
[05/30/12 - 12:09 PM]
Animal Planet Slays With Best-Ever May in Network History
Animal Planet spins the numbers for the month of May.

[05/01/12 - 11:29 AM]
Animal Planet Boasts a Monster-Sized April Performance
Animal Planet spins the numbers for the month of April.

[04/30/12 - 07:08 AM]
Watchitoo Powers Animal Planet's Interactive Live After-Show of "Whale Wars: Viking Shores"
The live whaling discussion will air on Animal Planet's website and Facebook page on Friday, May 4 at 10:00/9:00c.

[04/24/12 - 12:09 PM]
Despite Last Year's Apparent Victory by the Sea Shepherds, the War Rages on as Animal Planet Returns With "Whale Wars"
The show's fifth season begins Friday, June 1 at 9:00/8:00c with eight new episodes and a one-hour recap special.

[03/19/12 - 07:46 AM]
Animal Planet's New Series "Whale Wars: Viking Shores" Follows Sea Shepherd's Battle to End the Hunting and Killing of Pilot Whales in the Faroe Islands
The new five-part series begins Friday, April 27 on the cable channel.

[07/25/11 - 03:47 PM]
Animal Planet Chronicles the Next Chapter in the "Whale Wars" Saga, Following the Sea Shepherds' Fight in the Faroe Islands Against Annual Pilot Whale Hunt
The project began filming July 15 and will continue through the end of the Sea Shepherd's "Operation Ferocious Isles" campaign.

4/27/12 - 5/18/12
canceled/ended (2011-2012 season)
completed airing its current season
1 (6 episodes, 0 of which have yet to air)
a show on hiatus for longer than 12 months - without any news about its future - is assumed to be canceled
(from Animal Planet's press release, March 2012) In the North Atlantic, between Iceland and Scotland, lays a chain of islands with picturesque beaches and rolling green hills. The Faroe Islands are a self-governing Danish Territory of 50,000 people - descendants of Vikings, bound by proud tradition who have fished these waters for thousands of years. But there is a dark shadow over this beautiful land. Every year, Faroese people gather to herd pilot whales to their shallow shores to be killed for their meat, which is a food source. WHALE WARS: VIKING SHORES, a new five-part series beginning Friday, April 27, at 8 PM (et/pt) with a two-hour premiere follows Sea Shepherd Conservation Society as it sets sail to end this ancient traditionknown as "The Grind" - Faroese for "whale drive" - that takes place every summer. Each new one-hour episode airs on Fridays at 9 PM (et/pt).
· Lisa Lucas as EP (AP)
· Liz Bronstein as EP
· reality (all)
· reality (documentary)
· Lizard Trading Company, The