
    [thursday, february 24, 2022]    
[02/24/22 - 11:05 AM]
Video: Emmy-Winner Courtney B. Vance Stars in Thrilling Trailer for "61st Street," AMC Networks' Anticipated Two-Season Event Set to Debut April 10
From AMC Studios, "61st Street" courses through the dark heart of the infamous Chicago criminal justice system as police and prosecutors investigate a deadly drug bust that threatens to unravel the police department's code of silence.

[02/24/22 - 08:20 AM]
Video: "Romeo & Juliet Killers" - Official Trailer Feb 25 - A Tubi Original
Inspired by the "Ripped from the Headlines" true crime story of a rebellious teen and her boyfriend who murdered her single mother in their upscale, gated community in Northern California and were dubbed a modern-day Romeo and Juliet when they ran away and attempted suicide.

[02/24/22 - 07:01 AM]
Video: Apple TV+ Releases Trailer for Highly Anticipated Limited Series "WeCrashed" Ahead of March 18 Global Premiere
Jared Leto and Anne Hathaway star in the limited series, based on the hit Wondery podcast of the same name.

[02/24/22 - 12:01 AM]
Video: "Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045" Season 2 - Teaser Trailer - Netflix
The highly anticipated second season streams worldwide from May, only on Netflix.

[02/23/22 - 01:01 PM]
Video: Apple TV+ Releases Trailer for ahe Highly Anticipated Series "Pachinko," Starring Academy Award Winner Youn Yuh Jung and Multi-Hyphenate Sensation Lee Minho, Ahead of Its March 25 Global Premiere
The series is based on the acclaimed New York Times bestselling novel by the same name and is created by Soo Hugh.

[02/23/22 - 12:01 PM]
Video: "Love Like the Falling Petals" - Official Trailer - Netflix
An aspiring young photographer falls in love with a vibrant hairstylist. The future stretches before them - until a twist of fate changes everything.

[02/23/22 - 11:00 AM]
Video: Paramount+ Reveals Premiere Date and Official Trailer for New Original Series "The Fairly Oddparents: Fairly Odder," Premiering Thursday, March 31
All 13 episodes of the debut season will be available to stream beginning Thursday, March 31, exclusively on Paramount+ in the U.S., Canada, Australia, Nordics and Latin America.

[02/23/22 - 10:05 AM]
Video: New Trailer Out Now for Jane Seymour's Acorn TV Murder Mystery Series "Harry Wild"
Seymour stars as Harriet "Harry" Wild, a retiring university literature professor who is finding herself at one of life's crossroads.

[02/23/22 - 10:00 AM]
Video: "Under the Banner of Heaven" - Official Teaser - FX
Starring Andrew Garfield and inspired by the true crime bestseller by Jon Krakauer, FX's "Under the Banner of Heaven" is coming soon.

[02/23/22 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Ozark" Season 4 Part 2 - Date Announcement - Netflix
The final seven episodes of "Ozark" will premiere on April 29.

[02/23/22 - 08:32 AM]
Video: Going Inside the Feud: "Joe vs Carole" - Peacock
The feud between Carole Baskin (Kate McKinnon) and Joe "Exotic" Schreibvogel (John Cameron Mitchell) may be infamous, but there is so much more to learn about their complex relationship and how they reached such a deep layer of hatred for one another.

[02/23/22 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "The Andy Warhol Diaries" (From Executive Producer Ryan Murphy) - Official Trailer - Netflix
After he's shot in 1968, Andy Warhol begins documenting his life and feelings. Those diaries, and this series, reveal the secrets behind his persona.

[02/23/22 - 07:30 AM]
Video: Meet Us In The Metaverse: Prime Video's Sci-Fi Comedy, "Upload," Releases Official Season Two Trailer and First-Look Images
The seven-episode second season will premiere March 11 exclusively on Prime Video in more than 240 countries and territories around the world.

[02/23/22 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Once Upon a Time... Happily Never After" - Official Trailer - Netflix
A couple forced to separate must find each other in another life to break a spell on their town, where no one can fall in love.

[02/22/22 - 05:01 PM]
Video: "The Pirates: The Last Royal Treasure" - Official Trailer - Netflix
A gutsy crew of Joseon pirates and bandits battle stormy waters, puzzling clues and militant rivals in search of royal gold lost at sea.

