
[12/19/24 - 11:00 AM]
What's New on Max This January
New debuts include "The Pitt," "Mermicorno: Starfall," season 5 of "Harley Quinn" and "Isadora Moon."

[11/14/24 - 12:41 PM]
Celebrity Heroes Take On Superstar Villains in Quest to Conquer the Kitchen in "Worst Cooks in America Celebrity Edition: Heroes vs. Villains"
Returning mentor Chef Jeff Mauro welcomes newcomer Chef Antonia Lofaso to transform these culinary disasters into cooking masters with each leading their own team of meal-making misfits.

[04/08/24 - 10:01 AM]
Warner Bros. Discovery Claimed Five Nights of More Than a 50 Percent Share of Primetime Cable Viewing Among Adults During First Quarter
Ratings drivers included TNT Sports' coverage of the 2024 NCAA Men's Tournament in March as well as Investigation Discovery's "Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV," Food Network's "Tournament of Champions" and "Wildcard Kitchen" and Adult Swim's "Ninja Kamui."

[12/21/23 - 10:00 AM]
What's New on Max This January
Newly announced dates include the launch of "On The Roam" and the return of "Sort Of," both on January 18.

[12/05/23 - 11:30 AM]
Tiffany Derry Joins Anne Burrell to Mentor Cast of Pampered Cooking Disasters in "Worst Cooks in America: Spoiled Rotten"
The seven-episode season kicks off with a two-hour premiere on Sunday, January 7 at 8:00/7:00c on Food Network.

[08/25/23 - 11:24 PM]
Development Update: Week of August 21-25
Updates include: Disney+ cancels "Doogie Kamealoha, M.D." after two seasons; Chip and Joanna Gaines bring roller dancing competition series to Max; and "People Puzzler" begins syndicated run this fall.

[07/24/23 - 10:47 AM]
What's New on Max This August
Max announces programming coming to the platform this August, including the debut of the new season of HBO Original "Hard Knocks: Training Camp With The New York Jets," which will mark the 18th edition of the 18-time Sports Emmy-winning series.

[06/28/23 - 11:19 AM]
Chefs Anne Burrell and Jeff Mauro Mentor Singles Seeking Love and Cooking Skills in "Worst Cooks in America: Love at First Bite"
In the eight-episode season, food superstars Anne Burrell and Jeff Mauro each lead a team of fun and flirty kitchen disasters through a life-changing culinary bootcamp to transform them from cooking duds into kitchen studs.

[05/17/23 - 08:05 AM]
Food Network's Schedule Packs Star Power and Seasonality - Selena Gomez and The Elf on the Shelf Among Headliners of New Programming
Fresh off her hit Emmy-nominated HBO Max series, "Selena + Chef," Selena joins Food Network later this year with a new celebration-focused series just in time for the holidays.

[01/05/23 - 08:15 AM]
US Networks Group at Warner Bros. Discovery Closes Out 2022 with 6 of Top 10 Networks and 17 of Top 30 Freshman Series in Prime
Together, the networks in the group accounted for nearly 31% of all P25-54/P18-49 primetime cable viewing and outperformed competitors with 17 of the top 30 top-rated unscripted freshman series in primetime.

[11/22/22 - 09:11 AM]
Anne Burrell and New Co-Host Darnell Ferguson Transform Cast of Social Media Stars from Cooking Disasters to Kitchen Masters in "Worst Cooks in America: Viral Sensations"
Anne Burrell is joined for the first time by Darnell Ferguson to lead culinary boot camp, where they take on the kitchen chaos, food fumbles and culinary confusion of these trending competitors IRL.

[03/16/22 - 12:48 PM]
"Worst Cooks in America Celebrity Edition": That's So 90's Is a Blast from the Past with Clueless in the Kitchen Stars Competing to Up Their Cooking Game
In the new season, Anne Burrell is joined for the first time by Jeff Mauro to transform a roster of retro celebrity recruits from clueless in the kitchen to totally rad cooks.

[11/23/21 - 10:11 AM]
"Worst Cooks in America" Is Back! Anne Burrell Signs Multi-Year Commitment with Food Network and Hit Competition Series Returns Wednesday, January 5th at 9PM ET/PT
In the upcoming season, Anne is joined for the first time by Chef Cliff Crooks to lead the newest batch of 12 culinary nightmares though a rigorous boot camp in their quest to become kitchen masters.

[09/10/21 - 10:37 AM]
Food Network, HGTV and Travel Channel Ready Fourteen Halloween Series and Specials for a Cross-Brand, Cross-Platform "Ghostober" Viewing Extravaganza
This year, the larger-than-ever "Ghostober IV" is designed to appeal to viewers who live for the creepy, scary, adrenaline-inducing stories that define Halloween.

