
    [monday, february 06, 2012]    
[02/06/12 - 06:56 PM]
Video: "Suburgatory" - You Tweeted, They Answered
Jeremy Sisto and Jane Levy explain their onscreen chemistry playing father and daughter.

[02/06/12 - 06:55 PM]
Video: "The River" - The Search for Emmet Cole Featurette
Oren Peli joins his co-producers and stars for a sneak peek at the epic.

[02/05/12 - 06:59 PM]
Video: A Message from "Hot in Cleveland's" Betty White to the Giants
The recent SAG Award winner offers her congrats to the Super Bowl champs.

[02/05/12 - 02:57 PM]
Video: "Cougar Town" Season 3 Highlight Reel
Check out a 10-minute sizzle reel from the new season, due Tuesday, February 14 at 8:30/7:30c.

[01/31/12 - 11:36 PM]
Video: HBO Films - "Game Change" Trailer
Julianne Moore, Woody Harrelson and Ed Harris star in the project, due in March.

[01/27/12 - 12:36 PM]
Video: Lifetime & Jennifer Love Hewitt Music Video for "The Client List"
The new drama premieres this March on the cable channel.

[01/26/12 - 01:01 PM]
Video: Gossip Girl "Made in NY" Video in Taxi Cabs Throughout New York City to Celebrate 100th Episode, Airing Monday, January 30, at 8/7c on The CW
Watch the cast and producers appear in a "Made in NY" video currently running in taxicabs throughout the Big Apple.

[01/25/12 - 08:23 AM]
Video: A Few Minutes With... "Touch" Co-Star Kiefer Sutherland
Part three of three from our visit with the cast of the FOX series.

[01/25/12 - 08:22 AM]
Video: A Few Minutes With... "Touch" Co-Star Gugu Mbatha-Raw
Part two of three from our visit with the cast of the FOX series.

[01/25/12 - 08:21 AM]
Video: A Few Minutes With... "Touch" Co-Star David Mazouz
Part one of three from our visit with the cast of the FOX series.

[01/20/12 - 01:23 PM]
Video: First Look - New "Frozen Planet" Promo
The seven-part series premieres Sunday, March 18 at 8:00/7:00c on Discovery.

[01/20/12 - 01:12 PM]
Video: "House of Lies" Webisodes Available Online
The webisodes were written by Ben Schwartz and Wes Nickerson, and directed by Glynn Turman.

[01/15/12 - 09:31 AM]
Video: A Few Minutes With... "Napoleon Dynamite" Co-Star Jon Heder
Part three of three from our visit with the cast of the FOX series.

[01/15/12 - 09:30 AM]
Video: A Few Minutes With... "Napoleon Dynamite" Co-Star Tina Majorino
Part two of three from our visit with the cast of the FOX series.

[01/15/12 - 09:29 AM]
Video: A Few Minutes With... "Napoleon Dynamite" Co-Star Efren Ramirez
Part one of three from our visit with the cast of the FOX series.

[01/12/12 - 07:58 AM]
Video: A Few Minutes With... "The Finder" Co-Stars Geoff Stults & Michael Clarke Duncan
Part two of two from our visit with the cast of the FOX series.

[01/12/12 - 07:54 AM]
Video: A Few Minutes With... "The Finder" Co-Stars Mercedes Masohn & Maddie Hanson
Part one of two from our visit with the cast of the FOX series.

[01/06/12 - 04:37 PM]
Video: Nickelodeon's Cymphonique Miller Performs "Only You Can Be You" from the Upcoming Series "How to Rock"
The series is scheduled to premiere on Saturday, February 4 at 8:30/7:30c.

[01/03/12 - 08:45 AM]
Video: Celebrate the New Year With an All-New Season of "Jersey Shore" Thursday, January 5 (10:00 PM ET/PT) on MTV!
Check out the latest preview of the show's fifth season.

[12/28/11 - 08:26 AM]
Video: Taiwanese News Network Creates Animated Catch Up on "The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret" Season 1!
The David Cross-led comedy returns Friday, January 6 at 10:30/9:30c.

[12/27/11 - 09:12 AM]
Video: Premiere Episode of the New Showtime(R) Comedy Series "House of Lies" Available Online Now
The Don Cheadle and Kristen Bell-led half-hour premieres Sunday, January 8 at 10:00/9:00c.

[12/21/11 - 11:12 AM]
Video: Final "Spartacus: Vengeance" Trailer - Premieres on Starz Friday, January 27th at 10pm ET
Check out the latest footage from the upcoming season.

[12/21/11 - 09:07 AM]
Video: "The Challenge: Battle of The Exes" Trailer - Premieres Wednesday, January 25 at 10/9c on MTV
Said installment marks the 22nd edition of the veteran franchise.

[12/16/11 - 02:19 PM]
Video: First Look at USA Network's 2012 - "Royal Pains"
The summer drama kicks off its winter run Wednesday, January 18 at 10:00/9:00c.

[12/16/11 - 02:18 PM]
Video: First Look at USA Network's 2012 - "White Collar"
New episodes of the drama return Tuesday, January 17 at 10:00/9:00c.

