
    [friday, march 20, 2020]    
[03/20/20 - 10:31 PM]
Video: "Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045" - Final Trailer - Netflix
The animated series rolls out Thursday, April 23 on the streaming service.

[03/20/20 - 09:02 AM]
Video: "#FreeRayshawn" - Official Trailer - Quibi
Stephan James is a young veteran. Laurence Fishburne is a sympathetic negotiator. And together, they have one brutally stressful day in New Orleans.

[03/20/20 - 08:00 AM]
Video: "Run" - Official Trailer - HBO
Written and produced by Vicky Jones, the series follows a woman whose humdrum life is thrown upside down when she receives a text from her college sweetheart inviting her to drop everything and meet him in New York to fulfill the pact they made 17 years previously.

[03/19/20 - 01:10 PM]
Video: "Never Have I Ever" - Official Date Announce - Netflix
The new series from Mindy Kaling premieres April 27.

[03/19/20 - 10:04 AM]
Video: "I Know This Much Is True" - Official Trailer - HBO
Based on the 1998 bestselling novel by Wally Lamb, adapted and directed by Derek Cianfrance, this limited series follows the parallel lives of identical twin brothers, played by Mark Ruffalo.

[03/19/20 - 09:20 AM]
Video: Showtime(R) Releases Fifth Season Trailer for "Billions"
Starring Oscar(R) nominee and Emmy(R) and Golden Globe(R) winner Paul Giamatti and Emmy and Golden Globe winner Damian Lewis, the fifth season cast includes new recurring guest stars Corey Stoll and Julianna Margulies.

[03/18/20 - 07:05 PM]
Video: Full Frontal Presents "Beeing at Home with Samantha Bee!"
With COVID-19 spreading across the United States and Full Frontal is taking a short hiatus and Sam has relocated to a rustic woodshed to teach everyone how to chop their own wood for warmth while practicing social distancing.

[03/18/20 - 11:18 AM]
Video: "Murder House Flip" - Official Trailer - Quibi
Home designers Joelle Uzyel and Mikel Welch help homeowners renovate the most infamous murder houses.

[03/18/20 - 10:39 AM]
Video: "Nailed It!" - Season 4 Official Trailer - Netflix
The series is back with a whole new season of celebrating failure on April 1.

[03/18/20 - 09:06 AM]
Video: The Final Season of "Vida" Returns April 26 on Starz
The pay channel confirms the show's upcoming season will be its last.

[03/18/20 - 06:16 AM]
Video: "A Celebration of the Music from Coco" - Disney+
Remember and relive the songs that moved you in the special, premiering April 10.

[03/17/20 - 06:03 PM]
Video: "7Seeds" Part 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix
Japan's last survivors continue to navigate the dangers of their new world and one another. But the bonds of humanity, past and present, never fade.

[03/17/20 - 04:01 PM]
Video: "Dishmantled" - Sneak Peek - Quibi
Titus Burgess hosts the high-octane reality cooking competition.

[03/17/20 - 03:01 PM]
Video: "Reno 911" - Sneak Peek - Quibi
From our humble corner of the web to yours, we hope these clips will entertain you in uncertain times.

[03/17/20 - 01:57 PM]
Video: Showtime(R) Releases Trailer for New Docu-Series "Vice"
The 13-episode season will deliver immersive reporting from the frontlines of global conflicts, civil uprisings and beyond, tackling complex geopolitical stories from all corners of the globe.

[03/17/20 - 09:31 AM]
Video: "Bosch" Season 6 - Official Trailer - Prime Video
When domestic terrorists threaten the fate of Los Angeles, Harry Bosch must save the city in the highest stakes season to date.

[03/16/20 - 02:31 PM]
Video: An Important "Lights Out" Announcement from David Spade
The show's temporarily shut down because of coronavirus concerns.

[03/16/20 - 11:24 AM]
Video: AMC Releases New "The Walking Dead: World Beyond" Video Asset and Companion Key Art Today
The new art also features series stars Nico Tortorella and Annet Mahendru, who play Felix and Huck, respectively, on the series.

[03/16/20 - 11:01 AM]
Video: "Upload" - Official Trailer - Prime Video
In the near future, people who are near death can be "uploaded" into virtual reality environments.

[03/16/20 - 10:04 AM]
Video: E!'s "Botched" Returns Monday, April 13 at 9:00 PM ET/PT
The cable channel releases a sneak peek of the show's return.

[03/16/20 - 09:31 AM]
Video: "The Midnight Gospel" - Official Teaser - Netflix
Created by Pendleton Ward and Duncan Trussell, "The Midnight Gospel" lands April 20 only on Netflix.

