
    [wednesday, january 03, 2024]    
[01/03/24 - 07:01 PM]
Video: "Sit Down with Stand Up Udom Taephanich" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Thailand's renowned stand-up comedian Udom Taephanich shares his unique stories and perspectives in this groundbreaking interview with Yuthana Boonorm.

[01/03/24 - 04:01 PM]
Video: "The Bequeathed" - Official Trailer - Netflix
After the death of an unknown uncle, a woman inherits a burial ground and finds herself in the center of a string of murders and dark secrets.

[01/03/24 - 11:00 AM]
Video: Trailer Debut - Hulu Original "Death and Other Details"
The series stars Violett Beane, Mandy Patinkin, Lauren Patten, Rahul Kohli, Angela Zhou, Hugo Diego Garcia, Pardis Saremi and Linda Emond.

[01/03/24 - 10:04 AM]
Video: "Ridiculousness" Welcomes Cast Members from "Jersey Shore Family Vacation" - January 4th
Back-to-back episodes will air Thursdays at 8:00 PM and 8:30 PM ET/PT from January 4 until February 1.

[01/03/24 - 09:49 AM]
Video: "TMZ Presents: UFO Revolution" - Official Trailer - A Tubi Original
The docuseries, a three-night event airing January 9-11, features a never-before-seen discovery of footage of an Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP).

[01/03/24 - 09:31 AM]
Video: "Feud: Capote Vs. The Swans" - Official Trailer - FX
The new installment tells the story of acclaimed writer Truman Capote, once a confidante to society's most elite women, whom he nicknamed "the swans."

[01/03/24 - 09:02 AM]
Video: Paramount+ Debuts Official Trailer for Upcoming Documentary "June," Premiering January 16
The film shines an important spotlight on the history of country music and the mark the Carter and Cash families made on the genre before diving into the complex life of the legendary June Carter Cash.

[01/03/24 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "American Nightmare" - Official Trailer - Netflix
After a harrowing home invasion and kidnapping in 2015, a couple is accused of staging the ordeal when the woman reappears in this true-crime docuseries.

[01/03/24 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Pete Davidson: Turbo Fonzarelli" - Official Trailer - Netflix
From his childhood crush on Leonardo DiCaprio to the disturbing gift he got from a stalker, comedian Pete Davidson cuts loose in this stand-up special.

[01/02/24 - 09:31 PM]
Video: "Killer Soup" - Official Trailer - Manoj Bajpayee - Konkona Sensharma - Jan 11th - Netflix India
Swathi dreams of owning a restaurant. But when murder derails her plan, she and her lover take an outrageous step - to replace him with her husband.

[01/02/24 - 12:38 PM]
Video: Prime Video Releases Trailer for Australian Original Docu-series "Dance Life"
The five-part series, which will release exclusively on Prime Video globally on January 19, follows a select group of students throughout their final make-or-break year at Australia's elite dance Studio, Brent Street.

[01/01/24 - 04:01 PM]
Video: "Badland Hunters" - Official Teaser - Netflix
After a deadly earthquake turns Seoul into a lawless badland, a fearless huntsman springs into action to rescue a teenager abducted by a mad doctor.

[01/01/24 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Lift" - New Year's Final Trailer - Netflix
A professional thief and his expert crew attempt the ultimate heist: stealing $500 million in gold from a vault on a plane - 40,000 feet in the air.

[12/31/23 - 06:16 PM]
Video: New Year, New Teaser - Hulu Original "Vanderpump Villa"
Decadence and debauchery collide in "Vanderpump Villa," a new unscripted docu-drama following Lisa Vanderpump's hand-selected staff as they work, live, and play at an exclusive French estate: Chateau Rosabelle.

[12/30/23 - 11:01 AM]
Video: A Look Into the Future - "Marvel Studios' What If...?" - Disney+
There are infinite stories and endless possibilities across the Multiverse.

[12/30/23 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "From Me to You: Kimi ni Todoke" Season 3 - Series Highlights - Netflix
Season 3 starts streaming in 2024, only on Netflix.

[12/28/23 - 06:01 PM]
Video: "Doctor Slump" - Official Teaser - Netflix
Once academic prodigies, now burnt-out doctors run into each other at their lowest points, to spark the old rivalry or a new romance.

[12/28/23 - 04:01 AM]
Video: "Break Point" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix
The world's top tennis players return to the courts and set their sights on glory once again during another grueling Grand Slam season.