[02/22/22 - 08:01 AM]
Video: Showtime Debuts Official Trailer for "The Man Who Fell to Earth"
The new series stars Oscar nominees Chiwetel Ejiofor and Naomie Harris, along with Jimmi Simpson, Rob Delaney, Sonya Cassidy, Joana Ribeiro, Annelle Olaleye, Kate Mulgrew, Clarke Peters and Bill Nighy.

[02/22/22 - 08:01 AM]
"Video: Taylor Tomlinson: Look at You" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Breakups. Therapy. Bangs. Taylor's gone through some stuff since her quarter-life crisis, and she spins her mental health journey into insightful comedy.

[02/22/22 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Power Rangers Dino Fury" Season 2 (aka S29) Trailer - Netflix Futures
The Power Rangers band together with mighty new Dino Keys to stop more squads of Sporix beasts - and revived enemies out for revenge.

[02/22/22 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Black Crab" - Official Trailer - Netflix
To end an apocalyptic war and save her daughter, a reluctant soldier embarks on a desperate mission to cross a frozen sea carrying a top-secret cargo.

[02/22/22 - 03:01 AM]
Video: "Young, Famous & African" - Official Trailer - Netflix
This reality series follows a crew of famed, affluent stars as they work and play, flirt and feud in Johannesburg, South Africa.

[02/18/22 - 07:01 PM]
Video: "Last One Standing" - Official Trailer - Netflix
They're comedians starring in a thrilling drama, but if their jokes don't land in the unscripted scenes, they're off the show. Let the mayhem begin!

[02/18/22 - 07:41 AM]
Video: "This Joka" - Official Trailer - The Roku Channel
Will Smith invites a diverse lineup of comics to explore the nature of comedy and its unique ability to bring people together.

[02/18/22 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Hustle" - Official Teaser - Netflix
After discovering a once-in-a-lifetime player with a rocky past abroad, a down on his luck basketball scout (Adam Sandler) takes it upon himself to bring the phenom to the States without his team's approval.

[02/17/22 - 03:35 PM]
Video: "Life Size Toys" - Official Trailer - The Roku Channel
Nostalgia, meet Nitro Circus. Travis Pastrana and his team take classic childhood toys, build them huge, and turn them into extreme stunts. For professional play only.

[02/17/22 - 11:22 AM]
Video: Apple TV+ Reveals Teaser Video for New Episodes of the WGA-Nominated Series "The Problem with Jon Stewart," Premiering Weekly on March 3
In this teaser video, Stewart is back in front of a studio audience sharing laughs, jokes and most importantly "problems," as he tackles the stock market and Robinhood and speaks with SEC Chairman Gary Gensler, giving viewers an idea of what's in store this season.

[02/17/22 - 09:05 AM]
Video: Showtime Releases Official Trailer for "The First Lady" Premiering Sunday, April 17
The new anthology drama stars Oscar, Emmy and Tony winner Viola Davis as former first lady Michelle Obama, Oscar and Emmy nominee Michelle Pfeiffer as Betty Ford and Emmy and Screen Actors Guild winner Gillian Anderson as Eleanor Roosevelt.

[02/17/22 - 09:00 AM]
Video: Get Ready for the Juiciest New Series! Prime Video Reveals Premiere Date and First-Look Trailer for "Lizzo's Watch Out for the Big Grrrls"
The new unscripted series follows global superstar and icon Lizzo, who is on the hunt for confident, bad-ass women to join the elite ranks of the Big Grrrls and join her world tour.

[02/17/22 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Team Zenko Go" Trailer - Netflix Jr
No good deed is too small for this kind kid squad! Niah, Ari, Ellie and Jax go undercover to help others and squash their town's problems in secret!

[02/16/22 - 09:31 AM]
Video: WE tv Drops Explosive Supertease from All-New Season of "Marriage Boot Camp: Hip Hop Edition" Premiering Thursday, March 31 at 9PM
Resident counselor Dr. Ish Major along with the established Judge Lynn Toler return this season to help the couples confront lies, betrayal, and bitter rivalries.