[12/15/11 - 12:31 PM]
Video: A "Shameless" Holiday Greeting from the Gallagher Family
The show's sophomore run begins Sunday, January 8 at 9:00/8:00c on Showtime.

[12/09/11 - 02:49 PM]
Video: Bono and Sting Applaud "Glee" as They Sing for Charity
The series will donate 100% of the net monies from the sales of its version of Band Aid's 1984 hit "Do They Know It's Christmas?" to The Band Aid Trust.

[12/09/11 - 07:53 AM]
Video: "Spartacus: Vengeance" Sneak Peek
Check out four minutes of footage from the new season, with an introduction by new star Liam McIntyre.

[12/07/11 - 09:13 AM]
Video: MTV's "Caged" Trailer Released - Series Premieres on Monday, January 9 at 10:00 p.m. ET/PT
The series will "give an honest and powerful view into the world of passionate amateur MMA fighters and the women in their lives."

[12/06/11 - 04:31 PM]
Video: MTV Gives Viewers an Early Holiday Present With the Debut of the "Jersey Shore" Season Five Trailer!
The network's juggernaut returns Thursday, January 5 at 10:00/9:00c.

[12/02/11 - 04:31 PM]
Video: "Supernatural" - Cast Message for People's Choice Awards
Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles ask you to vote for them in their own special way.

[12/01/11 - 08:12 AM]
Video: TNT Unveils New Trailer for Eagerly Anticipated Series "Dallas"
The much-ballyhooed series debuts this summer on the cable channel.

[11/30/11 - 12:11 PM]
Video: First Look at Jon Hamm in Season 2 of "The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret"
"Todd Margaret" returns to IFC on Friday, January 6 at 10:30/9:30c following "Portlandia."

[11/25/11 - 06:00 AM]
Video: "American Idol" Season 11 Auditions First Look
The new season kicks off Sunday, January 22 following the NFC Championship Playoff Game on FOX.

[11/23/11 - 09:01 AM]
Video: A Few Minutes With... "Mobbed" Host Howie Mandel
FOX's flash mob series returns with an all-new special tonight at 9:00/8:00c.

[11/15/11 - 09:36 AM]
Video: MTV Unveils "Teen Mom 2" Trailer
The new season kicks off Tuesday, December 6 at 10:00/9:00c on the cable channel.

[11/01/11 - 06:24 AM]
Video: "Bones" Music Video Shows How Love Has Grown Between Brennan and Booth Over Last Six Seasons
Said montage is set to Michelle Branch's new single "Loud Music" from her upcoming album "West Coast Time."

[10/28/11 - 03:48 PM]
Video: A Few Minutes With... "Allen Gregory" Co-Stars Nat Faxon & French Stewart
Part two of two from our visit with the cast of the FOX series.

[10/28/11 - 03:47 PM]
Video: A Few Minutes With... "Allen Gregory" Co-Star Will Forte
Part one of two from our visit with the cast of the FOX series.

[10/26/11 - 10:22 AM]
Video: First Day on "Dallas" Set with Larry Hagman and Josh Henderson
The co-stars took a minute on set to give you a sneak peek into what life is like back on Southfork Ranch.

[10/25/11 - 09:16 AM]
Video: A Taste of What's to Come When "Frozen Planet" Makes Its U.S. Premiere on Discovery Channel in Early 2012
The six-part series comes from the producers of "Planet Earth" and "Blue Planet."

[10/25/11 - 06:31 AM]
Video: "Bones" Gives Chilling Goo-sebumps This Halloween!
The network spotlights the gruesomest gunk and crime case corpses from the series.

[10/21/11 - 09:09 AM]
Video: A Few Minutes With... "Nikita" Co-Star Shane West
The actor teases tonight's episode, airing at 8:00/7:00c on The CW, in a two-part chat.

[10/21/11 - 09:05 AM]
Video: First Look: "Magic City" - Newest Starz Original Series
The Jeffrey Dean Morgan-led drama premieres in April on the pay channel.

[10/19/11 - 12:31 PM]
Video: David Cross and H. Jon Benjamin at NY Comic Con for IFC's "The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret"
The show's second season kicks off Friday, January 6 at 10:30/9:30c.

[10/17/11 - 03:16 PM]
Video: "Unsupervised" on FX - "Fresh Men"
Check out the first promo from the network's upcoming animated series, premiering in January.

[10/15/11 - 12:34 PM]
Video: Warner Bros. at New York Comic Con: "Nikita"
Watch the exclusive season two sizzle reel prepared especially for the con.

[10/15/11 - 10:31 AM]
Video: Warner Bros. at New York Comic Con: "Person of Interest"
Check out series star Michael Emerson's introduction shot specifically for the NYCC audience.

[10/15/11 - 10:18 AM]
Video: Warner Bros. at New York Comic Con: "Green Lantern: The Animated Series"
The one-hour special premiere airs Friday, November 11, at 7:00/6:00c on Cartoon Network.