[12/27/23 - 10:31 AM]
Video: "Guns & Gulaabs" - Season 2 - Coming Soon
Season 2 is coming only on Netflix.

[12/25/23 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Rebel Moon - Part Two: The Scargiver" - Official Teaser - Netflix
"Rebel Moon - Part Two: The Scargiver" premieres on Netflix April 19, 2024.

[12/24/23 - 10:01 AM]
Video: "Dave Chappelle: The Dreamer" - Official Trailer - Netflix
From his onstage tackle to the slap heard round the world, Dave Chappelle lets loose in this freewheeling and unfiltered stand-up comedy special.

[12/22/23 - 06:31 AM]
Video: "Captains of the World" - Official Trailer - Netflix
From the locker room to the pitch, this docuseries offers exclusive access to all 32 teams as they fight for football glory in the 2022 FIFA World Cup.

[12/22/23 - 02:01 AM]
Video: "Kubra" - Date Announcement - Netflix
When a suburban man receives messages that seem to predict the future, he develops a following - and powerful enemies.

[12/21/23 - 07:01 PM]
Video: "Delicious in Dungeon" - Official Trailer 2 - Netflix
Dungeons, dragons... and delicious monster stew!? Adventurers foray into a cursed buried kingdom to save their friend, cooking up a storm along the way.

[12/21/23 - 07:01 AM]
Video: What's Coming to Prime Video In 2024 - Prime Video
Returning series include "Outer Range," "Them," "Invincible" and "The Boys."

[12/20/23 - 04:01 PM]
Video: "The Bequeathed" - Official Teaser - Netflix
A young woman inherits land upon the sudden death of her uncle and finds herself mired in strange events that unravel deeply buried family troubles.

[12/20/23 - 07:31 AM]
Video: "Love on the Spectrum U.S." - Season 2 Official Trailer - Netflix
Single people with autism - including new romantic hopefuls and familiar faces - search for the perfect partner in this dating docuseries.

[12/20/23 - 05:01 AM]
Video: "You Are What You Eat: A Twin Experiment" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Identical twins change their diets and lifestyles for eight weeks in a unique scientific experiment designed to explore how certain foods impact the body.

[12/19/23 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Spaceman" Starring Adam Sandler - Official First Look - Netflix
An astronaut realizes that the marriage he left behind might not be waiting for him when he returns to Earth.

[12/19/23 - 05:01 AM]
Video: Prime Video Releases Trailer for Lulu Wang's Limited Series "Expats," Starring Nicole Kidman, Sarayu Blue, and Ji-young Yoo
The series will premiere with two episodes on January 26, with new episodes launching weekly until the finale on February 23.

[12/18/23 - 08:53 AM]
Video: New Trailer & Key Art - Hulu's First Live-Action/Anime Hybrid Original Series "Dragons of Wonderhatch"
When an outcast from an animated world full of dragons meets a misfit from the "real world", an epic tale will unfold.

[12/18/23 - 08:05 AM]
Video: Prime Video Premieres the Spectacular "Zorro" Trailer, Along with a Stellar Cast and an Exciting Soundtrack
The series from Prime Video and Secuoya Studios that will premiere on January 19 in Latin America and the United States, and on January 25 in Spain, Andorra and Portugal.

[12/18/23 - 07:31 AM]
Video: New Teaser Released from the Highly-Anticipated Limited Series, "Monsieur Spade"
Clive Owen plays the iconic, hard-boiled private detective Sam Spade in the six-episode crime drama co-created, written and executive produced by Emmy Award-winners Scott Frank, who also serves as director, and Tom Fontana.

[12/18/23 - 06:31 AM]
Video: "The Kitchen" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Izi's close to escaping The Kitchen, one of London's last remaining housing estates. But when young Benji enters his life, he faces some hard decisions.

[12/18/23 - 02:05 AM]
Video: "Cristobal Balenciaga" - Disney+ Shares New Footage in Trailer for Original Series Premiering Exclusively on January 19
The original drama series recreates the life and legacy of the Guetaria-born Spanish creator, one of the most iconic fashion designers of all time.

[12/17/23 - 08:46 PM]
Video: "Rick and Morty: The Anime" - Sneak Peek - Adult Swim
While flying near space distortion, Rick finds himself surrounded by multiple versions of himself from parallel universes.