[03/15/20 - 05:56 PM]
Video: HBO - What's New in 2020
The pay channel details its current and upcoming programming for the rest of 2020.

[03/15/20 - 05:07 PM]
Video: Trevor Talks Social Distancing, Not Hoarding Toilet Paper, and "The Daily Show's" Plan for This Week
Due to coronavirus concerns, the show is going on a production hiatus.

[03/14/20 - 01:08 PM]
Video: Netflix Debuts The Trailer For Tom Segura's Newest Stand-Up Special, "Ball Hog"
Netflix previously announced its fourth and fifth stand-up specials from bilingual comedian, actor and podcaster Tom Segura, in a two special deal.

[03/13/20 - 08:31 AM]
Video: "50 States of Fright" - Official Teaser - Quibi
The series comes from executive producer Sam Raimi.

[03/12/20 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Disney Insider" - First Look - Disney+
Go behind-the-scenes of everything Disney in the new original series, "Disney Insider," premiering March 20.

[03/12/20 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Fight Like a Girl" - Sneak Peek - Quibi
These WWE Superstars are transforming young women's lives.

[03/11/20 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution" - Official Trailer - Netflix - Documentary
On the heels of Woodstock, a group of teen campers are inspired to join the fight for disability civil rights.

[03/10/20 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Among the eccentrics and cult personalities in the stranger-than-fiction world of big cat owners, few stand out more than Joe Exotic, a mulleted, gun-toting polygamist and country western singer who presides over an Oklahoma roadside zoo.

[03/10/20 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Central Park" - Official Trailer - Apple TV+
The animated series voice cast includes Josh Gad, Leslie Odom, Jr., Kristen Bell, Kathryn Hahn, Tituss Burgess, Daveed Diggs, and Stanley Tucci.

[03/10/20 - 07:40 AM]
Video: "Tom Segura: Ball Hog" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Segura is back with a new special on Tuesday, March 24.

[03/09/20 - 04:01 PM]
Video: "Altered Carbon: Resleeved" - Official Trailer - Netflix
From the creative mind behind "Cowboy Bebop," explore the expanded universe of "Altered Carbon" in this anime adaptation.

[03/09/20 - 08:08 AM]
Video: "Uncorked" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Elijah (Mamoudou Athie) must find a way to balance his dream of becoming a master sommelier with his father's expectations for him to carry on the family's popular Memphis barbeque joint.

[03/09/20 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "I Promise" - Official Trailer - Quibi
The series comes from executive producer LeBron James.

[03/08/20 - 06:29 PM]
Video: YouTube Debuts Official Trailer for "Creators for Change" on Girls' Education with Michelle Obama, Liza Koshy, Prajakta Koli, and Thembe Mahlaba
The special will launch Tuesday, March 17 on YouTube.com/Learning.

[03/08/20 - 10:12 AM]
Video: "Fierce Queens" with Reese Witherspoon - Official Trailer - Quibi
For all the Fierce Queens out there.

[03/07/20 - 09:25 AM]
Video: "Dino Girl Gauko" Season 2 Trailer - Netflix Futures
More dino-mite adventures with Dino Girl Gauko are on the way beginning March 20.

[03/06/20 - 04:25 PM]
Video: "Greenhouse Academy" Season 4 Trailer - Netflix Futures
The students of Greenhouse Academy deal with the aftermath of an explosive sequence of events.

[03/06/20 - 10:56 AM]
Video: Showtime(R) Debuts Trailer for "Penny Dreadful(R): City of Angels"
The series launches Sunday, April 26 at 10:00/9:00c on the pay channel.

[03/06/20 - 09:12 AM]
Video: Apple TV+ Releases Official Trailer for Dramatic Mystery Series "Home Before Dark"
The dramatic mystery series follows a young girl (Brooklynn Prince) who moves from Brooklyn to the small lakeside town her father (Jim Sturgess) left behind.

[03/06/20 - 07:10 AM]
Video: "The Platform" - Main Trailer - Netflix
Directed by Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia, the film - due on March 20 - is a twisted social allegory about mankind at its darkest and hungriest.

[03/06/20 - 06:16 AM]
Video: "Unorthodox" - Official Trailer - Netflix
In pursuit of self-determination, a young woman leaves her ultra orthodox Jewish community in New York City to start a new life in Berlin.

[03/05/20 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Bert Kreischer: Hey Big Boy" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Look for the stand-up special Tuesday, March 17 on the streaming service.