[10/14/11 - 10:23 AM]
Video: A Few Minutes With... "Supernatural" Co-Stars Jared Padalecki & Jensen Ackles
Check out our visit with the cast of the veteran CW series.

  [february 2012]  

(series past and present)
(series in development)
(tv movies and mini-series)

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[01/24/25 - 10:00 AM]
Video: We TV Releases a First Look of the Highly Anticipated New Season of "Love After Lockup"
The new season follows a new crop of couples, including fan favorites, from "Love During Lockup" as they discover more love, new doubts, and encounter unforeseen obstacles in their relationships.

[01/24/25 - 07:16 AM]
Video: "Suits LA" Debuts Trailer & Key Art for the New Series
The series stars Stephen Amell, Lex Scott Davis, Josh McDermitt and Bryan Greenberg.

[01/24/25 - 07:03 AM]
Video: "Boarders" Season 2 - Official Trailer - A Tubi Original
Series two sees a new era for St Gilbert's with the now acting headmistress Carol Watlington-Geese (who also happens to be the mother of Jaheim's nemesis, Rupert) at the helm - and she wants Jaheim, Leah, Toby, Omar and Femi gone.

[01/23/25 - 06:35 PM]
Video: Trailer and Key Art Debut - Hulu's "SLY LIVES! (aka The Burden of Black Genius)" - Premieres February 13
The film examines the life and legacy of Sly & The Family Stone, the groundbreaking band led by the charismatic and enigmatic Sly Stone.

[01/23/25 - 10:02 AM]
Video: "The Great American Baking Show: Celebrity Big Game" - Official Trailer - The Roku Channel
Join celebrity bakers DK Metcalf, Katie Nolan, Tony Gonzalez, Arik Armstead, Amy Smart as they prepare special bakes for America's biggest sporting event of the year!

[01/23/25 - 10:01 AM]
Video: "Sweet Magnolias" Season 4 - Official Trailer - Netflix
It's a very Serenity holiday season as the Magnolias weather a tragedy, a town crisis and a fierce storm in the weeks from Halloween to Christmas.

[01/23/25 - 09:00 AM]
Video: MGM+ Original Series "Godfather of Harlem" Returns April 13th with an Action-Packed Season 4 Teaser Starring Academy Award-Winner Forest Whitaker
Season 4 stars Academy Award-winning actor Forest Whitaker as Bumpy Johnson, alongside Ilfenesh Hadera, Lucy Fry, Antoinette Crowe-Legacy, Erik LaRay Harvey, Michael Raymond James, Elvis Nolasco, and Erik Palladino, and introduces Frank Lucas portrayed by Daytime Emmy Award-winning actor Rome Flynn.

[01/23/25 - 06:31 AM]
Video: "Court of Gold" - Official Trailer - Netflix
The 1992 dream team brought basketball to the global stage. 30 years later, the world's caught up and the talent gap has closed. No one is untouchable. Witness the drama unfold in the battle to dethrone the US. It's more than a game, it's personal.

[01/22/25 - 10:01 AM]
Video: National Geographic Dishes Up Deliciously Exciting New Series Trailer for "No Taste Like Home with Antoni Porowski"
This tantalizing docuseries invites viewers to join culinary expert and Emmy Award-winning star of "Queer Eye" Antoni Porowski as he guides celebrity guests on epic journeys to explore their ancestral gastronomic roots.

[01/22/25 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "La Dolce Villa" - Scott Foley - Official Trailer - Netflix
When his daughter decides to buy a crumbling Tuscan villa, Eric rushes to Italy to talk her out of it - and instead finds beauty, romance and new purpose.

[01/22/25 - 08:00 AM]
Video: Apple TV+ Debuts Trailer for New Documentary Series "Vietnam: The War That Changed America"
Narrated by Academy Award nominee Ethan Hawke, the series commemorates the 50th anniversary of the fall of Saigon and the end of the Vietnam War, offering a deeply human look at the lives of those who lived through one of the most divisive conflicts in American history.

[01/22/25 - 07:08 AM]
Video: ESPN Releases Official Trailer and Key Art for "The Buddy Way" Debuting January 29 at 5pm ET on ESPN2 and ESPN+
The feature-length documentary explores the historic life and career of Coach Eugene F. "Buddy" Teevens III.

[01/22/25 - 07:01 AM]
Video: Showtime Debuts "Yellowjackets" Much Anticipated Season Three Trailer
The two-episode season premiere debuts Friday, February 14 on streaming and on demand for Paramount+ subscribers with the Paramount+ with Showtime plan before its on-air debut on Sunday, February 16 at 8pm ET/PT.

[01/22/25 - 07:00 AM]
Video: The World of Bosch - 9 Seasons - 2 Series - 1 Legendary Detective - Prime Video
Catch up on "Bosch" and "Bosch: Legacy" on Prime Video before the final season premieres on March 27.

[01/22/25 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Zero Day" - Official Trailer - Netflix
After a cyberattack sabotages transportation and power infrastructure across the U.S., former President George Mullen is asked to find the culprit.