
    [friday, july 21, 2017]    
[07/21/17 - 06:58 PM]
Video: Netflix Brings "Marvel's The Defenders" to San Diego Comic Con and Releases New Trailer
Plus: "Marvel's Iron Fist" to return for a second season.

[07/21/17 - 06:26 PM]
Video: Catch Up on Thursday's "Ghosted" & "The Exorcist" Highlights
FOX releases an assortment of videos from today's San Diego Comic-Con offerings.

[07/21/17 - 04:54 PM]
Video: Watch the New Trailer for "The Gifted" That Just Screened at San Diego Comic-Con
FOX's much-ballyhooed drama premieres Monday, October 2.

[07/21/17 - 04:52 PM]
Video: "The 100" Comic-Con 2017 Video
The series debuted an exclusive highlight reel recounting all the action and drama from season four.

[07/21/17 - 04:15 PM]
Video: "Preacher" Season 2 Official Comic-Con Trailer
Get a glimpse into the absurdly twisted, action-packed thrill ride that is "Preacher" in the official Season 2 trailer.

[07/21/17 - 02:21 PM]
Video: "Psych: The Movie" Gives Psych-O's the Ultimate Summer Surprise at San Diego Comic-Con
Watch Shawn Spencer and Gus Burton share their journey to get back into "Psych" shape for "Psych: The Movie."

[07/21/17 - 12:45 PM]
Video: "The Walking Dead" Season 8 Official Comic-Con Trailer
Don't miss the Season 8 premiere Sunday, October 22 on AMC.

[07/21/17 - 12:30 PM]
Video: "iZombie" Comic-Con 2017 Video & A Message from Robert Knepper
Robert Knepper announced at Comic-Con that he'll be joining the cast full time as a series regular in the upcoming season.

[07/21/17 - 11:55 AM]
Video: "Fear the Walking Dead" Season 3 Official Comic-Con Trailer
See what's to come in the second half of Season 3 before it returns on Sunday, September 10 on AMC.

[07/20/17 - 10:14 PM]
Video: Syfy's Time-Travel Thriller "12 Monkeys" Splinters to San Diego Comic-Con
Check out a first look at the show's final season, due in 2018.

[07/20/17 - 07:45 PM]
Video: New "Marvel's Inhumans" Trailer Revealed at San Diego Comic-Con
The highly anticipated new Marvel television series will bring the fan-favorite comic book series and a new kind of family drama to the small screen this fall on ABC.

[07/20/17 - 06:48 PM]
Video: "Krypton" - Teaser Trailer - Syfy
It's time to discover the secrets of this lineage; the House of El will be redeemed.

[07/20/17 - 03:55 PM]
Video: Bright - Official Trailer - Netflix
From the director of Suicide Squad and End of Watch, David Ayer, comes a new action-packed film starring Will Smith, Joel Edgerton and Noomi Rapace.

[07/20/17 - 03:02 PM]
Video: First Look at "Stan Against Evil" Season 2 Unveiled at Comic-Con International: San Diego
Season 2 premieres Wednesday, November 1 at 10:00/9:00c on IFC.

[07/20/17 - 12:13 PM]
Video: Stan Lee: The Man, the Myth, the Marvel Hero - Featurette - Netflix
Stan Lee's ode to New York City and the power, beauty, relevance and human narratives behind Marvel's heroes.

[07/20/17 - 11:43 AM]
Video: "Voltron" - Season 3 Teaser - Netflix
All-new episodes of "Voltron: Legendary Defender" come to Netflix on Friday, August 4.

[07/20/17 - 10:17 AM]
Video: "Knightfall" Official Trailer - Coming Soon - History
Check out the trailer for History's new series "Knightfall" coming soon.

[07/18/17 - 11:01 AM]
Video: Starz Releases Official Trailer for Season Three of "Outlander"
Fans now get a closer look at new footage from the forthcoming season based on Voyager, the third of eight books in Diana Gabaldon's international best-selling Outlander series.

[07/18/17 - 08:07 AM]
Video: Netflix Debuts Trailer and Key Art for New Series "Atypical"
Sam, an 18-year-old on the autism spectrum, upends his family when he begins his journey of self-discovery for independence, love and acceptance in the new Netflix comedy series with heart.

[07/17/17 - 11:03 AM]
Video: VH1's "Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood" Supertrailer
The new season premieres Monday, July 24 at 8:00/7:00c.

[07/14/17 - 11:01 AM]
Video: Swipe Right to Meet... The Incredible Jessica James (Official Trailer)
Jessica Williams, Chris O'Dowd, Lakeith Stanfield and Noël Wells star in the latest Netflix original movie.

[07/13/17 - 01:01 AM]
Video: "Suburra" - Date Announcement - Netflix
Netflix's first Italian original series will launch on October 6.

[07/12/17 - 10:23 AM]
Video: Destination: "Ozark" - Welcome to the Last Resort (Official Trailer)
Jason Bateman and Laura Linney topline Netflix's highly-anticipated dark thriller.

