
    [tuesday, may 16, 2017]    
[05/16/17 - 02:05 PM]
Video: Trailer - "Casual" Season 3
The first three episodes of the third season will launch a week from today - Tuesday, May 23 - with one each following Tuesday.

[05/16/17 - 01:00 PM]
Video: New ABC Shows - Trailers
Get your first look at new fall series "The Good Doctor," "The Mayor," "The Gospel of Kevin" and more!

[05/16/17 - 08:01 AM]
Video: Go Deeper - "Sense8" S2 Featurette Is Here
The all new featurette provides an inside look of what went into making season two, including footage of Lana Wachowski working with the cast on set.

[05/15/17 - 02:39 PM]
Video: FOX's Official Trailers for 2017-18 Season
Get your first look at "Ghosted, "LA to Vegas," "The Orville" and "The Resident."

[05/15/17 - 11:46 AM]
Video: E! Unveils First Look at New Series "Life of Kylie"
In a just-released trailer for the highly anticipated new E! docu-series, Kylie Jenner lets fans into her private world like never before.

[05/15/17 - 11:02 AM]
Video: Showtime(R) Releases a Three-Part Video Series on the "Twin Peaks" Cultural Phenomenon
The videos feature interviews with David Lynch, Kyle MacLachlan, and major producers inspired by the series including Damon Lindelof, Lesli Linka Glatter, David Hollander and more.

[05/15/17 - 09:38 AM]
Video: This Is All of Us - Mandy, Milo, Sterling and Chrissy Surprise Fans
NBC releases its "This Is Us" reel from today's upfront presentation.

[05/15/17 - 09:37 AM]
Video: "Will & Grace" - Back This Fall
NBC is bringing back its iconic comedy series "Will & Grace," with stars Eric McCormack, Debra Messing, Megan Mullally and Sean Hayes.

[05/15/17 - 07:32 AM]
Video: Get in the Ring and Get Ready to Rumble Because the "GLOW" Trailer Is Here
"GLOW" tells the fictional story of Ruth Wilder, an out-of-work, struggling actress in 1980s Los Angeles who finds one last chance for stardom when she's thrust into the glitter and spandex world of women's wrestling.

[05/14/17 - 09:05 PM]
Video: Watch the All-New Official Trailer for "The Gifted," Coming This Fall to FOX
The network releases the full trailer in advance of tomorrow's upfront presentation.

[05/12/17 - 11:23 AM]
Video: "Will & Grace" - Teaser
Something special is coming this Monday.

[05/12/17 - 11:03 AM]
Video: Fan Exclusive! Watch "No Tomorrow's" Extended Finale Only on The CW App
The network releases the show's expanded final episode.

[05/12/17 - 11:01 AM]
Video: See If Raimy and Frank Are Reunited in the "Frequency" Epilogue, Exclusively on The CW App
The network releases the conclusion to the series.

[05/11/17 - 02:05 PM]
Video: Netflix Debuts Trailer for "Hasan Minhaj: Homecoming King"
The one-hour special premieres May 23 exclusively on Netflix.

[05/11/17 - 12:46 PM]
Video: Showtime Unveils a New "Twin Peaks" Video
The latest promo reveals a glimpse at some new and returning faces.

[05/11/17 - 09:35 AM]
Video: "Gypsy" Teaser - The Oath - Netflix
The Naomi Watts-led drama rolls out Friday, June 30 on the streaming service.

[05/11/17 - 05:04 AM]
Video: SundanceTV Releases Trailer for Jane Campion's "Top of the Lake: China Girl"
The series will premiere on SundanceTV in the U.S. in September 2017.

[05/10/17 - 09:00 AM]
Video: Here Comes Freedom - Netflix Releases New Trailer for War Machine
A film for our times, this satire takes on hot-shot General Glen McMahon (Brad Pitt), a man caught up in a modern-day war machine that keeps on churning, seemingly to no end.