[08/04/21 - 11:36 AM]
Halloween Is Frightfully Spooky and Delicious on Food Network and discovery+ with New Series, Specials and Returning Fan-Favorites
"Viewers love our Halloween lineup, an over-the-top, multi-week event full of frights, delights, thrilling competitions and spectacularly spooky edible themed creations," said Courtney White, President, Food Network.

[03/18/21 - 10:49 AM]
Michael Symon Joins Anne Burrell to Mentor Fan Favorite Recruits Toward a Chance at Redemption in "Worst Cooks in America: Best of the Worst"
The six-episode season premieres on Sunday, April 25 at 9:00/8:00c on Food Network and streams the same day on discovery+.

[11/24/20 - 08:13 AM]
Carla Hall Joins Anne Burrell to Mentor Fresh Batch of Disastrous Cooks in Brand-New Season of "Worst Cooks in America" Premiering Sunday, January 3rd at 9PM ET/PT
Immediately following at 10:30/9:30c, companion series "Worst Cooks in America: Dirty Dishes" begins its first-ever run.

[08/25/20 - 10:40 AM]
Food Network Gets Into the Halloween Spirit with Largest Offering Yet Featuring All-New Series, Specials and Returning Favorites to Help Viewers Eat, Drink and Be Scary
Highlights include the new series Outrageous Pumpkins as well as returning seasons of "Halloween Baking Championship" and "Halloween Wars."

[05/20/20 - 11:44 AM]
Iron Chef Alex Guarnaschelli Joins Anne Burrell in New Season of "Worst Cooks in America" Premiering June 21st at 9pm ET/PT
"'Worst Cooks' is always filled with unexpected hilarious and inspirational moments, and Alex joining Anne as a mentor really brings the humor and expertise to the next level," said Courtney White.

[04/01/20 - 11:28 AM]
New Crop of Celebrity Cooking Disasters Enter Culinary Boot Camp in Return of "Worst Cooks in America: Celebrity Edition"
This season's recruits are: Wells Adams, Johnny Bananas, Dave Coulier, Bridget Everett, Robin Givens, Sonja Morgan and Brian Posehn.

[11/25/19 - 01:03 PM]
Alton Brown Joins Anne Burrell to Mentor Fresh Crop of Kitchen Disasters in Brand-New Season of "Worst Cooks in America"
The latest installment premieres Sunday, January 5 on Food Network.

[09/30/19 - 08:38 AM]
Food Network and Cooking Channel Celebrate Thanksgiving with a Bounty of Holiday-Themed Programming, Recipes, Live Classes and More
The season kicks off on Sunday, November 3 with "Ultimate Thanksgiving Challenge."

[07/22/19 - 07:59 AM]
More Discovery Nets Join HGTV Brady Bunch-House Mania with Special Themed Episodes
"Fast N' Loud," "Chopped," "Worst Cooks in America," "The Kitchen" and "The Pioneer Woman" are among the participating series.

[06/27/19 - 09:05 AM]
Bobby Flay Is Back to Lead Culinary Boot Camp with Anne Burrell in Return of Fan-Favorite Series "Worst Cooks in America"
The new season helmed by Anne and Bobby, whose last stint as a "Worst Cooks" mentor was in 2014, premieres Sunday, August 4.

[06/13/19 - 08:42 AM]
Food Network's Wildly Popular "Worst Cooks in America" Franchise Takes Another Bite of Dessert with the Return of "Worst Bakers in America"
The intense five-week baking bootcamp begins on Monday, July 22 at 10:00/9:00c.

[03/07/19 - 08:09 AM]
Celebrity Cooking Disasters Enter Culinary Boot Camp in Brand-New Season of "Worst Cooks in America: Celebrity Edition"
This season's celebrity recruits are: Jim J. Bullock, Morgan Fairchild, Tonya Harding, Jonathan Lipnicki, Taryn Manning, Alec Mapa, Kym Whitley and Jimmie Walker.

[11/26/18 - 11:21 AM]
Anne Burrell and Tyler Florence Transform Fresh Roster of Kitchen Disasters Into Culinary Masters in Brand-New Season of "Worst Cooks in America"
The series returns to Food Network on Sunday, January 6 at 9:00/8:00c.

[10/01/18 - 08:29 AM]
Food Network Counts Down to Turkey Day with Brand-New Primetime Specials and Thanksgiving-Themed Programming
The primetime lineup includes premieres of "Ultimate Thanksgiving Challenge," "Worst Cooks in America: Thanksgiving Redemption," "Barefoot Contessa Cook Like a Pro: Thanksgiving Sides" and "Macy's Thanksgiving Cake Spectacular."