[03/05/20 - 08:06 AM]
Video: "Money Heist" Part 4 - Official Trailer - Netflix
New episodes roll out Friday, April 3 on the streaming service.

[03/05/20 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Ozark" Season 3 - Official Trailer - Netflix
The Byrdes are back in business and the stakes have never been higher.

[03/05/20 - 02:02 AM]
Video: "The English Game" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Based on true events, this 19th century drama follows two footballers on opposite sides of a class divide who changed the game - and England - forever.

[03/04/20 - 05:31 PM]
Video: "Kingdom" Season 2 - Main Trailer - Netflix
The series returns to the streaming service on Friday, March 13.

[03/04/20 - 01:21 AM]
Video: "Vampires" - Trailer - Netflix France
Vampires exist. Here, among us. Today in Paris, Martha Radescu's family lives underground. But when Doïna, 17, turns out to be a new kind of vampire, their fragile balance explodes.

[03/03/20 - 01:07 AM]
Video: "Bloodride" - Official Trailer - Netflix
The thrilling new horror anthology bows Friday, March 13.

[03/02/20 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Atlanta's Missing and Murdered: The Lost Children" - Official Teaser - HBO
The new five-part documentary series premieres Sunday, April 5.

  [march 2020]  

(series past and present)
(series in development)
(tv movies and mini-series)

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[12/25/24 - 10:36 AM]
Video: "Happy Gilmore 2" - Happy New Year - Netflix
Coming soon, only on Netflix.

[12/25/24 - 10:16 AM]
Video: "Doctor Who" - Season 2 Teaser - Disney+
The adventure continues: Season 2 is coming to Disney+ in 2025.

[12/25/24 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "The Night Agent" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix
The hunt for a CIA agent accused of leaking secrets puts Peter and Rose in the crosshairs of a ruthless intelligence broker and a deadly war criminal.

[12/24/24 - 01:01 PM]
Video: "American Primeval" - Official Teaser - Netflix
A mother and son fleeing from their past form a found family while confronting a harsh landscape of freedom and cruelty in the American West.

[12/24/24 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Cobra Kai" Season 6 - Part 3 Date Announcement - Netflix
Granted one final chance to finish the Sekai Taikai, Daniel, Johnny and the team lay it all on the line in the ultimate championship showdown.

[12/23/24 - 09:00 AM]
Video: "Going Dutch" Season 1 First Look - FOX TV
Tune in for the series premiere Thursday, January 2 on FOX and next day on Hulu.

[12/23/24 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "All Creatures Great and Small" Season 5 Trailer
Toast to an all-new season, premiering on Sunday, January 12 at 9:00/8:00c.

[12/23/24 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Zero Day" - Official Teaser - Netflix
After a cyberattack sabotages transportation and power infrastructure across the U.S., former President George Mullen is asked to find the culprit.

[12/23/24 - 12:01 AM]
Video: "Lovers Anonymous" - Teaser - Netflix
Cem, scarred by a childhood that crushed his trust in love, runs the "Love Hospital," until Hazal, who believes in the power of love, disrupts his life.

[12/21/24 - 01:36 PM]
Video: A Thrilling New Crime Drama Begins - "The Hunting Party" - NBC
The hunt is on. When serial killers escape from a secret prison, one elite team must track them down before they kill again.

[12/20/24 - 05:57 PM]
Video: Preview - A Brand New Era - "When Calls the Heart"
"When Calls the Heart" enters a brand new era with an all-new season, starting Sunday, January 5 at 9:00/8:00c.

[12/20/24 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Bandidos" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix
Lilí and Miguel's peaceful escape is shattered when she's forced into a risky quest for the Tear of Fire diamond, risking everything to save her friends.

[12/20/24 - 08:31 AM]
Video: New Netflix Sports Promo Highlights Upcoming Sports Programming
Netflix continues to expand its sports slate, offering members a wide variety of sports programming across series, films and live events, including the recent record-breaking Mike Tyson vs Jake Paul fight and the upcoming NFL Games on Christmas Day and the debut of "WWE Raw" on Netflix next year.

[12/20/24 - 02:01 AM]
Video: "Lisabi: A Legend Is Born" - Official Trailer - Netflix
The epic tale of the birth and rise of legendary folk hero Lísàbí Agbongbo-Akala, destined to save the Egba people in the face of a treacherous leader.

[12/20/24 - 01:01 AM]
Video: "Love Is Blind: Germany" - Official Trailer - Netflix
The experiment comes to Germany as local singles seek true love and a commitment that lasts a lifetime, all before meeting each other face-to-face.