[05/09/17 - 09:30 AM]
Video: Trailer Debut - "Tracy Morgan: Staying Alive" Netflix Comedy Special Debuts May 16
Tracy Morgan proves a coma can't keep a good joke down in "Tracy Morgan: Staying Alive."

[05/09/17 - 07:31 AM]
Video: Stand Up with the Ladies of Litchfield - New "Orange Is the New Black" Trailer Is Here
In anticipation of the upcoming launch of season five, premiering Friday, June 9, Netflix has released an adrenaline-fueled trailer cueing the start of a revolution.

[05/08/17 - 09:57 AM]
Video: "Orphan Black's" Final Trip Begins Saturday, June 10 at 10/9c
Check out the extended trailer for the show's swan song.

[05/08/17 - 06:04 AM]
Video: Game Over, Man! - Teaser - Netflix
The Netflix original film stars Adam Devine, Anders Holm and Blake Anderson from the hit show "Workaholics" and is directed by Kyle Newacheck.

[05/05/17 - 08:33 AM]
Video: Netflix Debuts Trailer for Final Season of "Bloodline," Launching May 26th
Get a first look at the Rayburns' final journey in the trailer for the acclaimed drama's third and final season.

[05/05/17 - 06:01 AM]
Video: They're Coming - The First Teaser for "Marvel's Inhumans" Is Here
Marvel issues a teaser for the upcoming ABC series.

[05/04/17 - 10:31 AM]
Video: Showtime(R) Releases New Promo for "Twin Peaks"
Directed entirely by David Lynch, the new 18-part limited event series picks up 25 years after the inhabitants of a quaint northwestern town were stunned when their homecoming queen Laura Palmer was shockingly murdered.

[05/04/17 - 09:01 AM]
Video: Netflix Releases the "Sense8" S2 Cluster Thematic Trailer
This newly released trailer from season two reveals more about the eight discovering the existence of other Sensates within clusters just like them.

[05/03/17 - 06:01 AM]
Video: Netflix Launches Trailer for "Marvel's The Defenders"
This is the story of four solitary figures, burdened with their own personal challenges, who realize they just might be stronger when teamed together.

[05/01/17 - 09:43 AM]
Video: Netflix Debuts Trailer of Joshua: Teenager vs. Superpower
When the Chinese Communist Party alters its promise of autonomy to Hong Kong - handed back to the Chinese government from British rule in 1997 - teenager Joshua Wong decides to fight for his homeland.

[05/01/17 - 07:33 AM]
Video: One Nation, Underwood - Netflix's "House of Cards" Season 5 Trailer Now Available
The series will launch its fifth season globally on Netflix, Tuesday, May 30.

[04/28/17 - 02:00 PM]
Video: Watch a Behind-the-Scenes First Look at FOX's New Dating Show, "Love Connection," Hosted by Andy Cohen
The unscripted series will now premiere at 9:00/8:00c on Thursday, May 25 following "Beat Shazam."

[04/27/17 - 09:36 AM]
Video: Official Teaser for Seeso Original "There's... Johnny!"
It's 1972, and everyone goes to bed together... with Johnny Carson, TV's biggest star.

[04/27/17 - 07:03 AM]
Video: Okja - A Message from Lucy Mirando - June 28
Lucy Mirando and the Super Pig Project are featured in the upcoming Netflix original film Okja.

[04/26/17 - 10:13 AM]
Video: Watch the New Trailer from TNT's "American Race" with Host Charles Barkley
TNT's "American Race" will air over two nights - Thursday, May 11, and Friday, May 12 - with two episodes each night at 9 and 10 p.m. (ET/PT).

[04/26/17 - 09:02 AM]
Video: "Dear White People" - Featurette: Stay Woke - Netflix
"Dear White People" is a send-up of the now post "post-racial" America that weaves together a universal story of finding one's own identity and forging a wholly unique path.

[04/24/17 - 08:04 AM]
Video: Relive "Bloodline's" Most Memorable Moments in All-New, Must-Watch Recap Featurette Ahead of Final Season
"Bloodline's" third and final season launches Friday, May 26, everywhere Netflix is available.