[07/13/18 - 08:28 AM]
Chef Robert Irvine Joins Chef Anne Burrell in Culinary Boot Camp Rematch in New Season of "Worst Cooks in America"
Anne and Robert, who last went head-to-head in the show's second season in 2011, each lead a team of kitchen-challenged competitors though a grueling seven-episode culinary boot camp competition designed to improve their food skills.

[04/10/18 - 01:45 PM]
Discovery, Inc. Introduces New Company to the Marketplace
The company's expanded portfolio is highlighted by Discovery Channel, HGTV, Food Network, TLC, Investigation Discovery, OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network, Animal Planet, Velocity, Travel Channel, Science Channel and DIY Network.

[03/14/18 - 08:51 AM]
New Roster of Cooking-Challenged Celebrities Enter Culinary Boot Camp in Return of Primetime Hit "Worst Cooks in America: Celebrity Edition"
This season's celebrity recruits are: Catherine Bach, Maria Bamford, Nolan Gould, La Toya Jackson, Oscar Nunez, Bronson Pinchot and Ian Ziering.

[12/01/17 - 10:31 AM]
Chefs Anne Burrell and Tyler Florence Are Back to Transform Kitchen Disasters Into Food Masters in Return of Fan-Favorite Series "Worst Cooks in America" on Sunday, January 7th at 9PM ET/PM
In the 10-episode series that transforms kitchen disasters into skilled cooks, Anne and Tyler each lead a team of cooking-challenged recruits in an intense culinary boot camp designed to improve their food skills.

[07/21/17 - 07:40 AM]
Anne Burrell and Rachael Ray Return to Transform Celebrity Cooking Disasters Into Culinary Masters in Brand-New Season of "Worst Cooks in America: Celebrity Edition"
The new celebrity recruits are: Nora Dunn, Carmen Electra, Erik Estrada, Vivica A. Fox, Perez Hilton, Carson Kressley, Sean Lowe and Melissa Peterman.

[11/21/16 - 11:21 AM]
Anne Burrell and Rachael Ray Kick Off the New Year with Brand-New Season of Primetime Favorite "Worst Cooks in America"
In the 10-episode series that turns kitchen nightmares into skilled cooks, Anne and Rachael each lead a team of bumbling cooks in an intense kitchen boot camp designed to whip them into culinary shape.

[08/15/16 - 08:10 AM]
Food Icons Anne Burrell and Rachael Ray Whip Brand-New Roster of Cooking-Challenged Stars Into Culinary Shape in Return of "Worst Cooks in America: Celebrity Edition"
The new eight-episode season debuts Wednesday, September 14 at 9:00/8:00c on the network.

[11/19/15 - 11:28 AM]
Chefs Anne Burrell and Tyler Florence Are Back to Whip New Roster of Hapless Cooks Into Culinary Shape in Return of "Worst Cooks in America"
Premiering on Sunday, January 3, the seven-episode series pits Anne against Tyler, each leading a team of disastrous cooks in an intense kitchen boot camp designed to vastly improve the food skills of their recruits.

[08/24/15 - 11:32 AM]
Rachael Ray Joins Anne Burrell in First-Ever Culinary Boot Camp for Kitchen-Challenged Stars in Celebrity Edition of "Worst Cooks in America"
The all-star recruits are: Dean Cain, Ellen Cleghorne, Jenni "Jwoww" Farley, Chris Soules, Jaleel White, Kendra Wilkinson and Barry Williams.

[11/20/14 - 12:09 PM]
"Worst Cooks in America" Back for Sixth Season of Culinary Boot Camp with Returning Chef Anne Burrell Competing for the First Time Against Chef Tyler Florence
The latest seven-episode series premieres Sunday, January 4 at 9:00/8:00c.

[01/13/14 - 12:01 PM]
Anne Burrell and Bobby Flay Are Back to Transform Kitchen Disasters Into Skilled Cooks in Fifth Season of "Worst Cooks in America"
Premiering on Monday, February 17 at 9:00/8:00c, the seven-episode season pits formerly undefeated series champ Anne against last season's winner Bobby.

[08/19/13 - 10:06 AM]
Bravo Media Expands Production Team with the Addition of Leslie Farrell and Jeff Oliver
Leslie Farrell will serve as executive producer on "The Millionaire Matchmaker" and "Extreme Guide to Parenting" with Jeff Oliver on "Fashion Queens" and "Game of Crowns."

[07/08/13 - 07:10 PM]
Q2 in Review: How 436 Original Primetime Cable Series Fared in the Ratings
A recap of the ratings to date through the second quarter of 2013.