[12/16/23 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Sonic Prime" Season 3 Trailer - Netflix After School
When Nine steals the Paradox Prism to create a world all for himself, Sonic must team up with unlikely allies to protect the Shatterverse as he knows it.

[12/15/23 - 10:31 PM]
Video: "Indian Police Force" Season 1 - Official Teaser - Prime Video India
The seven-part action-packed series created by Rohit Shetty, and directed by Rohit Shetty and Sushwanth Prakash is a homage to the relentless commitment of Indian police officers.

[12/15/23 - 10:58 AM]
Video: CBS Drops the First Official Trailer for "Tracker" Starring Justin Hartley as Reward Seeker Colter Shaw
The series is based on the bestselling novel "The Never Game" by Jeffery Deaver.

[12/15/23 - 05:01 AM]
Video: Apple TV+ Reveals the New Teaser Trailer for the Highly Anticipated New Documentary Event "Messi's World Cup: The Rise of a Legend," Premiering February 21, 2024
In his own words, Lionel Messi tells the definitive story of his incredible career with the Argentina national football team, providing an intimate and unprecedented look at his quest for a legacy-defining World Cup victory.

[12/14/23 - 10:31 AM]
Video: "Sixty Minutes" - Official Trailer - Netflix
MMA fighter Octavio (Emilio Sakraya) has one hour to make it to his daughter's birthday party or he'll lose custody forever.

[12/14/23 - 09:29 AM]
Video: Max Releases Official Trailer and Key Art for "Oprah and The Color Purple Journey"
Oprah Winfrey takes viewers inside the four-decade phenomenon, exploring the importance of the novel, films and musical, and the ever-evolving conversation around this seminal work.

[12/14/23 - 09:29 AM]
Video: Amazon Freevee Releases Official Trailer and Premiere Date for Season Four of "UNINTERRUPTED's Top Class: The Life and Times of the Sierra Canyon Trailblazers"
It's been two years of heartbreak for Sierra Canyon, after falling short of the California state title. Now, in Bronny James' senior year, the Trailblazers will take on their toughest test yet and reestablish their dominance in the Golden State.

[12/14/23 - 09:10 AM]
Video: Bravo's "Married to Medicine" Midseason Supertease Is Here!
Following this Sunday's installment, new episodes will resume on Sunday, January 7.

[12/14/23 - 08:05 AM]
Video: Emmy Award-Winning "RuPaul's Drag Race" Unveils Trailer and Guest Judges Including Charlize Theron for the Season 16 Premiere Friday, January 5th at 8:00 PM ET/PT on MTV
Adam Shankman, Becky G, Icona Pop, Isaac Mizrahi, Jamal Sims, Joel Kim Booster, Kaia Gerber, Kelsea Ballerini, Kyra Sedgwick, Law Roach, Mayan Lopez, Ronan Farrow, and Sarah Michelle Gellar will also serve on the panel.

[12/14/23 - 08:03 AM]
Video: "The Traitors" - Season 2 - Official Trailer - Peacock Original
Hosted by the deliciously witty Alan Cumming, the season's first three episodes will be available to stream Friday, January 12 and weekly on Thursdays at 6pm PT/9pm ET thereafter.

[12/14/23 - 05:31 AM]
Video: "Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F" - Official Teaser Trailer - Netflix
Detective Axel Foley (Eddie Murphy) is back on the beat in Beverly Hills. After his daughter's life is threatened, she (Taylour Paige) and Foley team up with a new partner (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) and old pals Billy Rosewood (Judge Reinhold) and John Taggart (John Ashton) to turn up the heat and uncover a conspiracy.

[12/14/23 - 02:10 AM]
Video: "The Castaways" - Official Trailer - Paramount+
Lori and Erin are on the holiday of a lifetime to Fiji. But after a huge fight, Erin never boards their final flight and the plane never arrives at its destination. Months later, no plane has been found, no survivors discovered. Until now.

[12/13/23 - 03:00 PM]
Video: First Look at "We Are Family" Premiering Wednesday, January 3, on FOX
Anthony Anderson and his mama Doris host the ultimate musical guessing game where the singers are the relatives of the hottest names in sports, music, entertainment and pop culture.

