
[02/25/25 - 11:01 AM]
Video: AMC Networks Announces May 4 Return for "The Walking Dead: Dead City" and Debuts Opening Minutes from the Highly Anticipated Season Two Premiere Episode
In season two, in the growing war for control of Manhattan, Maggie and Negan find themselves trapped on opposite sides.

[10/18/24 - 05:01 PM]
The Walking Dead Universe News from New York Comic Con 2024
Today, The Walking Dead Universe took over New York Comic Con's Main Stage with panels for "The Walking Dead: Dead City" and "The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - The Book of Carol."

[09/12/24 - 12:01 PM]
AMC Networks Returns to New York Comic Con with All-Star Panels, Special Advance Screenings and a Preview of What's Ahead for Its Fan Favorite Series
Fans will get an exclusive first-look at scenes and teasers from "Daryl Dixon - The Book of Carol," returning Sunday, September 29 on AMC and AMC+, the highly anticipated second season of "Dead City," debuting next year, and new and upcoming Shudder films and series.

[07/26/24 - 02:46 PM]
"The Walking Dead: Dead City" News from Comic-Con
New casting announcements include Keir Gilchrist, Dascha Polanco, Jake Weary, and Pooya Mohseni.

[07/12/24 - 11:16 AM]
AMC Networks Heads to San Diego with a Star-Studded Panel Lineup for Five Series at This Year's Comic-Con International
AMC Networks will also present a special advanced screening of "The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - The Book of Carol" on Friday, July 26 at the Rooftop Cinema Club Embarcadero.

[05/23/24 - 10:17 AM]
Video: AMC Networks Releases Behind-the-Scenes Look at Season Two Production of "The Walking Dead: Dead City"
The hit series in the Walking Dead Universe stars Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Lauren Cohan as the fan-favorite characters Negan and Maggie.

[04/05/24 - 11:24 PM]
Development Update: Week of April 1-5
Updates include: NBC cancels "Quantum Leap" after two seasons; Amazon lands "Legally Blonde" TV series; and Tim Robinson's "The Chair Company" lands pilot order from HBO.

[10/06/23 - 10:35 AM]
"The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon" Becomes #1 Most-Viewed Premiere and Season in AMC+ History
Sunday's fourth episode of season one delivered season high ratings on AMC in total viewers and both key demos, capping three successive weeks of viewership growth.

[07/21/23 - 01:21 PM]
AMC Networks Announces Second Seasons for "The Walking Dead: Dead City" and "The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon" at San Diego Comic-Con International
The renewal for "Dead City," starring Lauren Cohan and Jeffrey Dead Morgan, comes just ahead of the show's season one finale on Sunday, July 23.

[07/19/23 - 07:08 AM]
All Seven Seasons of AMC's "Fear the Walking Dead" to Begin Streaming Exclusively on AMC+ Beginning July 21, Ahead of "The Walking Dead: Dead City" Season Finale on July 23
The first six episodes of "Fear the Walking Dead's" eighth and final season premiered this spring with the final six episodes rolling out this fall.

[06/26/23 - 04:51 AM]
Video: AMC Unveils First Sneak Peek Scene from "The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon"
The new series in The Walking Dead Universe starring Norman Reedus debuts this fall on AMC and AMC+.

[06/23/23 - 01:48 PM]
"The Walking Dead: Dead City" Is the #1 Season Premiere in the History of AMC+ - Across All New or Returning Series, Including "The Walking Dead"
In linear viewership, the first episode of the new series attracted a total premiere audience of 2 million viewers, including 768k adults 25-54 and 573k adults 18-49 in Nielsen live+3 ratings.

[06/20/23 - 10:01 AM]
AMC Networks Features the Return of Hit Western Noir Thriller "Dark Winds" and Season Finales of "The Walking Dead: Dead City," "Cannes Confidential," "Clean Sweep" and "True Crime Story: Look Into My Eyes" This July
Other July highlights include "London Kills," "The Best of Us," "Makeup X Breakup," and "The Heiress and the Heist."