[04/23/13 - 09:11 AM]
Food Network and Cooking Channel Prepare a Feast - On the Menu, Mouth-Watering New Programs and Second-Helpings of Fan Favorites
The former has 15 new and 11 returning series on tap for the coming year.

[04/02/13 - 06:07 PM]
Q1 in Review: How 280 Original Primetime Cable Series Fared in the Ratings
A recap of the ratings to date for the first quarter of 2013.

[01/10/13 - 09:07 AM]
Anne Burrell and Bobby Flay Return for "Worst Cooks in America" Season Four on Sunday, February 17th
This season's 14 cooking-challenged contestants are split into two teams, one led by Anne and one by Bobby, for a grueling seven-episode competition.

[12/10/12 - 07:36 AM]
The Weather Channel Makes Big Catch with "Reel Rivals"
Produced by Optomen, the six episode series will premiere in May 2013.

[04/10/12 - 11:13 PM]
Q1 in Review/Q2 in Preview: Food Network, FX, G4, HBO, History & Lifetime
A look at what's ahead on the cable channels, plus a recap of their ratings to date this year.

[03/26/12 - 12:00 PM]
Food Network Delivers Best Quarter in History
Food Network spins the numbers for the quarter to date.

[01/03/12 - 08:09 AM]
Superstar Chefs Anne Burrell And Bobby Flay Transform Kitchen-Challenged Contestants In Season Three Of Primetime Competition Series "Worst Cooks In America"
The new season kicks off Sunday, February 12 at 9:00/8:00c and runs through Sunday, April 8.

[04/13/11 - 01:38 PM]
Scripps Cooks the Competition in the Food Category: 2 Networks - 20 New Series and 22 Returning Shows
Food Network and Cooking Channel detail the programming plans for the rest of 2011 and beyond.

[12/16/10 - 09:38 AM]
Food Network Rings In 2011 With Star Chefs Anne Burrell and Robert Irvine
Said lineup includes the return of "Worst Cooks in America" plus the debut of "Restaurant: Impossible."

[11/15/10 - 10:07 AM]
The "Worst Cooks in America" Invade Food Network - Again!
The eight-week competition returns Sunday, January 2 at 9:00/8:00c.

[04/20/10 - 09:29 AM]
Food Network and Cooking Channel Announce New Programming
"The Next Iron Chef," "Worst Cooks in America" and "The Next Food Network Star" are all due back next season.

[01/05/10 - 02:46 PM]
Food Network Kicks Off 2010 with Highest-Rated Night Ever!
Food Network spins the numbers for Sunday, January 3.

[12/09/09 - 08:15 AM]
Food Network Kicks Off 2010 with a Huge Night of Culinary Competition!
"Super Chef Battle" and "Worst Cooks in America" will both launch Sunday, January 3 at 8:00/7:00c and 10:00/9:00c, respectively.

[11/10/09 - 05:58 AM]
Food Network Transforms Kitchen Zeros Into Kitchen Heroes on "Worst Cooks in America"
The five-week competition series premieres Sunday, January 3 at 10:00/9:00c.

[04/21/09 - 10:00 AM]
Food Network Is a Brand for Life!
The category leader in the food programming genre has all burners lit with eight new primetime series and six daytime, "In the Kitchen" programs.

1/3/10 - ???
on hiatus or fate to be determined
completed airing its current season
28 (7 episodes)
Missed an episode? Been wanting to catch up? This series is also available on:

completed airing its 28th season on 2/2/25; has yet to be renewed for a 29th season
(from Discovery+'s web site, January 2025) Two premier chefs work to transform a team of hopeless cooks from kitchen disasters to kitchen masters, and the last recruit standing wins $25,000.
· Anne Burrell as Team Leader
· Antonia Lofaso as Team Leader (Season 28)
· Alex Guarnaschelli as Team Leader (Season 20)
· Alton Brown as Team Leader (Season 18)
· Beau MacMillan as Team Leader (Season 1)
· Bobby Flay as Team Leader (Season 3-5, 17)
· Carla Hall as Team Leader (Season 21)
· Cliff Crooks as Team Leader (Season 23)
· Darnell Ferguson as Team Leader (Season 25)
· Jeff Mauro as Team Leader (Season 24, 26)
· Michael Symon as Team Leader (Season 22)
· Rachael Ray as Team Leader (Season 7, 9-11)
· Robert Irvine as Team Leader (Season 2, 14)
· Tiffany Derry as Team Leader (Season 27)
· Tyler Florence as Team Leader (Season 6, 8, 12-13, 15-16, 19)
· no information is available
· reality (all)
· reality (competition)
· Objective Media Group America