[07/12/17 - 07:50 AM]
Video: First Trailer for Superhero Comedy Series "The Tick" Now Available
Plus: Amazon reveals the series will be released in two parts of six episodes each.

[07/10/17 - 10:22 AM]
Video: Season 2 of Univision's "El Chapo" Returns in September
In addition, the entire first season is now streaming on Netflix, who co-produced the series.

[07/10/17 - 10:10 AM]
Video: "Teen Wolf" - The Final Ten Episodes Official Trailer
The final season will premiere Sunday, July 30 at 8:00/7:00c on MTV.

[07/10/17 - 07:19 AM]
Video: IFC's "Baroness Von Sketch Show" - Full Pre-Premiere Episode Available to Watch Now on IFC Platforms
The all-female, acquired, sketch comedy series premieres on Wednesday, August 2, with 13 episodes airing weekly.

[07/06/17 - 12:06 PM]
Video: Showtime(R) Releases the Trailer and Poster Art for the Fifth and Final Season of "Episodes"
The show's swan song kicks off Sunday, August 20 at 10:00/9:00c.

[07/06/17 - 08:44 AM]
Video: Netflix Releases Trailer and Key Art for Icarus
Director Bryan Fogel's bold gambit was this: to investigate doping in sports, Fogel (an amateur bike racer) would dope himself, observe the changes in his performance, and see if he could evade detection.

[07/03/17 - 08:19 AM]
Video: "Ozark" - New Holiday Tease - Series Coming to Netflix July 21
A Chicago financial advisor (Jason Bateman), who has been quietly laundering money for a drug kingpin, must quickly uproot his family and move the operation to The Ozarks, after his partner is caught cheating the business.

[06/29/17 - 11:06 AM]
Video: truTV Debuts the Official Trailer for "I'm Sorry"
The half-hour scripted comedy follows seemingly confident, together comedy writer, wife and mom Andrea (Andrea Savage), who comically exposes her inner immaturity and neuroses through unexpected life situations.

[06/29/17 - 06:44 AM]
Video: WE tv Reveals a Dramatic Sneak Peek of the Highly Anticipated Third Season of "Growing Up Hip Hop" Premiering Thursday, July 20th at 9pm ET/CT on WE tv
The heirs of hip hop legends seek to cement their royal status in the cutting, treacherous music industry.

[06/29/17 - 06:05 AM]
Video: "Marvel's Inhumans" - Official Trailer
Experience the full series starting Friday, September 29 on ABC.

[06/28/17 - 09:54 AM]
Video: Netflix Unveils Trailer and Art for "Daughters of Destiny"
The four-part original documentary series chronicles the lives of five girls from Indian families who are among the so-called "Dalit" caste and most impoverished communities in the world.

[06/26/17 - 01:07 AM]
Video: Director Bong Joon Ho Leads Us Down the Road to "Okja" in New BTS Featurette
Watch never-before-seen interviews with stars Tilda Swinton, Jake Gyllenhaal, Paul Dano, Steven Yeun as well as behind-the-scenes footage of the actors working with Director Bong.

[06/23/17 - 08:03 AM]
Video: Have You Met the Incredible Jessica James? Get Your Chance July 28!
Jessica Williams stars in the latest Netflix original film.

[06/22/17 - 08:35 AM]
Video: Trailer - "Last Chance U" - Season 2 - July 21
The original documentary series follows the stories of elite athletes in tough life circumstances who struggle to find their redemption on a champion junior college football team.

[06/20/17 - 09:46 AM]
Video: Finale of "The Leftovers" Available on YouTube for One Week
Mimi Leder helmed the installment from a teleplay by Tom Perrotta & Damon Lindelof.

[06/20/17 - 07:34 AM]
Video: It's GLOW Time! Go Behind the Scenes of the Netflix Original Series "GLOW"
The comedy series launches this Friday, June 23 on the streaming service.

[06/16/17 - 09:31 AM]
Video: Showtime Releases Season Five Trailer and New Poster Art for "Ray Donovan"
Starring Liev Schreiber in his two-time Emmy nominated role as L.A.'s best professional fixer, the new season finds Ray turning his attention back to Hollywood and his celebrity fixer firm.

[06/15/17 - 01:00 PM]
Video: Director Bong Joon Ho's "Okja" Shines in Second Trailer
The film launches globally on Netflix and in select theatres in New York and Los Angeles on June 28.

[06/15/17 - 11:43 AM]
Video: "The Defiant Ones" - Official Trailer (HBO)
This four-part documentary event tells the stories of Dr. Dre and Jimmy Iovine, their improbable partnership and their leading roles in a series of transformative events in contemporary culture.

[06/15/17 - 08:36 AM]
Video: Hulk Hogan + Gawker + Freedom of the Press = New Netflix Trailer
Check out the new trailer for the upcoming Netflix original documentary Nobody Speak: Trials of the Free Press, launching globally June 23.

[06/15/17 - 07:44 AM]
Video: Amazon Prime Video Releases "Transparent" Season 4 Teaser Video
The streaming service has released a teaser for the highly-anticipated fourth season of Emmy Award and Golden Globe-winning series.