[12/13/23 - 08:01 AM]
Video: Prime Video Releases Wickedly Entertaining Official Trailer for the New Adult Animated Musical "Hazbin Hotel"
The first season consists of eight episodes, with four episodes premiering on Prime Video January 19, and two episodes rolling out weekly through February 2.

  [january 2024]  

(series past and present)
(series in development)
(tv movies and mini-series)

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[02/03/25 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Grosse Pointe Garden Society" - Official Trailer - NBC
When four members of a garden club get entangled in a scandalous murder, they're forced to bury the body - in their own well-manicured flower beds.

[02/03/25 - 07:17 AM]
Video: Apple TV+ Debuts Trailer for Season Two of the Highly Anticipated Psychological Thriller "Surface"
Starring and executive produced by Gugu Mbatha-Raw and created by Veronica West, the acclaimed psychological thriller returns for its eight-episode second season on Friday, February 21, followed by new episodes every Friday through April 11.

[02/03/25 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Cobra Kai" Season 6 Part 3 - Final Trailer - Netflix
Granted one final chance to finish the Sekai Taikai, Daniel, Johnny and the team lay it all on the line in the ultimate championship showdown.

[01/31/25 - 07:30 AM]
Video: Acorn TV Releases Trailer and Key Art for New Zealand Mystery Series "A Remarkable Place to Die"
Starring Chelsie Preston Crawford and acclaimed Australian actress Rebecca Gibney, the four-episode original series premieres Monday, February 17 on Acorn TV in the US and Canada, with new episodes releasing weekly.

[01/31/25 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Wolf Hall: The Mirror and the Light" Preview
Based on the final novel in Hilary Mantel's multi award-winning trilogy, "Wolf Hall: The Mirror and the Light" premieres on "Masterpiece" Sunday, March 23.

[01/31/25 - 06:01 AM]
Video: Next on Netflix - Select Films & Series International Slate
A collection of sneak peeks and first looks from Sweden, Turkey, Denmark, Germany, Mexico, Italy, Brazil, Norway and Australia.

[01/31/25 - 02:01 AM]
Video: Netflix Unveils the Official Trailer for "Aitana: Metamorphosis"
The documentary series will invite Aitana's fans to get to know her as they have never seen her before, enjoying her greatest hits and navigating complicated bumps in a process of personal and professional growth and maturity as she continues to establish herself as one of the biggest stars of Spanish music.

[01/30/25 - 04:43 PM]
Video: Official Trailer #3 - "Common Side Effects" - February 2 - Adult Swim
The series premieres this Sunday, February 2 at 11:30/10:30c on Adult Swim, next day on Max.

[01/30/25 - 04:10 PM]
Video: Netflix Debuted Highly Anticipated Slate with New Title Announcements, New Clips, New Images, Full Slate and More
2025 marks the return of some of Netflix's most popular shows of all time and the release of huge new films and series from some of the biggest names in entertainment.

[01/30/25 - 09:30 AM]
Video: AMC/AMC+ Debut the Pulse-Pounding Official Trailer for Returning Hit Noir Thriller, "Dark Winds," Starring Zahn McClarnon
"Dark Winds" returns with all-new episodes exclusively on AMC and AMC+ on Sunday, March 9 at 9pm ET/PT, with new episodes airing weekly on Sundays.

[01/29/25 - 09:01 PM]
Video: Trailer for "Dalah: Death and the Flowers" Reveals More Clues - Uncover the Mystery on February 27
Netflix has unveiled the main trailer for the murder mystery series "Dalah: Death and the Flowers," offering a deeper look into the shocking death of a promising prime ministerial candidate.

[01/29/25 - 08:01 PM]
Video: "Sosyal Climbers" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Stuck with a massive debt after falling for a scam, two wannabe socialites create elaborate fake identities to swindle the rich out of their money.

[01/29/25 - 07:01 PM]
Video: "The Most Beautiful Girl in the World" - Official Trailer - Netflix
A playboy stages a dating show to earn his inheritance by granting his father's last wish: for his son to marry the most beautiful girl in the world.

[01/29/25 - 10:30 AM]
Video: "Deli Boys" - Official Teaser - Hulu
Things are about to get messy. Stream "Deli Boys" on March 6, only on Hulu.

[01/29/25 - 09:31 AM]
Video: "Anuja" - Official Trailer - Netflix
When a brilliant nine-year-old working in a sweatshop gets a chance to attend school, she must make a difficult choice for her and her sister's future.