[02/16/22 - 08:01 AM]
Video: Official Trailer - "Marvel Studios' Assembled: The Making of Eternals" - Disney+
Get a behind the scenes look at the making of Marvel's first heroes in "Marvel Studios' Assembled: The Making of Eternals."

[02/16/22 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "MotoGP: Unlimited" - Official Trailer
"MotoGP: Unlimited" comes to Amazon Prime Video Sport on March 14.

[02/16/22 - 08:00 AM]
Video: "The Boys Presents: Diabolical" - Trailer - Prime Video
The fun-size episodes, running 12-14 minutes and each with its own animation style, will reveal unseen stories within "The Boys" universe, dreamt up by some of the most creative and bloody brilliant minds in entertainment today.

[02/16/22 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Soil" - Official Teaser - Netflix
To revamp the family business, a young entrepreneur sets up a bold yet risky plan of importing soil from Morocco to bury his community's deceased.

[02/15/22 - 05:01 PM]
Video: "Thermae Romae Novae" - Official Trailer - Netflix Anime
A proud bath architect in ancient Rome starts randomly surfacing in present-day Japan, where he's inspired by the many bathing innovations he finds.

[02/15/22 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Pieces of Her" - Official Trailer - Netflix
A woman pieces together her mother's dark past after a violent attack in their small town brings hidden threats and deadly secrets to light.

[02/15/22 - 08:31 AM]
Video: "Bad Vegan: Fame. Fraud. Fugitives." - Official Trailer - Netflix
After marrying a mysterious man who claimed he could make her dog immortal, a celebrated vegan restaurateur finds her life veering off the rails.

[02/15/22 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Windfall" - Official Trailer - Netflix
A man breaks into a tech billionaire's empty vacation home, but things go sideways when the arrogant mogul and his wife arrive for a last-minute getaway.

[02/15/22 - 07:03 AM]
Video: Disney+ Unveils First Trailer and New Poster for "Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers," A Comeback 30 Years in the Making
The hybrid live-action/CG animated action-comedy catches up with the former Disney Afternoon television stars in modern-day Los Angeles.

[02/15/22 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Fresh" - Official Trailer - Hulu
Daisy Edgar-Jones and Sebastian Stan star in Mimi Cave's film, streaming March 4 only on Hulu.

[02/15/22 - 01:31 AM]
Video: "Standing Up" - Official Trailer - Netflix
In Paris, four young comedians chase their dreams of stand-up glory while juggling financial pressures, family tensions and romantic adventures.

[02/14/22 - 11:22 AM]
Video: TBS Releases Teaser for "The Big D" & Trailer for "Rat in the Kitchen; TNT Drops Official Trailer & Episodic Clip from "The Crime Against Pam & Tommy"
During The TNets (TBS, TNT, truTV) Winter TCA presentation on Monday, February 14, TBS and TNT released assets from a variety of series.

[02/14/22 - 11:00 AM]
Video: "Lucy and Desi" - Official Trailer - Prime Video
From director Amy Poehler, "Lucy and Desi" explores the unlikely partnership and enduring legacy of one of the most prolific power couples in entertainment history.

[02/14/22 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Bridgerton" Season 2 - Official Teaser - Netflix
Today, Netflix and Shondaland hosted a global event for Bridgerton super fans ahead of the upcoming March 25 premiere.

[02/14/22 - 08:00 AM]
Video: Teaser and First Look - Hulu's "Shoresy"
Hulu reveals first look teaser trailer and exclusive image from debut season of the "Letterkenny" spin-off.

[02/14/22 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix
The fate of Eternos hangs in the balance as He-Man and the heroes forge new alliances - and new destinies - to stop Skeletor from raising an Army of the Dead and obtain ultimate power.

[02/14/22 - 07:01 AM]
Video: Hulu Releases Teaser Trailer and Poster for "Deep Water," Starring Ben Affleck and Ana de Armas
"Deep Water" will debut March 18 exclusively as a Hulu Original in the U.S.

[02/14/22 - 05:01 AM]
Video: "Surviving Paradise: A Family Tale" - Official Trailer - Netflix
As the Kalahari Desert faces a worsening dry season, prides, packs and herds of all kinds must rely on the power of family to survive.