[06/14/17 - 02:08 PM]
Video: "Insecure" - Season 2 Tease (HBO)
The series returns for its eight-episode second season on Sunday, July 23.

[06/14/17 - 08:32 AM]
Video: Official Trailer for Netflix's "Friends from College" - Premieres July 14th
The comedy series from Nicholas Stoller stars Keegan-Michael Key, Cobie Smulders, Annie Parisse, Fred Savage, Nat Faxon and Jae Suh Park.

[06/12/17 - 10:48 AM]
Video: Watch the New Trailer for TNT's "Will"
TNT is releasing a new trailer for its brand new drama series "Will," which tells the wild, rowdy story of young William Shakespeare.

[06/10/17 - 06:01 AM]
Video: Legendary Singer-Songwriter's Latest Music Video Features Stars of TNT's New Dramedy "Claws," Premiering This Sunday, June 11, at 9 p.m. (ET/PT)
Niecy Nash, Carrie Preston, Jenn Lyon, Judy Reyes and Karrueche Tran are all featured in the video.

[06/09/17 - 07:59 AM]
Video: Watch "Orphan Black's" Entire Season... in 60 Seconds!
For those who can't wait until the last frame, those who need their burning questions answered immediately - this one's for you.

[06/08/17 - 09:20 AM]
Video: Showtime Releases a New Extended Clip from "The Putin Interviews"
The clip is pulled from hour four of the special, which features Stone's most recent discussion with the Russian president this past February, following the U.S. presidential elections.

  [july 2017]  

(series past and present)
(series in development)
(tv movies and mini-series)

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[02/25/25 - 12:31 PM]
Video: "Fear Street: Prom Queen" - Date Announcement - Netflix
In this next installment of the blood-soaked Fear Street franchise, prom season at Shadyside High is underway and the school's wolfpack of It Girls is busy with its usual sweet and vicious campaigns for the crown.

[02/25/25 - 11:01 AM]
Video: AMC Networks Announces May 4 Return for "The Walking Dead: Dead City" and Debuts Opening Minutes from the Highly Anticipated Season Two Premiere Episode
In season two, in the growing war for control of Manhattan, Maggie and Negan find themselves trapped on opposite sides.

[02/25/25 - 10:01 AM]
Video: "Million Dollar Secret" - Official Trailer - Netflix
12 strangers enter a sumptuous lakeside estate and in each of their rooms is a mysterious welcome gift - a box. 11 of them are empty and one contains $1,000,000, and it's for that guest to keep - as long as they keep their identity hidden.

[02/25/25 - 08:31 AM]
Video: "Bert Kreischer: Lucky" - Official Trailer - Netflix
In his fourth Netflix special, Bert dives into everything from shedding 45 pounds, the usual family antics, getting parenting tips from Snoop Dogg and more.

[02/25/25 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "You" Season 5 - Official Teaser #2 - Netflix
Well, well, well, if it isn't the luckiest guy in New York? Joe Goldberg returns for the fifth and final season on April 24, only on Netflix.

[02/25/25 - 06:00 AM]
Video: "Holland" - Official Trailer - Prime Video
"Holland," starring Nicole Kidman, Gael García Bernal, and Matthew Macfadyen, premieres March 27 on Prime Video.

[02/24/25 - 10:01 AM]
Video: "Love Is Blind Season 8: The Reunion" - Announcement - Netflix
A new group of singles face the ultimate dating experiment. Will they find their soulmates and get married, or will looks get in the way of love?

[02/24/25 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Andrew Schulz: LIFE" Teaser Trailer Featuring... Matt Damon?
In "LIFE," Andrew Schulz's most personal special yet, he takes us on a hilarious and humbling journey of trying to start a family.

[02/24/25 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Andor" - Season 2 Trailer - Streaming April 22 on Disney+
The critically acclaimed series returns.

[02/24/25 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Adolescence" - Official Trailer - Netflix
When a 13-year-old is accused of the murder of a classmate, his family, therapist and the detective in charge are all left asking: what really happened?

[02/24/25 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "House of David" - Final Trailer - Prime Video
You know the legend. Now experience the journey.

[02/23/25 - 04:31 PM]
Video: "Divorce Insurance" - Official Teaser - Prime Video
There may be many insurances out there, but none like this one.

[02/23/25 - 04:01 PM]
Video: "Revelations" - Official Teaser - Netflix
A pastor is convinced that a divine revelation has called him to punish the person guilty of a missing person case, while a detective assigned to the case is haunted by her dead sister's shadow.

[02/21/25 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "CHAOS: The Manson Murders" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Directed by Errol Morris, the film untangles a web of conspiracy involving the CIA, LSD, Jack Ruby, the Manson Family, and Vincent Bugliosi, casting doubt on the official story of the 1960s' most infamous killing spree.

[02/21/25 - 12:01 AM]
Video: Netflix Unveils the Premiere Date and First Look of Dome Karukoski's "Little Siberia"
A pastor's faith turns upside down when a meteorite lands in his small Finnish town, its impact stirring up chaos and criminal intentions.