[04/19/17 - 01:05 PM]
Video: Freeform Releases First-Look Trailer for Upcoming Drama Series "The Bold Type" Produced by Joanna Coles
"The Bold Type" will have a special two-hour premiere on Tuesday, July 11 at 9:00/8:00c.

[04/19/17 - 01:03 PM]
Video: Freeform Releases First Trailer and Photo from Upcoming Marvel Television Series "Marvel's Cloak & Dagger"
The network has ordered 10 one-hour episodes slated to debut early 2018.

[04/19/17 - 01:02 PM]
Video: Freeform Releases First Trailer for New Comedy Series "Alone Together" from The Lonely Island
"Alone Together" is a half-hour, single-camera comedy starring Esther Povitsky and Benji Aflalo.

[04/19/17 - 09:36 AM]
Video: Fudge Yeah! Kimmy's Back in the Official Trailer for "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt" Season 3!
All 13 half-hour episodes of "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt" Season 3 will launch globally on Friday, May 19.

[04/19/17 - 08:24 AM]
Video: Netflix Releases Trailer for "The Keepers"
The seven-part docu-series details the unsolved murder of a nun and the horrific secrets and pain that linger nearly five decades after her death.

[04/19/17 - 08:16 AM]
Video: What Is a Girlboss? - "Girlboss" Premieres on Netflix Friday, April 21
Britt Robertson, Sophia Amoruso and Kay Cannon from the upcoming comedy series dish on what is a Girlboss in this all-new video.

[04/18/17 - 08:30 AM]
Video: Don't Miss the Fun on the Premiere of "The F Word with Gordon Ramsay," Wednesday, May 31, on FOX
Based on his hit U.K. series of the same name, each distinctive and fast-paced hour will combine good food and good cooking with Ramsay's passion, energy and humor into a one-of-a-kind live series.

[04/17/17 - 05:04 AM]
Video: Starz's "Outlander" Season Three Teaser Trailer Released
Book Three is set to premiere in September 2017 and will include 13 episodes based upon the third of eight books in Diana Gabaldon's international best-selling Outlander series.

[04/15/17 - 09:30 AM]
Video: Teaser Trailer for Final Season of Disney XD's "Star Wars Rebels" Promises Big Surprises Ahead
Promising an action-packed storyline that left fans eager for more, executive producer Dave Filoni delivered news of the show's must-see conclusion alongside the voice cast of the entire Ghost crew.

[04/14/17 - 06:01 AM]
Video: Watch the New Trailer from TNT's "Animal Kingdom"
The second season of "Animal Kingdom" is slated to launch Tuesday, May 30 at 9:00/8:00c on the cable channel.

[04/13/17 - 09:00 AM]
Video: First Full Trailer Released for the Final Trip of BBC America's "Orphan Black"
The final trip begins Saturday, June 10 at 10:00/9:00c.

[04/11/17 - 03:30 PM]
Video: 1st Look at Spike TV's "The Mist," Based on a Story by Stephen King, Premieres 6/22
The 10-episode series stars Morgan Spector, Alyssa Sutherland, Gus Birney, Danica Curcic, Okezie Morro, Luke Cosgrove, Darren Pettie, Russell Posner, Dan Butler, Isiah Washington, Jr. and Frances Conroy.

[04/11/17 - 07:32 AM]
Video: "Orange Is the New Black" - Season 5 First Look
Netflix has released the heart-stopping first moments back in Litchfield in this :60 second first look clip from the premiere episode of season five.

[04/10/17 - 09:06 AM]
Video: Trailer for Jill Soloway's New Series "I Love Dick" Now Available
Kevin Bacon and Kathryn Hahn star in the series, due Friday, May 12 on Amazon.

[04/10/17 - 07:30 AM]
Video: Survive. Together... "Sense8" Season 2 Trailer Is Now Available!
The second season of "Sense8" launches globally on Netflix on Friday, May 5.