[02/14/22 - 02:01 AM]
Video: "Young, Famous & African" - Official Teaser - Netflix
This reality series follows a crew of famed, affluent stars as they work and play, flirt and feud in Johannesburg, South Africa.

[02/13/22 - 06:30 PM]
Video: AMC+ Features 2022 Lineup in Super Bowl LVI Spot
With voiceover from "Better Call Saul's" Giancarlo Esposito, the 30-second ad also featured marquee series from AMC+'s killer 2022 lineup.

[02/13/22 - 05:43 PM]
Video: "The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power" - Teaser Trailer - Prime Video
Amazon Studios' forthcoming series brings to screens for the very first time the heroic legends of the fabled Second Age of Middle-earth's history.

  [february 2022]  

(series past and present)
(series in development)
(tv movies and mini-series)

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[02/25/25 - 12:31 PM]
Video: "Fear Street: Prom Queen" - Date Announcement - Netflix
In this next installment of the blood-soaked Fear Street franchise, prom season at Shadyside High is underway and the school's wolfpack of It Girls is busy with its usual sweet and vicious campaigns for the crown.

[02/25/25 - 11:01 AM]
Video: AMC Networks Announces May 4 Return for "The Walking Dead: Dead City" and Debuts Opening Minutes from the Highly Anticipated Season Two Premiere Episode
In season two, in the growing war for control of Manhattan, Maggie and Negan find themselves trapped on opposite sides.

[02/25/25 - 10:01 AM]
Video: "Million Dollar Secret" - Official Trailer - Netflix
12 strangers enter a sumptuous lakeside estate and in each of their rooms is a mysterious welcome gift - a box. 11 of them are empty and one contains $1,000,000, and it's for that guest to keep - as long as they keep their identity hidden.

[02/25/25 - 08:31 AM]
Video: "Bert Kreischer: Lucky" - Official Trailer - Netflix
In his fourth Netflix special, Bert dives into everything from shedding 45 pounds, the usual family antics, getting parenting tips from Snoop Dogg and more.

[02/25/25 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "You" Season 5 - Official Teaser #2 - Netflix
Well, well, well, if it isn't the luckiest guy in New York? Joe Goldberg returns for the fifth and final season on April 24, only on Netflix.

[02/25/25 - 06:00 AM]
Video: "Holland" - Official Trailer - Prime Video
"Holland," starring Nicole Kidman, Gael García Bernal, and Matthew Macfadyen, premieres March 27 on Prime Video.

[02/24/25 - 10:01 AM]
Video: "Love Is Blind Season 8: The Reunion" - Announcement - Netflix
A new group of singles face the ultimate dating experiment. Will they find their soulmates and get married, or will looks get in the way of love?

[02/24/25 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Andrew Schulz: LIFE" Teaser Trailer Featuring... Matt Damon?
In "LIFE," Andrew Schulz's most personal special yet, he takes us on a hilarious and humbling journey of trying to start a family.

[02/24/25 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Andor" - Season 2 Trailer - Streaming April 22 on Disney+
The critically acclaimed series returns.

[02/24/25 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Adolescence" - Official Trailer - Netflix
When a 13-year-old is accused of the murder of a classmate, his family, therapist and the detective in charge are all left asking: what really happened?

[02/24/25 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "House of David" - Final Trailer - Prime Video
You know the legend. Now experience the journey.

[02/23/25 - 04:31 PM]
Video: "Divorce Insurance" - Official Teaser - Prime Video
There may be many insurances out there, but none like this one.

[02/23/25 - 04:01 PM]
Video: "Revelations" - Official Teaser - Netflix
A pastor is convinced that a divine revelation has called him to punish the person guilty of a missing person case, while a detective assigned to the case is haunted by her dead sister's shadow.

[02/21/25 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "CHAOS: The Manson Murders" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Directed by Errol Morris, the film untangles a web of conspiracy involving the CIA, LSD, Jack Ruby, the Manson Family, and Vincent Bugliosi, casting doubt on the official story of the 1960s' most infamous killing spree.

[02/21/25 - 12:01 AM]
Video: Netflix Unveils the Premiere Date and First Look of Dome Karukoski's "Little Siberia"
A pastor's faith turns upside down when a meteorite lands in his small Finnish town, its impact stirring up chaos and criminal intentions.