[05/17/23 - 10:02 AM]
AMC Networks Features the Return of Fan Favorite Characters Maggie and Negan with New Series "The Walking Dead: Dead City" and Mid-Season Finale of "Fear the Walking Dead" This June
Other highlights include the series finale of "Happy Valley"; the premieres of "Cannes Confidential" and "Clean Sweep"; as well as the launch of "True Crime Story: Look Into My Eyes."

[05/11/23 - 09:02 AM]
Video: AMC Releases Trailer and Key Art for "The Walking Dead: Dead City"
The spin-off follows the popular Maggie (Lauren Cohan) and Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) characters traveling into a post-apocalyptic Manhattan, long ago cut off from the mainland.

[03/25/23 - 03:31 PM]
Video: AMC Networks Announces June 18 Premiere Date for "The Walking Dead: Dead City" and Debuts Official Trailer for "Fear the Walking Dead's" Eighth and Final Season at WonderCon 2023
As previously announced, "Fear the Walking Dead" begins its eighth and final season on Sunday, May 14.

[01/10/23 - 09:22 AM]
AMC Networks Announces Spring Premiere Dates for New Original Series and Films Across Its Suite of Channels and Targeted Streaming Services
Highlights include the debut of "Lucky Hank" (formerly "Straight Man") Sunday, March 19 on AMC+ and AMC.

[01/10/23 - 09:21 AM]
AMC Networks Announces Premiere Timing for New Series in "The Walking Dead" Universe and Reveals First Look at "Fear the Walking Dead's" Eighth and Final Season
"Fear" will roll out in two six-episode parts, the first of which begins Sunday, May 14 at 9:00/8:00c on AMC and AMC+ and return for its final six episodes later this year.

[10/08/22 - 03:24 PM]
News from "The Walking Dead's" Final New York Comic-Con Panel
The series will conclude its 11 season run with its final episode on Sunday, November 20 at 9:00/8:00c on AMC and AMC+.

[07/22/22 - 02:33 PM]
Andrew Lincoln and Danai Gurira Will Reunite for a New Series in "The Walking Dead" Universe in 2023
Scott M. Gimple will serve as showrunner on the series, which will begin with six episodes in 2023.

[04/28/22 - 11:45 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, April 28
Updates include: Gaius Charles cast in AMC's "Isle of the Dead"; Devery Jacobs tapped for "Echo" at Disney+; and Kevin Iannucci, Bethany Brown cast in NBC's "Adam & Eva" import.

[03/07/22 - 10:05 AM]
Lauren Cohan and Jeffrey Dean Morgan to Star in New Series Set in "The Walking Dead" Universe, "Isle of the Dead"
"Isle of the Dead" envisions the popular Maggie and Negan characters traveling into a post-apocalyptic Manhattan long ago cut off from the mainland.

Returns Sunday, May 4
6/18/23 - ???
returning this spring (yet to premiere)
sundays from 9:00 PM-10:00 PM EST
2 (8 episodes)
(from AMC's web site, June 2023) Maggie and Negan travel into a post-apocalyptic Manhattan long ago cut off from the mainland. The crumbling city is filled with the dead and denizens who have made New York City their own world full of anarchy, danger, beauty, and terror.
· Gaius Charles as Perlie Armstrong
· Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan
· Jonathan Higginbotham
· Karina Ortiz
· Lauren Cohan as Maggie
· Mahina Napoleon
· Zeljko Ivanek
· Brian Bockrath as EP
· Charlie Adlard as BOOK
· Eli Jorné as CRTR/EP
· Jeffrey Dean Morgan as EP
· Lauren Cohan as EP
· Robert Kirkman as BOOK
· Scott M. Gimple as EP
· Tony Moore as BOOK
· based on a comic book
· based on a tv series
· drama
· AMC Studios