  [may 2017]  

(series past and present)
(series in development)
(tv movies and mini-series)

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[02/05/25 - 09:00 AM]
Video: "Benefits with Friends" - Official Trailer - Hulu
Bia (Bruna Marquezine) and Victor (Sérgio Malheiros) are best friends. While he lives in a relationship that has gotten boring, she has fleeting relationships, without believing in love.

[02/05/25 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Toxic Town" - Official Trailer - Netflix
When dozens of babies in Corby are born with disabilities, their mothers embark on a battle to hold those responsible to account. Based on a true story.

[02/05/25 - 02:01 AM]
Video: "Delicious" - Official Trailer - Netflix
During their vacation in the French countryside, a wealthy German family becomes entangled with a young hotel worker harboring sinister intentions.

[02/04/25 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Plankton: The Movie" - Official Trailer - Netflix
SpongeBob SquarePants' tiniest frenemy, Sheldon J. Plankton, is finally getting his close up.

[02/04/25 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Counterstrike" - Official Trailer - Netflix
When a hostage rescue mission creates a new enemy, Capt. Guerrero and his elite soldiers must face an ambush by a ruthless drug cartel.

[02/04/25 - 07:00 AM]
Video: Apple TV+ Unveils Trailer for "Goldie" Premiering February 14
Inspired by Emily Brundige's award-winning 2019 short film of the same name, the 13 half-hour episodes follow Goldie, a giant girl with a big heart, as she sets off on epic adventures with her best friends in their beloved town of Boysenberg.

[02/04/25 - 06:00 AM]
Video: Apple TV+ Debuts Trailer for New Drama "Berlin ER," Premiering on February 26
Starring Haley Louise Jones and Slavko Popadic, the complex eight-episode drama will premiere globally on Apple TV+ on February 26 with the first two episodes, followed by one episode weekly every Wednesday through April 9.

[02/04/25 - 01:01 AM]
Video: "The Exchange" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix
After their big break into Kuwait's male-dominated stock market, will Farida and Munira keep rising to success - or lose everything they've worked for?

[02/03/25 - 11:01 AM]
Video: "Extracted" - Extended First Look for All-New Survivalist Competition Premiering Monday, February 10 on FOX
"Extracted" features 12 untrained competitors attempting to survive extremely grueling conditions, perilous terrain, and the threat of fearsome predators in the unforgiving Canadian wilderness.

[02/03/25 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Grosse Pointe Garden Society" - Official Trailer - NBC
When four members of a garden club get entangled in a scandalous murder, they're forced to bury the body - in their own well-manicured flower beds.

[02/03/25 - 07:17 AM]
Video: Apple TV+ Debuts Trailer for Season Two of the Highly Anticipated Psychological Thriller "Surface"
Starring and executive produced by Gugu Mbatha-Raw and created by Veronica West, the acclaimed psychological thriller returns for its eight-episode second season on Friday, February 21, followed by new episodes every Friday through April 11.

[02/03/25 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Cobra Kai" Season 6 Part 3 - Final Trailer - Netflix
Granted one final chance to finish the Sekai Taikai, Daniel, Johnny and the team lay it all on the line in the ultimate championship showdown.

[01/31/25 - 07:30 AM]
Video: Acorn TV Releases Trailer and Key Art for New Zealand Mystery Series "A Remarkable Place to Die"
Starring Chelsie Preston Crawford and acclaimed Australian actress Rebecca Gibney, the four-episode original series premieres Monday, February 17 on Acorn TV in the US and Canada, with new episodes releasing weekly.

[01/31/25 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Wolf Hall: The Mirror and the Light" Preview
Based on the final novel in Hilary Mantel's multi award-winning trilogy, "Wolf Hall: The Mirror and the Light" premieres on "Masterpiece" Sunday, March 23.

[01/31/25 - 06:01 AM]
Video: Next on Netflix - Select Films & Series International Slate
A collection of sneak peeks and first looks from Sweden, Turkey, Denmark, Germany, Mexico, Italy, Brazil, Norway and Australia.