The Sistas After-Show Edition" Hosted by World Renowned Content Creator Tyler Perry Premiering Wednesday, August 18 at 10 PM ET/PT on BET and BET Her
Taped at Tyler Perry Studios in Atlanta in front of a live socially distant seated, fully vaccinated, and COVID-19-tested audience, the first special will spotlight the #1 series on cable for Black viewers P18-49, "Tyler Perry's Sistas."

[06/15/21 - 02:00 PM]
2.5 Million Viewers Watched Both the Premiere and Encore Telecasts of the Third Season of the Scripted Series "Tyler Perry's Sistas" and Music Reality Series "BET Presents The Encore" on BET
Over 1.4 million total viewers tuned in to the former's season premiere in Live+3.

[04/07/21 - 06:00 AM]
BET's Sophomore Season of "Tyler Perry's Sistas" Reigns as the #1 Scripted Series on Cable for African Americans and Sets Premiere Date for Season 3, Wednesday, June 9, 2021
The one-hour drama follows a group of single black females as they navigate their "complicated love life," careers, and friendship through the ups and downs of living in a modern world of social media and unrealistic relationship goals.

[01/19/21 - 09:03 AM]
BET Greenlights Third Season for Hit Scripted Drama "Tyler Perry's Sistas"
The series renewal lands in anticipation of the mid-season premiere of "Tyler Perry's Sistas" Wednesday, January 27 at 9:00/8:00c.

[10/19/20 - 01:04 PM]
Over 7 Million Total Viewers Tuned in to BET's Winning Line Up of Tyler Perry's Trifecta of Original Series "House of Payne," "Assisted Living" and the Return of "Sistas" Premieres and Encores L+3
BET further spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 14.

[09/02/20 - 10:31 AM]
Fall in Love All Over Again with BET's Hit-Dramedy, "Tyler Perry's Sistas," Wednesday, October 14 Starting at 9 PM ET/PT on BET and BET Her
This new season will pick up right where it left off, with Tyler Perry taking viewers on an exhilarating ride of emotions and gut-busting predicaments that will test the ladies' long-standing friendship.

[08/14/20 - 11:23 PM]
Development Update: Friday, August 14
Updates include: Peacock lands "Clueless" reboot TV series; Thomas Roberts named new host of "DailyMailTV"; and various Vancouver-based series on track to begin production.

[08/10/20 - 03:17 PM]
Trinity Whiteside and Crystal Hayslett Upped to Series Regulars of the BET Original Hit Series "Tyler Perry's Sistas"
Plus: Chris Warren joins as a recurring cast member.

[07/13/20 - 11:11 PM]
Development Update: Monday, July 13
Updates include: Paramount Network nixes "Sexy Beast" TV series; Tom Bergeron, Erin Andrews out of "Dancing with the Stars"; Tamera Mowry-Housley announces departure from "The Real."

[05/13/20 - 06:01 AM]
BET Greenlights Second Seasons for Hit Scripted Series "Tyler Perry's The Oval" and "Tyler Perry's Sistas"
Production of the original drama is slated to start at Tyler Perry Studios on July 8, with premiere dates for both series forthcoming.

[05/05/20 - 12:30 PM]
1.6 Million Total Viewers Tuned in to the Epic Season Finale of "Tyler Perry's Sistas"; 1.3 Million Total Viewers Tuned in to the Irreverent Season Finale of "Boomerang"
BET further spins the numbers for Wednesday, April 29.

[01/28/20 - 12:53 PM]
The Jaw-Dropping Midseason Finale of "Tyler Perry's The Oval" and New Episode of "Tyler Perry's Sistas" Delivered 3.5 Million Total Viewers P2+
BET further spins the numbers for Wednesday, January 22.

[12/17/19 - 11:47 PM]
Development Update: Tuesday, December 17
Updates include: Syfy orders final season of "Van Helsing"; Morfydd Clark to play young Galadriel in Amazon's "The Lord of the Rings"; and AMC's "Lodge 49" fails to find new home.

[11/07/19 - 11:50 AM]
BET Networks and Tyler Perry Studios Announce Perry's New Original Series for BET+, "Tyler Perry's Bruh" and "Tyler Perry's Ruthless," Expanding the Acclaimed Content Creator's Arsenal of Exclusive Programming for BET
The first series to complete production, "Tyler Perry's Bruh," produced by Perry exclusively for BET+, examines the world of dating, career, and friendship in a present-day society for a group of 30-something-year-old college friends.

[09/23/19 - 11:00 AM]
BET Networks and Tyler Perry Studios Announce New Premiere Date for Original Dramas "The Oval" and "Sistas"
Tyler Perry's new original dramas will now premiere Wednesday, October 23 at 9:00/8:00c and 10:00/9:00c respectively (previously October 9).

[08/13/19 - 07:00 AM]
BET Networks and Tyler Perry Studios Announce the Remaining Series Regulars for Perry's Second Original Series, "Sistas," Premiering Exclusively on the Network This Fall
The series follows a group of single black females as they navigate their complicated love life, careers and friendship through the ups-and-downs of living in a modern world of social media and unrealistic relationship goals.

[08/01/19 - 07:00 AM]
BET Networks and Tyler Perry Studios Announce Perry's Second Original Series, "Sistas," Premiering Exclusively on the Network This Fall
Starring KJ Smith, Ebony Obsidian, Mignon Von, and Novi Brown, the series follows a group of single black females from different walks of life who bond over their one common thread: why am I single?

10/23/19 - ???
currently airing (winter 2025)
wednesdays from 9:00 PM-10:00 PM EST
8 (??? episodes)
(from BET's web site, January 2025) Four beautiful African American girlfriends in their 30’s navigate the zany world of dating in a present-day society.
· Anthony Dalton as Calvin Rodney
· Brian Jordan, Jr. as Maurice
· Chido Nwokocha as Gary Marshall Borders
· Devale Ellis as Zac
· Ebony Obsidian as Karen Mott
· K.J. Smith as Andrea "Andi" Barnes
· Kevin Walton as Aaron Carter
· Mignon Von as Daniella "Danni" King
· Novi Brown as Sabrina Hollins
· Michelle Sneed as EP
· Tyler Perry as CRTR/EP/DIR (Pilot)
· drama
· Tyler Perry Studios